The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 743: Overlapping forests

"You mean that there is a second consciousness in my body. That consciousness was formed by the power of the abyss dragon?" Sylvia couldn't help but look surprised after hearing Leo's words. The matter was a bit unexpected for her.

In the early morning, when Sylvia woke up, Leo told her things last night carefully, and also told her his inference about the abyss dragon's consciousness.

Now that Sylvia was surprised, and there was also an unbelievable look on his face, he pointed to Sylvia's back neck and said, "Touch your back neck."

Sylvia heard the words and immediately reached out and touched it. Naturally, he touched the scales on the back of the neck. The surprised expression on his face was more intense. He asked: "What is this?"

"Seal of the Abyssal Dragon." Leo found two mirrors and compared them on the back neck of Sylvia, so that Sylvia could see the details of the back neck.

"What should I do now?" Sylvia calmed down quickly, meditated for a moment, and said slightly unwillingly: "Could you use the God Seal to block my power again?"

After tasting the delicious taste of power, Sylvia was not willing to return to the state where the power was suppressed before, especially after she burst out of the power that had accumulated on her body for many years because of the angry and venting style. This refreshing feeling is something she has never felt before, and she doesn't want to lose that feeling.

"It's useless." Leo shook his head and said, "Your second consciousness has formed, and even using the seal of God can only block your power, not your consciousness." Then, he paused. For a moment, say: "The only way you have now is to find that consciousness and absorb it."

"How do you find this?" Sylvia frowned and said.

Leo thought for a while and said, "Since that consciousness appears when you sleep, then we can capture it while you sleep."

"During sleep?" Sylvia froze for a moment, his face blank, not understanding Leo.

"The power of my nightmare comes from the sigh of the night god. When I get this power, I also get the ability to create a dream and dive into the dream." Leo said seriously: "But, I found anyone My dreams are all ridiculous and unconceivable, and contrary to all common sense, in the dream, there may be snow in summer, the sky is the earth, the flame will not have heat, etc., and when I enter the world of dreams, all the power in the body It cannot be used, only the power of the nightmare can be used, so it is too dangerous. I have never used this power."

Sylvia quickly guessed Leo’s thoughts and said, “You want to use your nightmare power to create a dream for me while I’m asleep, and then turn that consciousness into the dream and let me It can be absorbed."

"Yes." Leo nodded and said, "But the strength of you alone is not enough, because you may also be absorbed by it, so I will help you in the dream."

Sylvia pondered for a moment and asked a key question, saying: "What if I die in a dream?"

Leo did not answer.

However, Sylvia saw that Leo already knew the answer, and immediately shook her head, saying, "No, I don't agree with this method."

"You don't have to worry about it, things are not as bad as you think," Leo put his hand on Sylvia's shoulder and said, "Even if I build a dream, I just build a dream according to your consciousness, in the dream. , You are the subject. The dragon consciousness is at most equal to you in that dream. If you add me, the odds will be much greater, and I did not say that I will do it now." He said to the window Bian, pointing to the Lobe Mountain surrounded by clouds and saying, "Don’t forget, there are some pages of the night **** sigh, as long as I can absorb the power of those pages, the power of the nightmare in my body will be It’s more powerful, and by that time the dreams I can build are more perfect, and I can use more power."

Sylvia was silent for a moment and said seriously: "I hope you are not lying to me."

"Do you think I need to lie to you?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Sylvia pouted, and said nothing more. She turned to look at Lobe Mountain and asked, "What are we going to do next?"

Leo thought for a moment and said, "The situation at Mount Lobe is much more troublesome and dangerous than expected."

With that said, Leo recounted the events of the Ash Butterfly, Giant, etc. that he saw last night, and also said that the place where all the ends may overlap with the fog of Lobe Mountain.

It's just that Leo found that Sylvia didn't seem to understand the meaning of these things at all. She complained more about why such an interesting thing didn't call her. Originally Leo wanted her to recognize Lobe Mountain Dangerous and heightened vigilance, but unexpectedly aroused her strong interest, she can't wait to pass now.

Seeing this, Leo sighed and said nothing more, and found a well with Sylvia, freshened it, and walked towards Lobe Mountain.

Just like the forests that passed by yesterday, the forest from Lobe Town to Lobe Mountain is also free of any birds, beasts and insects. There is no silence except for the rustling sound of the mountain wind blowing and shaking the trees. No sound anymore.

This deadly environment has formed a kind of non-existent power, which is having an effect on the two people, making their emotions a little heavy and depressed.

Ordinary people will definitely lose confidence, panic, nervousness, and even madness under the accumulation of such depressed and heavy emotions, but this small fluctuation in emotions is nothing to Leo and Sylvia. The negative impact is minimal, and it only makes them a little bit uncomfortable.

"There's a problem here!" Sylvia whispered. Although she didn't need to whisper here at all, the surrounding environment made her feel aloud and might be disturbed by something bad. .

"It is indeed a problem." Leo looked around, his eyes staying on the surrounding trees, the tone was meaningful, as if the ordinary trees around him were another sight in his eyes.

In fact, this is also true. After entering the forest, Leo opened his real eyes, which made him easily see something that other people could not see, such as the surrounding trees are all twisted and deformed, and the pus blood from each one. The tree tumor overflows, and there are many monsters with insect wings, one leg, and one mouth hanging on the tree.

