The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 635: Loopholes in the world of consciousness

   The crystal magic book stored in the storage space at this moment continuously shines a burst of blue light, and it feels like receiving a certain signal.


After discovering this, Leo wanted to take the crystalline magic book out of the storage space, but soon he found that although he could feel the existence of the crystalline magic book, he couldn't take it out as if he felt Everything is just illusory.


   "The world of consciousness? Is it because of the world of consciousness?" Leo thought that it was probably a false world created from his memory. If so, then he would naturally be unable to take out any objects from the storage space.


However, just when Leo gave up taking out the crystalline magic book and prepared to let consciousness withdraw from the storage space, the crystal stones on the ground suddenly turned into some colorful wonders, integrated into Leo’s body, and followed his consciousness and The crystal magic book has a connection, and the light on the surface of the crystal magic book instantly blooms, which looks very eye-catching.


As Leo’s consciousness was completely shrouded in the light from the crystal magic book, a large amount of information also appeared in Leo’s brain. These messages are all a kind of magic, a kind of crystallization only belonging to the clean old man in the big library Magic crystal sword.


   Soon the light disappeared, and there was a witchcraft in Leo’s mind that was completely promoted by psionic energy.


   Leo did not immediately recover from the information obtained from his brain. Instead, he immersed himself in the power of the crystal sword and the principle of this crystal magic.


As a magic elaborately created by the crystalline old man, the power of the crystalline sword is naturally also powerful. None of the psionic skills, witchcraft and deities he masters now can compare with the lethality, and This magic is still a melee magic. The most crucial point is that this is a strategic-level psionic skill with no upper limit like the thunder gun.


There is a prerequisite for the display of the crystal sword, that is, there must be a wizard artifact. When this crystal magic is displayed, the crystal sword will condense into a crystal sword with this wizard artifact as the core, and More importantly, this crystalline sword looks very heavy, but in fact, the weight of the crystalline sword is almost equal to zero, even the weight of the wizard's strange thing as the root will be lost, he is like holding a large air The sword is the same.


Compared with the Thunder Gun, the Crystal Sword has a much faster deployment speed, and it almost does not require a relatively long accumulation. Even on the battlefield that changes rapidly, he can display the Crystal Sword in time when fighting with people. There is no doubt that as long as he is familiar with the use of the crystal sword, this special witchcraft will definitely become one of his commonly used psionic skills.


  Although the crystal sword is amazingly powerful and quick to use, this special magic is not without its shortcomings. Its shortcoming is that its casting speed and power are not only related to its own psionic level, but also related to the magical objects in its hands.


As with all psionic skills, the higher the psionic level of the Crystal Sword user, the faster the cast speed and power will increase, but for the special Crystal Magic of the Crystal Sword, the psionic level The highlands only account for less than two-thirds of their total power, and the remaining one-third depends on the pros and cons of wizards and wonders as a medium.


   Judging from the information obtained from the brain, the higher the wizard magical objects are, the more powerful they are, and the greater the power of the crystal sword will be, and the faster it will be displayed.


   But the wizard's wonder is not the best medium for casting the crystal sword. The soul crystal produced after the soul trap burns the soul is the best medium for crystal street.


According to the information in the brain, the crystal old man has a deep research on the crystal of the soul. He divided the crystal of the soul into nine levels. The highest level of nature is the crystal of the soul produced by the spirit of the god. The crystal swords exhibited by the media are too powerful to describe.


  In the memory of the Great Sword Knight, the crystalline old man seems to be the Veja warship destroyed with the crystalline big sword, and the scene of his display reminded Leo of the particle cutting performed by some omega-class advanced living bodies in the universe that are good at controlling energy.


I don’t know how much time has passed. Leo didn’t get out of this immersive state until the methods and taboos of the crystal sword were fully integrated, and he couldn’t wait to cast this crystal magic immediately, want to see this How powerful is the crystal magic of the door.


  Although Leo also has many soul crystals collected in the past, those things are in the storage space and cannot be used, so he only uses the gemini in his hand as the medium of the crystal sword.


   Leo did not change the Gemini into the most powerful Gemini Sacrifice Sword mode, but kept the weakest Gemini Glove Mode, and then he used the method of crystallizing the sword to exert psionic power.


Soon a ray of light was wrapped in the twin gloves, and then two rays of light were sprayed from the two gloves, one to two feet in length, and one meter to more than one meter, and the two rays were not scattered. The signs converge on the contrary. When the light subsides, there are only two short and wide swords connected to the glove. It looks like two glove swords.


Leo tried it and cut the bottom surface. The two crystal swords split the bottom surface very easily. It was as sharp as tofu. This sharpness feels similar to the power of the Gemini sacrifice knife, except that there is no sacrifice. This function.


   After Leo increased the input of psionic power, the size of the bayonet was only a little longer, and then there was no other change.


"The display speed is very fast, similar to the general psionic skills, but the secret state is very good, and it can have unexpected effects." Leo quickly sorted out the use environment of the crystal sword in his mind. Imagine, During the battle, the glove suddenly became a pair of extremely sharp glove swords, which was absolutely fatal to his enemies.


Leo dispelled the crystal sword, checked his psionic powers, and found that just a moment later, he consumed at least one tenth of the psionic powers. Obviously, the sixth-level psionicists are not enough to support this special crystal magic long. Use of time.


After Leo, I tried again, using the Gemini Cross Sword mode to display the crystalline big sword. This time, the power displayed was twice as strong as before, and the blade became thinner and longer. About six or seven meters, waving, depending on the psionic method, it can be changed back to a long sword, or it can become like a long whip.


