The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 591: Transport airship

Unlike the suburbs of Port Saite, which are factories and handicraft workshops, the outskirts of Simps are a piece of wasteland. This is not only because there is no train passing through, and it is not possible to borrow railways to transport large amounts of materials. This is because this wasteland is a soft slough. Unlike the port, the foundation is hard rock. Once a large building is built here, it will gradually sink over time.

However, this does not mean that the land has no economic value. In the past, I did not know when someone brought a reed seed from Mozambique and sprinkled it on this land. This reed seed is very suitable for This saline-alkali swamp grows inside, and the growth cycle is very short, and it can fully mature in a week.

Some paper craftsmen found that the paper made from this reed is soft and white, which is very suitable for some special situations. So the slums of Simpus have built dozens of such hand-made paper workshops because of their The source of raw materials is very simple, hardly costs money, and only requires a little manual effort, so over time this has become an important economic pillar of the urban poor.

On the way the steam trailer passes, you can see many people from the bottom of the slums harvesting reeds in the dense reeds, but this situation can only be seen in the suburbs. The far suburbs that are too far away are the growth areas of swamp beasts and poisonous insects. Unless it is combined into a team that can take care of each other, it is impossible for ordinary citizens to go to this dangerous place to harvest reeds.

  For people familiar with the surrounding environment of Simps, the danger of the far suburbs is also well known. Although the passengers in the car are very new to the hotel’s credit, they still make some defensive responses instinctively.

   For example, the voices in the car are much quieter, and they put their hands in their clothes or purses. It seems that they are all ready to deal with possible attacks.

  However, the attack that everyone feared did not appear, and the steam trailer finally docked on a small barren hill in the reed field in the far suburbs. Followed by the signal that everyone could wait in the car or get off the car.

   Everyone in the room didn't understand what was waiting in the other person's mouth. Some of these impatient people directly asked the driver who brought them, and the driver just responded by letting them wait to know.

   There was no way for everyone to wait in the car. About ten minutes passed, and suddenly there was a noisy mechanical sound in the empty reed field outside.

Everyone in the car heard the sound and looked out through the window. What was amazing was that although the sound was loud and seemed to be nearby, no one saw anything unusual in the reeds. .

  The passengers in the car only looked up at Leo, and their eyes seemed to pass through the ceiling above them and saw the sky.

   And Leo’s move was too prominent, and someone soon discovered it, and the man seemed to have thought of looking at the ground, and screamed in surprise: "The airship is an airship."

With the reminder of this person, everyone realized where the noisy mechanical sound came from. It was just because of the limitation of the roof that they could not see the sky outside, so they all got out of the car one by one. I looked up and looked up, and then one by one exclaimed.

   It's just that their emotions mixed with exclamation changed quickly, and it only took a short time from the initial surprise to the surprise.

  Leo also walked down the car like other passengers at this time, and looked up to the sky, and when he looked up too much, a very large shadow covered the passengers and the car below.

I saw that at the moment there was a huge airship floating in the cloudless sky. This airship was roughly estimated, about 100 meters long and more than 10 meters wide. Looking up from the ground is like looking at a huge monster. It makes people feel an inexplicable shock.

   In the world of vinylon, airships have appeared long ago, even before steam engines. Its appearance stemmed from an accident in the laboratory. In that accident, the master craftsman of the Royal French Empire students discovered a very light gas, and used this gas as the power, making it the first People balloons.

At the time, the invention attracted the attention of the imperial emperor, because if this balloon proved to be truly transportable, then the Black Forest was no longer an obstacle for the French Empire. They could cross the Black Forest from the sky. To more effectively rule the western part of the French Empire.

   As for the people in the western part of the French Empire, they were also keenly aware of the invention of this balloon, which might change the relatively free and relaxed political environment of the people in the west.

   Because of this, the first public pilot of the manned balloon attracted the attention of the entire French Empire, and other countries also put their attention here for various reasons.

   The first balloon test was very successful. The balloon was successfully lifted off with the expected maximum weight of cargo and people, and reached the expected height.

Because of this success, governments of various countries began to order their domestic academies to start researching similar balloon devices, and the French Empire increased its investment in balloon practicability, and the master craftsmen of the Royal Academy did not live up to expectations. Within a month, the air guide device for the balloon and the human spiral airflow propulsion device were invented.

In this case, the second balloon test soon began. This time, instead of carrying the cargo, it was all manned. There were a total of five people, one of whom was responsible for controlling the steering device, and four were responsible for controlling the human propeller. , Create artificial air flow, and push the balloon to move in a predetermined direction.

   This test is a practical test, which is more eye-catching than the first test. Countries no longer just send observers to see the situation, but they are led by the ambassadors of various countries in France.

However, this test was both successful and failed. After the test balloon was lifted off, it began to move in the air as expected. It can be said that it was completely successful, but then an accident occurred. After the balloon moved to an airspace, a large number of The birds are stimulating, flying out of the woods on the ground like crazy, attacking the balloon in the sky crazy, and the people in the balloon are also the targets of the attack.

   Until the balloon was destroyed and crashed, the crazy birds did not disperse, and the people inside the balloon died not because of the crash, but because of the attack of those birds.

