The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 761: Conflict and puzzle

By asking passers-by, Leo quickly found the Lebi Oda Temple outside Sweetwater Town and a large cemetery behind him. When he entered the cemetery, he could clearly perceive the monsters hidden in the cemetery through the spiritual network. At the same time, I also learned a little about the situation in the cemetery, and found Regill waiting in the cemetery.

   "This is not a good place for conversation!" Leo tied his horse to the open space outside, and walked alone into the cemetery. He walked to Regil and said.

"No, this is a good place for a proper conversation." Regill retorted in the original words, and then took a purse from his pocket and threw it to Leo, saying, "This is the sale of those horses and armor. Money."

  Leo took the money, looked at the heavy wallet, and said, "This is a lot higher than I expected."

   "I just found a good buyer." Regill simply responded.

  Leo put the purse on the ground, and then asked straight away: "What's the reason why you used to buy and sell horses and asked me to come here?"

"I'm not only selling your loot during this time, I've also investigated the origins of both Leo and Sylvia through some of my previous relationships here." Regil pulled habitually. The shoulder bag on his body stood up from the stone and said, "As a result, I found that the two appeared to be out of thin air in Taocente, and before that, there were no signs of the two figures in the area around Taocente. , I don’t know, Lord Leo, can you explain?"

   "Can explain, but I think there is no need to explain." Leo responded coldly.

Regill stared at Leo and said in a deep voice: "Gerlot is my friend, and Dandrian is also my friend. I don’t know what your purpose is to be close to the Duchess, but I don’t want my friend to be because of your Acts hurt."

"At this point, Lord Regill can rest assured that we have nothing to do with Geralt and his friends, nor any malice to the Duchess, nor will our actions cause any harm to them. As for our purpose of approaching the Duchess, This has nothing to do with your Excellency, and I don’t have to explain it to your Excellency.” Leo said quietly: “If you don’t believe it, I can’t help it.”

"Your Excellency Leo, you have no way, but I have a way," Regill's eyes became red and full of blood at this time, the bones and nails of his hands became longer and larger like sharp blades, and his teeth became sharp. He got up and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "As long as you catch your lord, I naturally have a way to know what your purpose is."

"Say so much, do you still need to do it?" Leo looked at the changes in Regill's body, a slight expression of interest appeared on his face, and said: "Alright, I also want to see the blood and moonlight here. What's the difference between the blood of the city?"

   "What are you talking about? Moonlight City?" Reggie's face suddenly changed when he heard Leo's words, and the whole person was stunned.

But at this moment, Leo suddenly exerted force, and the whole person almost rushed down in front of Regill, and a fistless punch was firmly hit on Regill's abdomen, directly putting him whole. Flying out.

   "It's not a good habit to be stunned during the battle." Leo didn't chase after the victory, but stood still and ridiculed.

  In spite of this, Leo's spiritual network has always been shrouded in the cemetery, and all the movements here are controlled in his hands, and Regill, who was blown out by him, is naturally also the subject of monitoring.

   "What a powerful self-healing ability!" Leo's information from Spirit Net let him easily grasp Regill's situation and was also surprised by Regill's physical condition.

   In fact, just when Regill was about to start, Leo already noticed that the body of the opponent seemed to be very different from the blood race he knew.

It is undeniable that the energy fluctuation of the other party is much worse than that of the Moonlight City's blood clan, but the other party's physical strength is far more than that of the Moonlight City's blood clan. Through the analysis of the spiritual network, when the other party entered the battle state, the body The hardness is similar to that of steel, and the blood in his body also formed a force when he was injured, helping him to heal.

   From this point of view, although the opponent's energy is more than one moonlight city blood clan, but his life evolution sequence is much higher than the moonlight city blood clan, it seems that the blood clan of this world embarked on another line of evolution.

Leo is very interested in the evolutionary direction of the blood races in this world, especially the use of blood by Regill, which has a great inspiration for Leo. He also seems to see a direction for him to further improve his life form. .

   Therefore, Leo is not in a hurry to completely defeat Regill. He needs Regill to show more power. Only in this way can the large amount of information collected by Spiritual Network provide him with more useful materials for reference.

Although the power used by Leo’s punch just now is not even half of the physical strength, the enlargement of the twin gloves is enough to cause fatal injury. At least the injury suffered by Leguier is already fatal to ordinary people. .

  However, due to the blood group's self-healing ability and blood power, Reggier's seemingly extremely serious injury also quickly recovered.

The physical injury did not weaken Regill's fighting spirit. Instead, his blood became more fierce, the flesh on his face began to shrink, the skin sags, and the texture of muscles and bones also emerged. The whole person is like a thin and thin Skeleton.

After recovering, he did not immediately rush out, and continued the battle directly with Leo, but instead seemed to be using a blood-specific power, instantly filling the entire cemetery with dense fog, while he himself disappeared in thick In the fog.

   "Talent ability?" Leo looked at the sudden mist around him, and did not show any panic look, because in the case of spiritual network and super-perception, it is not important whether there is mist.

   Leo stood quietly, his face completely covered by the helmet showed no expression, and the surroundings were very quiet, as if Regill had left under the cover of mist.

  However, at this moment, the fog on Leo's side seemed to be blown by a breeze, fluttering a little, and then a claw appeared on Leo's side, grabbing towards his head.

