The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 77: Chaos stomach pouch

  In the Earth Federation, all experiments involving fusion of heterogeneous genes have failed, and everyone has suffered a gene collapse. If the situation is bad, it will directly collapse and die. If it is good, it will become a monster.

   If it is now in the Earth Federation, Leo will not have any undivided thoughts even if he has obtained a piece of Omega-level higher biological debris.

But now this world is different. In this world, it seems that humans can easily fuse heterogeneous genes, from low-level alien cells to high-level higher biological debris. There may be many examples of failure, but there are also many successful examples. less.

Not to mention far, let’s talk about the president of the Skull and Bones Society. He is definitely an example of successful fusion of higher biological debris, so he gained super power, extremely fast sprint speed, steel-like body, and even that layer of weakening and heavy blow The invisible power of psionics may also be one of the acquired abilities.

  The reason why the President of the Skeleton Society will eventually become a monster is not because of the failure of fusion, but because the President of the Skeleton Society was actually dead at that time, and the corpse was controlled. The genetic mutation of this Omega-class advanced biological wreckage.

   "Analyze the success rate of fusing higher biological debris again."

   "Omega-level advanced biological debris, which can be absorbed and swallowed, has a success rate of 95% and unknown side effects."

  Looking at the results analyzed again, Leo put the piece down, picked it up after a while, and then put it down again. The unprecedented hesitation made him feel very irritable at the moment.

  After a moment of contemplation, Leo took out a gold-flanged coin, and then said a word of fate, and threw the gold-flange into the air. After rolling a few times in the air, the gold-flange landed on the ground, with the badge facing upward.

Seeing this side, Leo froze again, laughing mockingly: "Damn, forget which side to choose!" As he said, he took the gold **** again and said, "The badge is to swallow, the head is not to swallow." "

   said, he threw the gold **** again, this time God seemed to be deliberately teasing him, the gold **** rolled in the air a few times, when it landed, it just caught in the gap of the floor, neither a badge nor a human head.

Seeing this, Leo froze for a moment, feeling like he was being fooled, an angry look appeared on his face, and stepped the coin into the floor with one foot, and then picked up the piece of higher biological debris. Think again, and swallow it in a single bite.

  After that piece of higher biological debris entered the stomach along the esophagus, Leo felt a burning sensation in the stomach like a lit torch.

Immediately after he seemed to have taken some kind of hallucinogenic potion, his spirit began to appear in a trance state. Following the void, there seemed to be a force pulling his spirit out of his body, letting him enter a certain void. in.

   The moment when he entered the void, Leo's dizzy spirit suddenly woke up.

Suddenly he realized that what happened when he used the pendant to turn on the psionic energy once again happened. He was sent to a subspace, but compared to the last moment it was dragged in, this time it was obviously much milder. So that his accessory brain system can collect a large amount of data related to subspace.

  Because of one experience, Leo did not panic, but looked around calmly to see if this subspace has a mysterious existence like that shadow.

  However, what surprised him was that this subspace had nothing, just a piece of nothingness, and as the best way to detect mysterious existence, his daily value of will did not have any movement.

   "Is the existence of this subspace ruling already dead?" Leo could not help but come up with a bold idea.

Although Omega-class advanced creatures are very powerful, even star destroyers may not be able to cause damage to them, but they will also be injured and also die, and in the universe where the Earth Federation is located, Omega-class advanced There are many examples of biological deaths.

In this way, Leo didn’t know how long he stayed in this void subspace with nothing, until when the feeling of trance appeared again, he also instantly separated from the subspace, and his spirit returned to himself. Inside the body.

   At this time, the burning sensation in the stomach had completely disappeared, and Leo did not feel any genetic changes in his body. For this reason, he even took off all the clothes on his body and carefully checked every part of his body without any problems, but he just felt that his strength seemed to increase.

  After putting on his clothes again, Leo started to call up the personal data interface to view the data changes after absorbing the genes of higher organisms.