Although this test ended in failure, it did not affect the confidence of the French Empire and the Vellon countries in manned balloons. They believed that the balloons were attacked by birds only because they inadvertently entered the airspace of birds. Some people inside the empire also think that this is the power of the Black Forest to control birds. I don’t want the balloon experiment to succeed, because the location of this experiment is just on the edge of the Black Forest, and in the experiment plan, the balloon will also fly in. Over the Black Forest for a while.

   Therefore, after the failure of this test, the support of the French Empire for this test has not weakened, and the same is true of various countries. In accordance with the data and plans of this test, a balloon flight test of their own country was carried out.

But soon they found that things were not as smooth as they thought. In all balloon flight tests, except for a few failures due to improper testing equipment failure, all other failed tests are without exception. Such attacks led to the crash of test equipment and casualties of test personnel.

At this time, the biological research scholars of the medical school came forward to explain this situation. It turns out that all birds in the Velon world have a strong desire to control the air. They will divide the airspace according to some undiscovered laws. Once other birds break in Entering their airspace, then the birds sharing that airspace will invariably attack the intruder together until the intruder dies, and the flying balloon is an intruder in the eyes of these birds.

Since then, various countries have looked for various ways to solve the problem of bird attacks, some of which are effective. For example, every time you fly, find the priest of the sky master to bless the balloon, such as let the balloon walk in the bird attack Weak desires to make airspace edges and so on, but these methods finally proved to be unable to solve the problem.

For example, let the balloon walk on the edge of bird airspace, this approach seems feasible, but the premise is that there must be a detailed bird airspace control chart, and after research, it is found that birds divide the airspace with this The group varies, that is, the airspace is not fixed.

As for the blessing of the priest of the sky lord, this is okay. With the blessing of the sky lord, no bird will make any attack, but the blessing of the sky lord is generally a blessing to the believers at major celebrations. The number of blessings that each priest can initiate in a year is limited. They can't take care of the careful believers. How can they bless some balloons as a means of transportation?

Because of the reasons for these birds, the idea of ​​transporting balloons has failed, and the invention of steam engines and steam trains has allowed countries to see another convenient and powerful means of transportation. Balloons have become an unrealistic dream in the eyes of everyone. Give up exploring the sky.

  However, this situation has changed a bit since the French Empire made a practical airship.

As the initiator of the transportation balloon, the French Empire never gave up the research on transportation balloons, and finally let them create a flying tool such as an airship, and let it play an extraordinary effect in some subsequent wars. Among them, the most famous airship is naturally the current emperor of France.

   has always been a mystery about why the airship can avoid being attacked by birds.

   Some people say that the French Empire has developed a sound device that can interfere with birds and make them reluctant to approach airships. There are many people who agree with this statement, because every time the airship appears, it is accompanied by huge noises, even if people can't stand these noises, let alone birds that are more vulnerable than people.

But more people think that the French Empire should have received some support from the Black Forest, so that it can avoid the attack of birds, because some people who have been to the airship have seen that there are some decorative idols and The church gods announced by the Orthodox Church are different.

In any case, everyone agrees that the French Empire has mastered a mature technology that can evade the birds in the sky. It is only because of the manufacturing cost and technical requirements of the airship that it is impossible to build an airship army on a large scale, but it is undeniable that The French Empire was the first mortal kingdom to conquer the sky.

  Now that everyone saw an airship falling from the sky, they naturally felt shocked and surprised, and they were even more curious about how the airship avoided the attack of birds.

   It's just that when they saw the shape of the airship clearly, all emotions such as shock, surprise, curiosity, etc., became strong doubts, because the very appearance of this ship was too bad.

I can see that the airship airbag of this spaceship feels like a piece of rags and broken skins. Some skins like patches can be seen everywhere. As for the cabin suspended under the airship, it is even more outrageous. A small boat was transformed, and even the barnacle attached to the boat was not removed.

"Are you crazy? Actually want to let us achieve such a thing, through the blockade." After recovering, some bad-tempered passengers immediately shouted at the hotel driver responsible for giving away, putting their hands more If you don’t give a satisfactory answer to the weapon in your waist, you will get rid of you.

"If I were you, you wouldn't do that!" The driver was not afraid of the threats of the irritable passengers, and said coldly: "You should go to the rules of the hotel. If you dare to break the rules, even if you dare to go to Mosang mainland , The hotel also has a way to find you."

Hearing the driver’s words, the person who had just been restless quickly calmed They seemed to know the strength of the hotel, and they could not only endure the anger in their hearts, removed their hands from their weapons, and were vicious Stared at the driver, waiting for the other party to explain.

The coachman looked at the people and smiled at them with a relaxed tone: "I know you will question the airship's transportation ability after seeing the airship, but our hotel can guarantee that the airship is safe and effective. Because you are not the first people to be transported by airships, everyone else has arrived at their destination smoothly, so you don’t have to worry at all."

   The driver's words did not reassure everyone too much. Many people have already begun to prepare to give up the deposit and return to the hotel to find other ways to break through the blockade.

But when the airship landed, the cabin door was opened, and the pale-looking Deliyats came out of the cabin. Many of them came out and sat on the ground with their hands and feet soft, and a few ignored it. The image is vomiting, and it looks a bit bad.

"Uh, this is not suitable for a long time in the air travel, just some normal reactions, please rest assured that you will not cause any substantial harm to your body." Seeing this situation, the driver's face was a bit ugly, and he immediately turned towards Everyone explained.

  However, for everyone present, they did not care about the situation of these people, they even more concerned about whether these people really came from Deliyat through the blockade.



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