Although this claw is fast, Leo, who is ready to go, is faster than him. Before the claw fell on the body, he immediately grabbed the claw's wrist, followed the body around the body, grabbed the arm of the wrist Also following the flick, Regill flung half a circle in the air like a sandbag, hitting the ground.

Afterwards, Leo did not let go of Regill's arm, directly pressed Regill on the ground, and punched Reggie's head with a punch, not only knocking down the half of Regill's head, but also He passed out.

   While Regill passed out, the mist around him also dissipated.

Leo placed Regil on the ground, and then sat aside, using the spiritual network to penetrate his body, carefully monitoring the process of Regul's body healing, especially paying attention to how the power contained in the blood in his body produced and played a role of.

A little bit of time passed, about an hour later, Regill's head was enough to let the ordinary people's fatal injuries have slowly healed, except for a little blood stains to see that he had been injured in that place, there were no other injuries. Traces.

After the injury was cured, Regill also gradually recovered from the coma, and at the moment of recovery, he entered the fighting state, quickly rolled a half circle on the ground, close to the tombstone on the side, alerting the surroundings, while He also observed the movements around him, and when he saw Leo, he completely remembered what had happened, and there was a puzzled look on his face.

   "Why don't you kill me?" Regill asked hesitantly.

   "Why should I kill you? I have said it from beginning to end, I have no malicious intentions for you," Leo shrugged and said, "It has always been your own speculation, and then made a futile judgment."

   Regill asked quietly, "But why don't you explain?"

   "Why should I explain?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Regill opened his mouth and did not know how to answer for a while, because Leo did make some sense, all doubts were his subjective thoughts, the other party did not do anything harmful to Geralt, since the other party was not wrong And why explain to him.

   "It seems I am too suspicious." Regill smiled self-deprecatingly and said.

   Leo nodded and said: "Although you are a lot of doubts, it is undeniable that you are a few partners, at least Geralt should be able to have a partner like you should be thankful."

   "Thank you." Regill responded softly.

   The two people who were still struggling just now were sitting down and chatting peacefully like friends at this moment. If this situation is seen by others, they will definitely feel that there is something wrong with their minds.

  Leguir suddenly asked Leo: "Lord Leo, I would like to ask, what is the Moonlight City you mentioned earlier?"

   "Do you know Moonlight City?" Leo looked at Regill thoughtfully and asked Shen Sheng.

   Regil said in silence, "In some ancient documents of our ethnic group, we have recorded the Moonlight City, saying that it is the origin of our family, until the power of the celestial intersection draws us into this world."

"Moonlight City is a city controlled by blood races. The most powerful blood races inhabited there are a few blood races in charge of the city's food. The Blood Duke is the leader of all blood races..." Leo will talk about the city of Moonlight. Briefly told Regill.

   Regill heard everything about Moonlight City, and felt inexplicable excitement and inexplicable sentiment in her heart.

He was excited because he did not expect that the blood clan could have such a powerful power. He ruled a city, a county, and stood at the highest level of a kingdom without hiding. The sentimental sentiment was sentimental for the situation of the blood clan here. A person who can live incognito can never live in a place for a long time, because the permanent appearance will reveal their identity.

   They can’t have friends either, because they can’t be sure what their attitude will be when they know that they are vampires, and they can’t bear the pain of watching friends grow old and die many times.

Therefore, many blood races will choose to close themselves in a place where ordinary people can’t get close to them, and some will completely abandon the human nature and choose to follow the animal nature, in order to completely forget the pain, and thus become a monster and be hunted. Some even chose religion to become believers in Merritelli, Cliff, and even Eternal Flame.

   Thinking of this, Regill couldn't help but sigh for his ethnic group.

   "Your Excellency and Sylvia are not people in this world, right?" Regil suddenly asked after listening to Leo's description of Moonlight City.

   "Yes." Leo nodded.

   Reggie's face appeared suspicious, and said: "But hasn't it time to meet the celestial sphere?"

   Leo shook his head and said, "We didn't come here through the intersection of the celestial spheres you said, but were sent here by other forces."

   "Why are you here?" Regill asked again.

Although Regill’s question is similar to the one before, Leo’s attitude is completely different. Leo also replied, saying, “I don’t know what it is said he was telling Regill not to ask again. And continued: "Sylvia and I were originally looking for a very dangerous fallen artifact, but after being near the place where the artifact was stored, we were sent here. We are now also looking for the reason for being sent here and back. Methods. "

   "You just lifted the Duchess to find the reason to come here?" Regill thought for a while and said, "Is there any clue you want in the Duchess?"

Leo nodded: "The fallen artifact we are looking for can create a very real illusion, and we heard that the Duchess’ Warlock Adviser Flynnila Vigo is the best illusionist in the world, and Flynnge La Torre Vige's Atores Vige is also proficient in illusion, and it is said that his illusion can create a near real world. Although I don't understand what the warlock inheritance of this world is, I know if If the illusion is a bloodline ability, then this ability cannot appear suddenly. There must be traces of the past, and the Weige family has only produced these two illusionists from the past, so they cannot be the bloodline heritage. If it is not the bloodline heritage , If it is the inheritance of knowledge, then it is absolutely impossible to have two warlock powers with exactly the same effect strength, even if they are related by blood, their understanding of knowledge, different personality, and the use of the same warlock spell will also be very different. ."

   Regill said: "So you suspect that the power of Atores Vigee and Flingila Vigee was given by the fallen artifact you said?"

   Leo did not fully affirm his inference, saying: "Even if it is not given, there should be contact."

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