The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 651: The Secret of the Sacrificial Ground

When returning to the sacrificial ground, the sacrificial ritual of the Kaka tribe was not over, and was still in progress. Leo was preparing to return to his tent. When he continued reading the books of the Kaka tribe, he suddenly stopped. , Turning his head, he looked at the artificial lake in the middle of the sacrificial spot with some doubt.

Because, at this moment, he felt a burst of psionic energy in the artificial lake.

In Leo's spiritual network, the frequency of this psionic fluctuation is different from that of him and Ilya. The difference is like the difference between oil and gasoline, and the psionic fluctuation is also very weak, weak to Leo. Even at such a short distance, it is difficult to feel.

However, this psionic energy is also very interesting, because this kind of psionic energy is produced through sacrifice, and its role is like a kind of radiated radio waves that can penetrate the body of everyone around, causing some inability to the people around. The expected impact, especially among those women in the desert guide family with surnames, was the most affected.

"This is the reason why the Kaka tribe comes here every time to sacrifice?" After feeling this, a guess immediately appeared in Leo's mind.

Under the influence of this psionic radiation, the secrets of the women of the Kaka tribe’s surnamed families have been exposed to Leo’s perception of the spiritual network. Those women are undoubtedly potential psionicists. It's just that their psionic talents are in a latent state. Now under the action of the psionic radiation produced by the sacrifice, their psionic potential is being excited a little bit.

According to Leo’s estimate, it is only necessary to experience this kind of sacrifice at most twice, and the psionic energy in those women will inevitably be fully inspired and become a psionicist like Ilya.

"Artificial psionicist?" Leo whispered involuntarily.

Although it is known that the Veja people can make Omega-class higher living bodies, it is now shocked to find that these artificial psionicists who may be the hands of the Veja people are invested. If you know this, the universe cannot be overcome for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, the Weiya people have already overcome it, and it has been overcome so thoroughly.

You have to know that the Kaka tribe hasn’t seen desert guides in more than a hundred years, but even after being interrupted for such a long time, the genes of the psionicists in their bloodline are still maintained, and natural activists like Ilya can appear. It can also appear as passive activators like other surnames, no matter what, it is enough to prove that the psionics can be inherited and created through the bloodline.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but wonder: "How can the Veja people have these technologies?"

Although the Weiya people are one of the oldest civilized races in the universe and are also known for technology, the Weiya people's technology is concentrated on weapons, battleships, and interplanetary navigation. For the technology such as biological manufacturing, the Weiya people do not Not good at it, maybe even people on earth are not as good.

But now, the Weiya can create creatures in this world through the Zerg Mother Nest, create psionicists who can be inherited through the bloodline, and also create Omega-level higher living bodies that stand at the top of the universe. This has exceeded The biotechnology of the limit of universe technology does not look like it evolved naturally, but it is caused by the influence of some kind of external force.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" At this time, Ilya, who was walking around, walked past Leo and saw Leo's thoughtful look, thinking that his current situation was due to the current sacrifice ceremony, so Anxiously asked: "Is there something wrong in the ceremony?"

"No, there is nothing wrong with the ritual!" Leo shook his head, looking at the ritual that had come to an end, and said: "Very good, your ritual is very successful. I believe you will have several companions in a short time."

"Ah?" Ilya didn't understand Leo's words for a while, he was stunned, but soon he realized the meaning of Leo's words, and immediately looked at the clan who was performing the ceremony, and finally looked at Kaka The women of several other surnamed families in the tribe asked anxiously: "Who are they? Will they wake up to the power of their ancestors?"

"Yes." Leo said without any ambiguity, "The sacrifice ceremony of your Kaka tribe should actually be the enlightenment ceremony of your bloodline psionicist. Every sacrifice will inspire your body. The power is finally completely inspired and become the desert guide in your mouth."

"I didn't expect the sacrificial ceremony to have such a role!" Ilya was completely at a loss after hearing it. Then she recalled carefully and said, "Why are such important things not recorded in the patriarch's book?"

Leo said: "Because even your ancestors probably don't know about it."

Ilya's face was red with excitement at the moment, and her eyes fell on the tribes who would gain the same strength. After a moment of contemplation, she turned to Leo and asked, "You promised to teach before How can I use the power in me, still counting?"

Leo nodded and said, "Of course, tomorrow I can officially teach you, but it is not my business if you can master it."

"I understand." Ilya hesitated again and said, "I hope that you haven't told others, including my father."

Leo looked at Ilya. Ilya’s careful thinking naturally couldn’t escape Leo’s eyes. He didn’t dislike it. If Ilya didn’t even have this careful thinking, then she might be difficult to become this little in the future. Leader of the tribe.

On the other side, Ilya felt as if she had been seen through by Leo Lili and out, showing an awkward expression.

"Okay, I won't say that." Leo nodded as he prepared to withdraw his request.

"Thank you." Ilya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, then thanked Leo, and continued to tour around.

After Ilya walked away, Leo bypassed the place where the formal sacrificial ceremony took place, and walked to the edge of the small lake in the middle of the sacrificial ground, raising the power of the spiritual net to the extreme, and then covering the entire lake and carefully collecting Any trace of abnormal energy fluctuation information.

He was looking for the source and cause of the psionic energy after the sacrifice, because it seemed to him that some mysteries of the psionicist were hidden.

As for why Leo did not start with the ongoing sacrificial ritual, it was mainly because Leo did not necessarily have a connection with the generation of psionic radiation that was being performed by the Kaka tribe, because according to his Understanding the ritual, the sacrifice ceremony of the Kaka tribe is only the simplest ancestor sacrifice. It does not contain any special method of communicating unknown forces. This does not produce any extraordinary powers like ordinary people offering flowers before the graves of their dead families.

