The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 593: to chat with

For the passengers boarding the ship, they may still be in the mood of worry and fear at first, but as the airship flew into the air and flew forward, excitement and curiosity immediately replaced the previous emotions. They were in their respective cabins Invariably, the choice lies in the glass window to grasp outward.

It's just that after they look out, everyone has different adverse effects, most of them are because of height, their hands and feet are soft, and it is difficult to walk, and there is another person who is like a train motion sickness. Feeling dizzy and disgusting, I found a wooden barrel that I had prepared on the boat and spit out everything I ate last night to this morning, and then fell pale on the bed, except for the two hums from time to time. The same as dead.

The crew on the airship had known this for a long time, and then marketed one by one cabin to sell a medicine that could alleviate the bad symptoms. Although the passengers on the ship were somewhat dissatisfied with this behavior of robbery by fire, they could not bear the pain in the end. The feeling, the medicine juice bought at a high price.

   However, this medicine is indeed very effective. After drinking it, although the adverse reactions of them can not be completely eliminated, it has been weakened a lot, at least it will not affect some of their ordinary activities.

   "Don't you need some medicine?" The staff who knocked on the door of Leo's cabin was surprised when they saw Leo in normal condition, but they still asked about it on a routine basis.

   "No need." Leo shook his head, then asked: "When is the deck open?"

"Sorry, because in the air, the wind is very strong, without special training and special equipment, it is difficult for ordinary people to stay on the deck, so we generally do not open the deck." The staff immediately responded and suggested: " If you want to see the sky, you can go to our restaurant, where there are large windows, you can see the outside view, and there are some game supplies and books for guests to pass the time."

   Leo nodded, and under the direction of the staff, he came to the restaurant on the lower deck of the deck, which is the entertainment room.

  Because the passengers on the ship are still adapting to the high-altitude environment, there are only a few staff on the ship in the restaurant. They are talking about how much money they have made by selling the juice. When Leo came in, they all turned down the volume.

   Leo ignored these people and walked to the sofa near the window to sit down, picked up a book on the shelf next to it, and flipped it up.

  Because it is read for the guests at leisure, the books on the bookshelf are not highly knowledgeable books, most of them are some of Dalyat’s folk myths and Dalyat’s landscape guides.

Although these books are common to Deliyat, Leo reads with interest. Although there are also books about Deliyat in the English Kingdom, most of these books are introduced to other countries in the Velon world. Introduce Deliyat.

  Like the French Empire, most of the impressions of the Inge Kingdom as an overlord of the sea on Dialyt are somewhat discriminatory, and they do not think that Dialyte is the only three major kingdoms in Minsk. The vast majority of the Inge people think that the Deliyats are a group of northern barbarians, and there is no civilization at all, so the publishing house of the Inge Kingdom also caters to these people and has included a large number of books in the introduction of Dailiat With strongly discriminatory text, the substantive content is extremely rare.

  These books Leo reads at the moment contain a large number of past and present living conditions, geographical environment, etc. of Dialat, so that he can understand the situation of Dialat more easily.

   While Leo was reading a book, some pale-faced passengers came to the restaurant one after another, buying some bargain bargains from bartenders at the bar, and using the power of alcohol to suppress their disgust.

Among these people, there is the husband of the businessman couple just now. His physique is good, and it seems that this is not the first time he has traveled in such a high-altitude airship, so he is more able to adapt to this welcome than his bodyguard. After two glasses of wine, it quickly returned to normal.

   At this time, he saw Leo who was reading a book leisurely by a limited window. If it was the usual time and other circumstances, Leo's state would not attract the attention of others. Now, his leisurely attitude is too abnormal.

   "Hello!" The businessman walked to the seat opposite Leo with great interest. After sitting down, he said hello.

   Leo looked up at the businessman, nodded at him, and did not respond.

"Raleigh Jon, a leather goods dealer of Deliyat." The businessman was not embarrassed by Leo's indifference. Instead, he seemed to be familiar with himself. While introducing himself, he politely extended towards Leo. Shot.

   Leo looked at the other person's hand, but he didn't reach out and held it, but with a tone of rejection that was thousands of miles away, Shen Sheng asked, "Is something wrong?"

As a successful businessman, Rayleigh Jon is very good at communication. He was not discouraged by Leo’s attitude, but rather retracted his outstretched hand very gracefully, and then said with a smile: "The next few days, We will all stay on this airship, and there is nothing else to do if we think about it. If we don’t chat with each other and pass the time, I’m afraid it will be sad.”

  Leo ignored the other party.

The businessman looked at Leo’s book again and said, “Are you going to visit Deliat? If yes, I suggest you go to Moss Lake to see it. It’s my hometown. It’s fishing season now. Every day, you can see thousands of fishing boats depart from the pier, go deep into the just-frozen Moss ice lake, and catch all kinds of fish. You can never forget the sight once you have seen it once."

This familiar approach of the other party made Leo, who wanted to study quietly, feel a little unhappy. He closed the book in his hand, looked at the businessman who was sitting across from him, and kept silent for a while, said: "Although you The Deliyat language is very proficient and can use the spoken language of the Deliyat Moss area freely, but the habit you have developed for many years still reveals your true accent. You are not Sri Lankan, you are the Huer Shanmin of the French Empire."

Leo's words made the businessman stunned. Although his expression was a little surprised, he quickly concealed the past, and a little smile squeezed out on his face, saying: "Are you misunderstanding? I am the real Moss Man, why did you become that Huer Shanmin in your mouth?"

