The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 693: 3-party transaction

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At this time, the carriage fell into silence, and no one spoke again.

However, Leo looked at this Shelf more, and his judgment of his ability changed a little. He no longer regarded him as a senior thug of the rebel army, but regarded him as a powerful and wise man. People.

Leo could see what Silverford said just now, apparently speaking to himself, but actually went to the fat man, and the other party would be arranged in this compartment, I am afraid it is not A coincidence should be intentional.

If what was expected was good, the fat man Rob was already stared at by the rebel army when he left Kugang City, and the uprising army stopped the train here and seized the carriage, probably to hide this Shelf.

A variety of Lenovo's Leo appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help but be curious about Rob's identity. Thinking that Rob's identity should not only be the black market manager of Dry Steel City, he may have other identities.


With the sound of a loud whistle, the train slowly started and gradually left the platform.

The vibration of the train seemed to suggest that the fat man Robert was waking up in contemplation. He suddenly shouted at Scherf: "You lied, even if Ms. Saran appeared, she would not be able to stand on the side of the rebel army. Don't forget, your The leader is the most devout believer in the Hill Kings Church, and your relationship with the Hill Kings Church is so behind. Ms. Saran is still on the wanted list of the Hill Kings Church. She..."

The fat man, Robert, was not able to continue because he saw Shelf pointing his finger at himself at the moment.

As Shelf said, he is also a wanted person in the Church of the Kings of the Hill, and the severity of his wanted is much more than that of the king of Saran. After all, the matter of Saran has passed for two hundred years, plus now The relationship between the witch group and the orthodox court is not bad. The so-called hunting witch has long been no longer mentioned in various churches.

Now even the wanted people like Shelf are accepted by the rebel army composed of loyal believers of the Church of the Kings of the Hills, so why should the top of the rebel army refuse to cooperate with Saran?

"What's the purpose of you saying these things to me?" After all, Fatty Robert, who has been a single black market executive for many years, soon realized that these words that Shelf said were all directed at himself, so he frowned and asked directly Road.

"Persuade the board of dry steel city to join us." Shelf said with a straight face.

Fatty Robert shook his head and said, "I think you misunderstood. I'm just a black market branch manager. It has no influence on the board of directors of Kugang City."

Shelf directly identified the other party's identity, saying: "As the chief observer of the board, your influence on the board is not low."

The chief observer of the board of dry steel city is a person with a special status. He does not have any rights and cannot interfere with the administration of dry steel city. However, he has an extremely important person who is to monitor the board members to avoid Board members appeared to do extremely bad things to other board members in order to expand their rights.

The position of observer did not exist in the past until a lustful and fierce guy appeared on the board of Dry Steel City. He tried to kill or intimidate other board members to control all the rights of the whole Dry Steel City.

However, in the face of such a guy who threatened his life, there was no regulation within the board of directors of Dry Steel City to restrict each other, and the military police and police of Dry Steel City had no right to arrest board members. As for other unconventional forces, the board’s The members are far from comparable to that bad guy.

Seeing that the guy was about to control the board of Dry Steel City and become the undeserved uncrowned king of Dry Steel City, the man suddenly had an accident. While inspecting the steel plant under his name, he was hit by a dozen steel ingots and smashed on the spot. Meat paste.

After his death, his wife, mistress and children all fought for his property, and the industry was gradually declining, and other controlled forces fell apart because of the sudden loss of the leader. The military police controlled by other members of the board of directors Run away with the police.

After this incident, the board of directors changed the rules of the board of directors in order to avoid similar things happening again, and established a secret observer outside the board of directors.

The observer usually has no real power until he finds that a board member wants to mess up, then the observer can use the observer rights to temporarily control the gendarmerie and the police and deal with the board member. However, this opportunity to deal with board members is only once. After use, the observer status is automatically revoked, and other board members re-elect new observers.

However, with the increase in the number of board members, the number of observers has also increased, from the first one to the current three, and a chief observer with three rights has been established.

Because of the fear that the observer will be used by other forces to deal with board members, the identity of the observer is strictly confidential on the board of directors, and only the chief of the board of directors until the observer’s true identity, once the identity of the observer leaks, then this The special rights of an observer will be automatically invalidated.

Therefore, when the fat man Robert heard another identity from Scherf, he showed great surprise, and immediately thought of the board of directors of Kugang City, I am afraid that some people have already turned to the rebels.

The identity of the original fat man's observer is still a secret, but when a large number of monsters appeared in the dry steel city that day, most of the veterans of the black market bounty hunters became monsters, and the remaining bounty hunters are not just the number. Not much, not even a loss of strength, but fortunately, seven or eight night watchmen are here, otherwise the black market will disappear the first time the monster appears.

Because of the lack of manpower, and the monsters began to appear on the market and attack ordinary people, the fat man Robert used his chief observer status for the first time at the time, and let the police and the gendarmerie cooperate with the night watchman and the bounty hunter to deal with those. monster.

Although he still kept a secret form when using his identity at the time, it was not difficult to guess his identity with the wisdom of those inside the board of directors, but his identity was still a mystery to outsiders, so now Shelf 1 There is only one possibility for Yu Dao breaking his identity, that is, it was leaked from the board of directors.

"I can't help you with this matter. I'm just an observer. As long as I go over the affairs of Kang Gangcheng, the identity of the observer will be automatically cancelled." Fatty Rob shook his head and said.