Originally, Leo thought that he might not be able to find the answer before the end of this sacrifice ceremony. He may need to wait for the opportunity to participate in several sacrifice ceremonies later and collect more useful information before he can find this spirit. The source of radiation.

But things are often not as complicated and difficult as he thought. Almost as soon as Abahan announced the end of the sacrificial ceremony and the tribal celebration began, Leo has found his own thoughts from the various energy fluctuation information collected. Looking for something.

In other words, he actually does not need to look for it at all, because the source of psionic radiation is in his eyes from beginning to end. The sacrifice field is the source of psionic radiation and a special device for generating psionic radiation.

The sacrificial ritual itself has no effect, it just gives the Kaka tribe a psychological cue, and this psychological cue can help those who have the psionic bloodline into a certain mental state, and this mental state It can trigger the spiritual radiation contained in the stone of the sacrifice field, which in turn stimulates the spiritual blood of those people.

Leo squatted down at this time and picked up a piece peeled off from the stone of the sacrifice field again. Under the repeated scanning of his spiritual net, the internal structure of this stone had been fully proved by him, but this made him even more I was puzzled, because it seemed to him that it was an ordinary stone, but his instinct always told him that it was not as simple as stone.

It was just that, at the same time, he seemed to think of something, and he walked along the edge of the sacrifice field.

As the only outsider of the Kaka tribe and also a high-profile freak, his actions are naturally seen by others in the Kaka tribe, but the Kaka tribe does not know Leo’s intention to do so. Han Casa believes that Leo may have gained some inspiration from the book, looking for treasures left by his ancestors.

As the head of the Kaka tribe, he must know more ancestral secrets than Ilya, and the Kaka tribe’s hometown buried a fortune. This secret was also heard from the mouth of the previous generation of patriarchs. Now Leo’s move is just to let He remembered the secret story, so he also created a star zone for the treasure, so he ordered several people to follow behind Leo secretly to see what Leo was doing.

However, the result disappointed Abahan. Leo was just a walk, walking around the edge of the sacrificial field, and did not even explore the high-walled hollows of the pot that looked like rooms.

However, even after receiving a disappointing news, Abahan still believes that Leo must know something secret from the book, which makes him impulsive to directly rush Leo to ask what is happening, but in the end he still I didn't do that, but I did my own thing as if I forgot about it.

On the other side, Leo’s actions towards Abahan are naturally clear. Although those trackers hide well, under the spiritual net, those people even if they become reptiles, don’t try to hide them.

His attention is now on this huge sacrificial building, and after walking around, he already has a general understanding of this sacrificial place. First of all, this sacrificial place is a whole piece It's not difficult to build a building with such a complete stone like a black marble material, but it is usually done under the weightlessness of the universe. Where there is gravity, even if it uses various Mechanical equipment wants to complete this near-perfect building, but also has a lot of difficulty, it can not be done in a short time.

Secondly, the production of this sacrificial place is very ingenious, and after Leo repeatedly speculates, he feels that the secret of this sacrificial place to produce psionic energy hides these stone-like substances and the shape of the entire sacrificial place.

At this moment Leo is almost certain that the stone used to build this sacrificial site is artificial, because only man-made objects will have such a regular internal structure. No matter what it is, the natural formation is irregular, as large as a galaxy, small An atom is presented in an irregular shape, but the internal structure of the stone in the sacrificial place is regular, and it appears as a hexagonal honeycomb.

As we all know, the most stable energy structure in the universe is the hexagon, so almost all the internal structure of the weapon energy box is hexagon, and the engine generator of the battleship is also hexagon, so you can see this sacrifice field completely It is a super-large energy storage device.

In the sacrificial ceremony, the psionic radiation that appeared out of thin air originated from the energy storage device of the sacrificial field. As for why the sacrificial field can generate and store this psionic radiation, it is probably related to the shape of the sacrificial field, or To be more precise, it is related to the room-like hollows cut in the surrounding walls.

Leo's Spirit Net also scanned the size of these holes, along with the structure of the sacrificial field, and constructed a three-dimensional picture in his mind.

After the stereogram was formed, he carefully compared the location of each cavity, and then found that this thing seemed to be somewhat similar to the core of the eternal energy generator of the Weiya mother nest battleship.

Leo didn’t know much about the eternal energy generator created by the Weiya people. He only saw the structure stolen by another alien spy during this because the task at that time was other items, So I only took a few glances at this drawing, and I have such a impression in my mind.

Now seeing the weird structure of the sacrificial field and the background of the Veja people, Leo naturally thought of the eternal energy generator.

It's just that even if it can be seen that the power that can help potential psionicists of the Kaka tribe to stimulate psionic power comes from the sacrificial ground itself, the principle therein is still unclear, and there are still a lot of mysteries in his mind.

He feels that it is difficult to solve these mysteries by his own power. He may need to get in touch with other powers, such as finding the person in the past, or being the god.

At this time, Leo immediately thought of the giant deer of the Black Forest in his mind. If the creation poetry is true, then the giant deer of the Black Forest should be one of the gods created by the Veayas. It is also the survivor of that war of the gods, who should know all the secrets related to this world.

Thinking of this, Leo thought of the White Deer’s invitation again and couldn’t help but say to himself: “It seems necessary to go to the Black Forest when meeting the Inge Kingdom, whether or not you can see the giant deer, go here A trip should be a bit rewarding."