  I saw that in his personal data, the basic values ​​of strength, agility and physique have been increased by two points, which is also what he expected. After all, there is the example of the president of the Skeleton Society.

   The basic value of strength and agility is only 8 points. Although you can also feel a significant improvement, it is not like the earth-shaking changes that have happened since you passed an evolutionary stage.

   But the constitution is different. Its basic value directly reaches ten points. Although it has not crossed the ten points, it has already stepped onto an evolutionary step.

The most intuitive change is that the body strength is different. Leo took a letter opener on the table and poked it on his arm. He found that a large weapon was needed to break the tough skin, and the speed of healing after the wound appeared. Soon, blood will not flow out of the wound.

Leo estimates that if his physique reaches 11 o'clock and officially crosses this evolutionary level, then his body strength should be able to reach the same level as the president of the Skull Club, even because of the strength and agility bonus, it will be stronger. .

  In addition to the improvement of physical quality, the two basic values ​​of will and spirit have also been increased by as much as seven points.

Leo checked the data records of the secondary brain system, and he found that the improvement of physical quality started after taking the piece of higher biological debris, but the improvement of will and spirit was after entering the subspace, once it was out of that Subspace, the ascension is over immediately.

  This made Leo feel that the subspace without ruler was a tonic to his will and spirit. Instead, he looked forward to entering the subspace.

  For this reason, he archived this piece of higher biological wreckage that he had absorbed. If he could find a similar wreckage in the future, he would get the first prompt.

   The basic value of the improvement is just the appetizer after the higher biological wreckage is absorbed. The real dinner is the fusion of heterogeneous genes, and now this higher biological wreckage has given him a talent for fusion, this talent is the chaotic stomach pouch.

   Behind this talent is the talent function analyzed and sorted out by the accessory brain system. The chaotic stomach pouch has two main functions.

   One is superabsorption, which can absorb the most complete food in the stomach pouch, and this is the primary energy efficiency of absorption. It should deal with ordinary food.

  Subsequent inference according to the classification, maybe when it becomes advanced absorption energy efficiency, he can directly absorb organic and inorganic substances through the stomach pouch.

  This ability made Leo think of a cosmic creature called the star devourer. He is relying on his stomach pouch to digest and consume the asteroid, and obtain the energy to provide his own travel in the universe.

  Although Leo doesn’t think his chaotic stomach pouch can reach the exaggeration of a planet devourer, he can feel that both abilities are essentially the same.

   It's a pity that the information about how to improve this ability is given by the sub-brain system. It can be seen that even the Earth Federation has no similar information. It can only be found slowly by Leo himself.

  In addition to the ability to superabsorb, Chaos Stomach also has an ability to help Leo now. This ability is energy storage.

The chaotic stomach pouch not only provides the ability to completely decompose and absorb food, but also can store the absorbed energy and nutrition, and the stored energy and nutrition can not only provide the body's consumption needs, but also provide psionic supplements. Equivalent to adding a psionic battery to Leo.

In order to verify the effect of Chaos Stomach, Leo immediately asked the owner of the hotel to prepare a large amount of food and delivered it to the room, and after he found that the energy storage value of cereal foods was much lower than that of meat food, he asked the boss to take all All of the food was replaced with meat.

  However, after three rounds of fifteen meat baptisms, Leo found that the energy storage capacity of the chaotic stomach pouch was a little pitted.

Because he ate so many things and digested so many things, the energy storage value only reached 11 points, which was far from the full value of 500 points, and if the energy storage energy was converted into psionic energy, only a little energy storage Can be transformed into ten points of psionic power.

   "Is it related to food quality?" Leo thought.

  After drying out the last piece of beef, Leo took a napkin and wiped the sweat that was slightly on his forehead, and wiped his mouth again, feeling that this round of food baptism was more tiring than a battle with the Skeleton Club president.

Perhaps because of the fact that the energy storage value is not full or zero, Leo has eaten so many things without feeling full or hungry. He feels that before the energy storage is zero, he will not eat anything. And should not cause any impact on the body.