Leo spoke to Sylvia what he saw through the real eye.

"Why can't I see it and can't feel it?" Sylvia frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Because my spiritual vision contains the power of the real eye." Leo explained a little, and then pulled Sylvia to stop on a slightly empty grass, saying: "Here is the situation in the Black Forest. Something similar is that the two worlds overlap, seeing that both exist, and if so, then..."

Leo gestured to Sylvia, then shouted at the surrounding trees. Although Sylvia did not understand what Leo was doing, he was still on guard.

Things really happened as Leo thought, and as his roar came out, all the monsters hanging on the surrounding trees were all alarmed, flapping insect wings that were completely incompatible with their bodies, flying up, tracking In the transmission of sound waves, he rushed towards Leo.

However, in the face of the siege of these monsters, Leo looked very relaxed. He saw that he changed the Gemini into a cross-sword mode, and then injected psionic energy into the strengthened neural network, which strengthened his power movements several times. When the cross sword was waving, only two afterimages remained. All the monsters were cut in half by the sword before they approached.

Sylvia only saw Leo waving his sword towards the air around her, and she couldn't see anything unusual at all, not even perceiving, but she didn't think Leo was crazy, so she Waiting quietly for Leo's final answer.

Despite the large number of monsters, they couldn’t stand Leo’s killing. Soon these monsters instinctively felt the danger of Leo, and turned around and flew back to the surrounding trees, completely ignoring Leo’s shouting. sound.

Seeing that there were no more monsters attracted, Leo stopped, changed the Gemini back to the glove mode, and then picked up a corpse of that kind of monster from the ground, and lifted Spirit Vision.

When Leo lifted his vision, he felt that his body was squeezed everywhere as if immersed in heavy oil, which was extremely uncomfortable, but this feeling passed quickly and everything returned to normal, except There was a monster body in his hand.

Sylvia, who was standing next to him, only saw Leo wielding his sword for a while, then stopped, and then a monster corpse appeared out of hand, as if the monster corpse was already in his hand.

"Here is overlapped by an unknown space, this is the monster that lives in that space!" Leo dropped the monster in his hand and said.

Sylvia looked at this strange-looking monster, frowned, and looked at it again: "I can't see these monsters. If there are more powerful monsters, I can't do anything at all."

Leo explained briefly, saying: "As long as I don't use the power of the real eye, I don't have any contact with the space superimposed here, even if there are more powerful monsters, I will be like you, I can't see Anything, those monsters can’t see us either.” He said, his words turned and said: “However, it is different in the thick fog. The power contained in it should be able to integrate the space together. , You can see monsters from other worlds even without real eyes."

Sylvia didn't say anything, picked up the monster, looked at it, and threw it again, and with Leo went on to the thick fog of the mountainside.

Before it reached the mountainside, there was light rain all around, but what surprised Sylvia was that the rain around was not cold and warm, and it felt like someone was pouring hot water in the air.

Moreover, she also found that the surrounding plants have also become a bit different. A large number of trees are mixed with plants that she has never seen before. This plant is low, broad-leaved, and has a layer of scale-like things on the surface. It looks It is more like an animal crawling on the ground than a plant.

"We have..." Sylvia was about to ask Leo's current situation, but found that Leo, who was still around, was gone.

While looking for Leo's whereabouts, Sylvia also took out his weapon and watched the movements around him vigilantly.

However, she only heard the sound of rain pounding on the leaves around her, and did not find any abnormal movement at all.

At this time, she found that a figure very similar to Leo's figure appeared in the rain and fog in front of her, and she was approaching her, seemingly beckoning her past.

As she prepared to pass, Leo's voice suddenly came behind her, saying: "Don't go, there is a trap."

Sylvia looked back, not knowing when Leo reappeared next to her, with some embarrassment on her body, as she walked towards her, she said: "I just encountered some troubles, but it was solved, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Sylvia suddenly shot, and the wand sword in his hand waved towards him without warning. He had no time to dodge, and he was cut into two pieces by this sharp wand sword. .

It's just weird that the Leo's body that had been cut in half had dark green blood, not the blood of a normal person, but the juice of a plant.

"How do you know it's not mine?" At this time, a good Leo appeared in the bushes not far away, and came out and walked towards Sylvia.

"You have always been here." Sylvia asked Leo.

"No, I was stumbled by some monsters just now." Leo replied easily. Judging from his situation, it was clear that the monster in his mouth did not cause him any trouble.

However, at this time, Sylvia suddenly raised his hand and shot him with a crossbow at him.

And in the face of a sudden Leo's response was also very rapid, and a psionic shield was placed directly in front of the body, while moving to the side.

The arrow shot by the crossbow is extremely powerful, and it is not something that Leo's psionic shield can stop. Just let the arrow slow down a little in the air, and the arrow will break through the psionic shield and move towards Leo shot over.

However, at this time, Leo had given way, and the arrow passed directly from his side, nailed to the tree trunk not far away, the impact of the arrow burst, and directly tied a trunk that two people embraced. Blow up.

Looking at the slowly collapsed trees, Leo turned his head, looked at Sylvia, and smiled, "How did I offend you?"

Sylvia put away her crossbow and said, "This is just a test, test whether you are true or false!"

"What if I didn't hide?" Leo asked, though he knew the answer.

"Then you are fake." Sylvia replied, then said towards the corpse, "Like the guy."