"Don't rush to refuse," Shelf opened his mouth and seemed to want to open up the conditions that would make the fat man's heart throbbing, but then he seemed to think of something, turned his head to look at Leo, and smiled: "I have one here News, I think His Excellency Leo should be interested."

"Do you want to make a deal with me?" Leo looked up slightly at Schelf, who was pulling things on himself, and smiled.

Shelf shook his head and said, "No, I just hope that your Excellency will become a middleman between me and Mr. Robert. Although I can offer some conditions to convince Mr. Robert, my conditions are certainly not as good as Leo. Wizard potions in your hands."

Hearing Shelf’s words, the look on Fatty Robert’s face changed slightly. He certainly knew how precious Leo’s wizard medicine was, especially when he saw how Leo saved the extraordinary a few days ago. I also found the wizard potion on Leo's hand, which is several times stronger than the wizard potion he sold to the black market.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he had such a potion of wizards on hand, then his position in the black market would still be able to take a step forward, and even entering the Presbyterian Church would not be a problem, thinking that his breathing has become a little more rapid.

Leo easily understood Shelf’s plan, and pointed out clearly: “You mean you traded with me, and then I handed the wizard potion to him, he is working with you on the matter of the Kushan Iron City to attach to the rebels.”

"Yes," Shelf nodded and said, "In this case, even if Mr. Robert is helping us, he will not betray his oath."

"Do you even know that oath?" Fatty Robert looked slightly gloomy, and looked at Scherf, saying, "Who has turned to you, Jason, Polev, or Mrs. Sally?"

Shelf did not answer, but turned to look at Leo, as if waiting for Leo to make a decision, he believed that as long as Leo made a decision, then Fat Rob would not refuse, after all, no one in the dark world now can Resist the temptation of a group of sorcerers to treat potions

"Tell your news, let me see how much it can be worth?" Leo is also very interested in the secret that Shelf said, because he can see that Jeff is very confident that the news he said will definitely be recognized by Leo.

Shelf did not speak, but got up and took the salute off the shelf, quickly looked inside, took out an opened letter, and handed it to Leo.

Leo looked at the letter and found that the letter was sent to Shelf, the sender did not, but there was a vague address, it should be wet by the rain, and only the vague words of Asha County could be seen clearly, and the letter Judging from its obsolescence, it should be a letter from a few years ago.

Leo took out the letter and took a closer look. The expression on his face also became serious, and after reading the letter, he asked in silence to Shelf, "Is this true?"

"Absolutely true." Shelf replied very positively.

"Thirty bottles of wizard potions," Leo thought for a moment, and said, "I gave out thirty bottles of wizard potions in exchange for the news."

Hearing Leo’s words, not only Shelf was stunned, but even the fat man Robert on the side was stunned, and then his breath was a little quicker, and there was an indisputable smile on his face. But there was a little annoyance.

Obviously, the thirty bottles of wizard potions that Leo had prescribed had far exceeded the estimates of the two, and the result was that the fat man Robert could be said to have earned it, and Shelf apparently lost money.

Leo ignored the emotions of the two, and took out the thirty bottles of wizard potions he had stored from the storage space, put them on the table, then stopped talking, picked up the book in his hand and continued to read.

He was not worried that Fatty Rob would refuse, because even without this indirect transaction, Rob would definitely agree to act as a lobbyist for the uprising army, which was entirely due to the king of Saran.

I saw that, under the painful and struggling gaze of Schalf, the fat man Robert put the bottle of wizard potions into the gift box carefully with extremely abnormal agile movements, and wrapped his clothes around him, all the bottles that were fortunate to contain the potions It's not very big. One suitcase can fit all. As for the other clothes that were moved out of the suitcase to make room, he threw it directly out of the window.

After collecting the things, Fatty Robert looked at Shelf, who was not so good, and said, "The deal is closed. I will help you rebels persuade the board, but I must first determine whether Ms. Saran is real. On your side, otherwise, even if I lobby, the board of directors will not necessarily be affected by me."

"Of course," Shelf gathered his emotions and said, "Although this news will not be made public for the time being, it should not be difficult to understand this matter with your black market capabilities." Then, he paused and said : "I hope that your Excellency will start this matter immediately after returning to the Dry Steel City. We don't want any accident in the middle."

"Please rest assured, I know how to do it." Fatty Robert smiled, and then said to Shelf: "Now that things have been negotiated, should you change to another car, don't you think this car is too crowded?"

Shelf frowned at the stood up, picked up the salute, and put it on the side of Fatty Robert, sitting on Fatty Rob's bed, facing him coldly, saying : "You're right, it's really too crowded over there, so I decided to sit here."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the fat man's expression and picked up a book and read it.

Later, during the few days of the trip, the three did not talk too much. Although the curious fat man Robert also tried to know what the news of the thirty bottles of wizard potions was, it was because of Leo’s. The price closed his mouth immediately.

In the past few days, the train has been running in the control area of ​​the uprising army. From the scene along the road, it seems that the uprising army has begun to rebuild this area, and many buildings destroyed in the war have been rebuilt. Farmland began to be re-cultivated, and the most important thing is that those factories also started to operate again. Judging from various signs, the situation on the side of the rebel army is stabilizing.

Seeing this situation, Leo can already be sure that the war is coming to an end. There is no doubt that the uprising army has begun to gain the upper hand, because from the information disclosed by the fugitives in Mu barrel town, the political situation on the side of the government army is a piece of cake. Chaos, construction and production are all a mess, and more importantly, those monsters are still raging under the control of the government army, which makes it difficult for the government army to stabilize the situation.