"When you just said the words hometown, scenery, and fishing boat, you used a bi-syllable with a curly tongue. In the languages ​​of the Vellon countries, only Huer Shanmin is accustomed to using this kind of pronunciation when speaking. This is also the best standard for identification of Huer Shanmin.” Leo analyzed the accent of each other like a linguist. As the smile on the businessman’s face gradually weakened, he added: “The Huer region It is the royal area directly under the French Empire. Mount Huer people have always been the source of soldiers of the Royal Guard. In addition, the intelligence department of the French Empire has chosen Hu Er mountain people as intelligence personnel."

   The smile on the merchant's face had completely disappeared at this moment. He looked pale at Leo, as if he wanted to find out from Leo's appearance.

Leo continued: "You can adapt to the high altitude environment of the airship so quickly, you can see that you have boarded the airship before, and it is a long time, so you must have a certain status in the Royal Guard of the French Empire, otherwise it is impossible to stay for a long time. On the airship. But now you are an important person of the Royal Guard, but you have become a merchant of Deliyat. The only possibility is that he was recruited by the intelligence department of the French Empire and became a long-term intelligence lurking in Deliyat. personnel."

   "You..." The businessman pointed at Leo and was speechless for a while. From his expression, it was not difficult to see that his heart was full of panic.

"You are pretending to be a Dalyat and marry here and have children. You must be a very important intelligence officer, and this time you hurried back to Dalyat. If I expected it to be good, it should be for the Dalyat. The matter of metal trade negotiations," Leo continued without expression. "However, you did not choose other safer channels to bypass the blockade. Instead, you chose this airship. I am afraid that you want to know the technical secret of the airship. , To see if it can be used on the airship of the French Empire. According to what I have done, the airship of the French Empire has never been out of the surrounding area of ​​the Black Forest, which means that the airship of the French Empire will not be attacked by birds. , What agreement should be signed with the Black Forest, and now this airship clearly has the ability to fly freely in the sky, so..."

   "You... who are you?" The businessman Raleigh Jon couldn't resist the horror in his heart, interrupted Leo's painting, and asked with a trembling voice.

   "I am just an ordinary person who wants to read, but is disturbed by a fool," Leo stared at the businessman and said, "Are you still ready to continue chatting with me?"

Where does the businessman dare to sit down now? Although he doesn’t know how Leo saw his identity, he is quite sure that if he continues to sit down, his secrets might be pulled out by the other party a little bit. This kind of situation that was seen through made him feel inexplicable fear.

   I saw the businessman trembling and sat up from the chair, and then hurriedly ran out of the restaurant. The businessman's behavior also attracted the attention of others in the restaurant. They all looked at Leo. There was some doubt as to what Leo did to make a man who was able to adapt to the high-altitude environment so quickly panicked.

   Leo ignored the eyes around him and picked up the book in his hand again.

  The following day, the businessman did not appear in the restaurant again, apparently terrified by Leo.

   In the daytime, in order to avoid being discovered by too many people, the flying route chosen by the airship is not a manned town, but a mountain range and wilderness without too many people.

When flying through these places, there were several large numbers of birds flying out of the forest in the mountains below. It looked like it was about to attack the airship, but when it was about to fly near the airship, it sprayed from the pipe around the airship. Some gas came out, and these gases were wrapped around the airship like fog, and after the menacing birds encountered these gases, they all flew back and back into the woods like they met natural enemies, until The airship flew away and never appeared again.

When there was still some time before night, the airship landed slowly over a castle square. The security guard on the boat climbed the rope ladder very skillfully, tied a rein to the stone pillar of the castle, and then climbed back to the airship. on.

  After fixing the airship over the castle, the crew on the ship also notified the passengers one by one, indicating that the airship would be docked here tonight for one night.

The reason is not that flying at night is dangerous, but when the Minsk continent arrives at night, the cold air in the north will go south. At this time, the airship will continue to fly north, and it will only go against the wind. More fuel.

   did not express much disagreement with the passengers on the airship. For them, the airship could not stop temporarily because they had been eager to enjoy the down-to-earth feeling after spending all day in the air.

   So at the request of the passengers, after a little check of the safety around the castle, the security guards on the ship put the passengers on the airship one by one on the ground, set up the tent, and lit the campfire, let them spend the night in the castle tonight.

The former businessman named Raleigh Jon did not get off the airship, but let his wife go down to the ground and let the bodyguard follow him, but he himself stayed on the boat, as if he was deliberately avoiding Leo, and he also wanted to Look for opportunities to explore the secrets of airships dispersing birds at night.

   Leo also chose to return to the ground, not because he couldn't stand the swaying environment in the but because the castle below aroused his interest.

According to the staff on the ship, the castle below is one of the stops that they organized to find for the airship. This castle was a very important military fortress during the kings of the ancient Maris Kingdom, but as the kingdom unified The military fortress will be useless and abandoned. Only the name of the military fortress is retained in some old military files. The small fortress is the name of the fortress.

  For ordinary people, this military fortress is just an abandoned fortress, but for Leo, this military fortress is very special, because this fortress has been recorded in an ancient book about the daily life of wizards.

   There were three tower wizards who had fought here with an evil **** named justice and killed justice completely.

   This record looks very contradictory, because in the recognition it is impossible for justice to be related to evil, but if it is absolute justice, then for ordinary people, it is equivalent to absolute evil.

   At that time, many knights who were bewitched by this justice evil **** cleaned some ordinary villages like a massacre, and the reason for the slaughter was only because of the minor problems in the daily behavior of the villagers here.

   At that time, three high-tower wizards just passed by here and were attacked by the Knight of Justice, so they intervened in this matter and launched a war with the Justice God. ...


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