Having understood the changes in physical fitness, Leo closed the personal data interface and sat at the desk with his eyes closed for a while. After the sunlight from the window covered the entire desktop, he opened his eyes and got up and took the backpack to his body. Next to it, then took out the boxes one by one and placed them on the table.

   There are a total of thirteen boxes of different sizes. Some of these boxes are very beautiful and some are very ordinary.

   Leo directly opened the largest and most common box and found that there were two things in it.

  The same is a cash cheque of Royal Bank of France, which is about ten thousand gold flanges. There are roughly one hundred cheques.

  Although in terms of reputation, Royal Bank of France is far inferior to Platinum Bank of the Kingdom of England, but it is also one of the largest banks in the Velon world. These cash checks do not have to worry about exchange issues.

   The other is a ledger. Leo roughly turned it over and found that a large number of names and numbers in the ledger should be a list of the French emperors who will be bribed and bought by the skeleton.

   "Is it true to tell her to cooperate with her?" Leo, holding the account book, couldn't help but think of Baron Moposan, because he knew that this account book could only play its biggest role in her hands.

   Leo, who was still undecided, temporarily put the account book back into the box and received it in his backpack. Then he placed three other boxes of the same style and size on the table and opened them in turn.

   Inside these three boxes is a wizard's note. From the handwriting, it should be from the same wizard, and the content is written in Gamorei.

   Two of the wizard's handwritings are not unusual, and Leo can read them casually.

Another wizard's note with an unknown animal skin on the cover, when he touched it, the secondary brain system marked a strong warning prompt on his retina, a very strong negative energy force field, a strong radiation field, extremely dangerous, etc. Etc. And this warning prompt disappeared the moment his hand left the note.

   "Could there be any prohibition or something on it?" Leo, suspicious in his heart, no longer ventured to touch it and put it back in the box with the other two wizard notes.

   The remaining nine boxes are about the size of a ring box. After opening them one by one, Leo found that they were all different types of alien cells.

Some of the alien cells looked like a tooth, and some were an eyeball, and what surprised him was that the insect egg-shaped alien cell that was sold by him not long ago was also in it. The buyer is the president of the Skeleton Society.

   "What's going on? Do you want me to sell it again?" Leo couldn't help thinking about this situation, but soon shook his head to deny it.

   Obviously, these alien cells should have been bought by the president of the Skeleton Society on the black market. Others may not know where these things are going, but people in the black market must know. UU reading

   Now he took these stolen goods and ran to sell it, which is basically equivalent to telling the people in the black market that he was the one who killed the president of the Skull and Bones.

  Does not think that the character of those in the black market will keep this secret for himself, I am afraid that he has walked out of the black market on the front foot, and the news about him on the back foot has reached the ears of interested people.

Covering all the boxes containing alien cells, Leo looked at the boxes on the table, and then looked at the backpack on the ground. I felt I should find a place to store these boxes and make a spare for the backpack. local.

   It's just that the value of these things is extraordinary, even if they are rich, they are not necessarily available for purchase, so if the collection place can't make him feel safe, he is still willing to take things with him.

  After putting all the boxes back in the backpack, Leo shook the bell at the door, and ordered the waiter who came up to prepare the bath water, and then cleaned the tableware.

  After freshening, Leo lay directly on the bed and fell asleep.

  However, when Leo rested and fell asleep, many people could not rest.

Some people hope that the Skull and Bones will recover from the chaos as soon as possible and elect a new leader so that they can continue to work, so they try their best to put pressure on the municipality of Milia and want the authorities to lift the prohibition order on the Skull and Bones soon. .

  Some people hope that the skeleton will continue to chaos, it is best to collapse, so as to cut off a strong arm of some people, so they also perform the opposite operation in the municipal council.

   As for the Miriya City Executive Council, it also has its own consideration. They feel that this is a good opportunity to regain control of Xicheng District, so they are also doing things according to their own ideas.

   For a time, the political situation in Miria City became confused.