When Leo was a bioman, he learned how to use the electric whip for a period of time, but this was just to increase the number of weapons used. After learning, he did not use it again, so Leo did not plan to use it in combat. This crystalline long whip, because once it is not controlled well, it is very likely to be drawn on itself.


After testing the Gemini Cross Sword mode, Leo did not test the sacrificial knife mode anymore, because he felt that if he used the Gemini Sword mode in this conscious world, what would happen Expected things.


   Leo reverted the Gemini back to the glove mode, and then looked carefully around the steps. After no other danger was found, he stepped up the steps and continued to walk towards the large library.


   Soon he came to the main entrance of the big library, just like the square below, there were more than a dozen different knight sculptures and wizard sculptures on both sides of the gate, but these sculptures were damaged, and they were completely damaged.


  The huge ten-meter-tall door of the big book library was also severely damaged, and it looked like a behemoth broke in from the outside.


  Here, Leo's vigilance rose to the extreme, slow down, walked inwards, while walking, while carefully checking the surroundings.


It's just that the expected attack did not appear, or that someone had stepped into it first and solved the guard here, because there were signs of destruction after the battle in the large library, and there were a lot of sculpture fragments on the ground, as well as some The body of a giant in an unknown robe.


  The bodies of these giants naturally attracted Leo’s attention. I roughly estimated that these giants were about six meters high and their bodies were similar to humans. After turning the bodies over, they found that these giants had no faces.


In the memory of the Great Sword Knight, there are indeed some giants in the big library, except that these giants are no different from ordinary people in appearance except for their taller bodies than ordinary people, only because they have low intelligence and can only be slaves and witchcraft experiments. There is no position in the large library, and it is impossible to be a clergyman.


   Leo had some doubts about the origin of the giant, and then he read some books next to the body of the giant. He wanted to see what books were stored in the big library, whether he could find some good things in it.


   But the result made him very disappointed, because every book he opened was blank, and this phenomenon also puzzled him.


If this is a world of consciousness created based on his memory, then he saw blank books, which means that the memory he lost about the big book library is only the shell of these books, and there is no actual content, that is to say, he was No books have been crossed in the large library.


Obviously, this situation is completely inconsistent with his personage. Leo is very certain that if he was in the large library at the time, and he was not disturbed by foreign enemies, he would surely carefully read these books on the ground, because these It is very likely that the book contains secrets about the world.


   "Unless I didn't even have time to read these books at that time." Leo's mind came up with an idea, and the alarm rang loudly in his mind.


   Subsequently, he made a very decisive judgment, using the power of psionic power to increase his movement speed several times, the whole person turned into a phantom, and retreated outside the large library.


Almost at the same time Leo made his surrender, a dagger-like crystal fell from the sky, like an arrow, precisely resting on the open space in front of Leo, and trailing all the way, it felt like It's like not resolving Leo.


It wasn't until Leo's entire person withdrew from the large library that the falling crystal dagger stopped, followed by a sound of heavy objects falling from above, and then a huge crystal person nearly six meters high fell heavily on the ground and put it on the ground A big pit was hit.


Leo's face became serious after seeing this huge crystalline man, the twins in his hands also turned into cross-shaped swords, and his eyes looked at a torn body enclosed in the crystalline giant's body. Judging from the various features left on the residual body, this residual body should belong to the Lambs of Karika, a hero of the mortal king, and this crystalline giant may be the crystalline slaughter who had not successfully developed the crystalline old man at the time.


  From the memory of the Great Sword Knight, Leo knew that Karika’s Lambs was the strongest hero of mortals. He once followed the eldest son of the king to conquer various monsters, and finally was given the opportunity of eternal life by the gods for his merits. It's a pity Karmba's Lambs failed to withstand the blood of the gods, and was eventually burned alive by the fire of the blood.


   The story about Karika's Lambs has also become a warning story in the Wangcheng city to educate mortals not to try to spy on the eternal strength of the gods.


However, the body of Lambous of Karika was not buried, but was eventually handed over to the crystalline old man. Because Lambs of Karika had nearly godly power, the gods were unwilling to let such a powerful force Lost in this way, so I hope that the crystal old man can reuse the corpse of Karika Rambus, and then there is the crystal killer.


   For the details of the Crystal Killer, the Great Sword Knight also doesn’t know much, but only knows that once it succeeds, then Karika’s Lambs will return to serve the gods.


But Leo was too late to carefully recall any information about Carrica's Lambs, because when the crystalline giant fell, it jumped from the ground with great agility, and his arms became two handles. Crystallized Sword, slashing towards Leo.


   Leo did not take a hard attack, but continued to retreat and quickly retreated to the steps.


Then, an interesting scene appeared. After Leo stood on the steps, the crystalline giant, like some kind of procedural restrictive robot, did not attack Leo again, but stood on the top of the steps and toured around. After two trips, the retreating person slowly returned to the large library, and the whole body flew up as if it had lost weight and flew into the air.


   This scene made Leo stunned, and then could not help laughing, the original serious look disappeared.


   The scene shown by the Crystal Giant just now, coupled with the previous abnormal performance of the Crystal Knight, Leo has been extremely affirmed that the world of consciousness in front of him is flawed, that is to say, it is flawed.


  According to the normal situation, after the world of consciousness is constructed, it will be handed over to the brain to maintain the operation of the world, calculate the various reactions after each condition node changes, and strive to build the world of consciousness like the real world.


But now it is clear that the big bookstore world in front of me is a mechanical existence. All things created according to his memory are like a robot that has written a simple behavior program. It operates according to a specific behavior program. Once it exceeds the scope of the behavior program, Then everything will return to the origin, waiting for the second trigger.