The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 793: Security arrangement

     The decomposed monster corpses are useless, but if there is no effort to pile them up, these monster corpses will still cause some trouble.

   For this, Flynn Gila found someone to transport these monster bodies out of Buckland by car, and burn them in the suburbs.

   It's just that the corpses can be burned, but the soil infiltrated by these monsters' blood can't be processed. Only the blood on the slate can be washed first. As for the blood in the soil, some special plants are planted to break down the blood.

  While Flynn Gila is trying to get her manor back to its original state, Leo and Aalto are checking whether the elven magic circle in the manor can still be used again.

Soon they have the answer. Although there are some damages in the Elven Magic Array, they can still be repaired. The real trouble is the monster relief stone pillar. It seems that this stone pillar is a disposable item. After one use, the surface is already Covered with small cracks, there is almost no possibility of repair, only to re-make one, or to find another intact one.

  However, for Leo, they harvested enough material this time, so there is no need to do it again.

   At this time, Leo gave Flynnila a proposal that these materials were not sold, but handed over to him to make wizard potions. When the finished wizard potions were sold, they should make a bigger profit.

Without thinking about it, Sylvia agreed to Leo’s proposal. She had originally planned to let Leo help use these materials to refine some medicines, because there were too many materials harvested, and she did not prepare enough containers. She can only use ordinary containers to hold them. These containers cannot prevent the material from deteriorating. Now Leo proposes to refine the medicine, and she naturally enjoys it.

However, in the matter of profit distribution, several people have a little disagreement. Sylvia hopes that everyone who participates in the meeting should get a reward, but Flynnila thinks that like Angulan and Cassie. They did not participate in the battle and should not be paid.

   However, this disagreement soon ended with the compromise of Flynn Gila, because if this quarrel continues, her relationship with Geralt may become very bad.

  Because Flynnila has the most complete alchemy equipment and place, Leo stays in Flynnila Manor and refines the materials into potions.

Geralt was unhappy with Flynn Gila because of the companion's compensation, so he found an excuse to borrow the task outside and let the two parties calm down. Flynn Gila took advantage of this opportunity Be an assistant next to Leo, assist him in refining medicine, and see if he can learn anything from it.

   It's a pity that she didn't know the secret of Leo's refining wizard potions from the beginning. In fact, it is psionic, and it has nothing to do with the way of refining pharmaceutical agents.

She has been assisting in refining for a few days, and has fully mastered Leo's refining methods, but still can't refining a bottle of potions. This also makes the female warlock very discouraged, thinking that she has no talent for refining drugs. , And he was no longer interested in everything here. After making an excuse, he left the manor and went to Geralt.

Contrary to Fringila, Aalto is very interested in the method of Leo refining pharmaceuticals and the refined products. Although he has no knowledge to teach Leo, he has this. The rich experience of a world-class alchemist, because he has spent many years in the library, he often spends time with refining pharmaceuticals. As far as the experience of refining pharmaceuticals is concerned, the entire world is comparable to his people.

At the beginning, Leo was mainly based on wizard medicine and spirit medicine, but after getting his experience from Aalto, he also tried to refine various alchemy medicines in this world, and improved these medicines, or It is to weaken the effect of the medicament to the extent that ordinary people can use it, or to greatly improve the effect of the medicament, but there are certain side effects and so on.

When Leo ran out of all the materials, he had improved more than thirty potions, and his improved potions weren’t the only ones he could refine, and people in this world such as Aalto could also refine them. And five of the more than thirty kinds of medicines are used for treatment and detoxification, even ordinary people can use.

Almost as soon as the two of them had finished refining all the potions, Flynn Gila had already received the news and immediately set aside Geralt, who had released all his suspicions and had a passion for emotions, and hurried back to his manor to see The result of Leo's improved potion.

  When she saw that there are five kinds of improved medicinal formulas that ordinary people can use, and seeing Aalto make these medicinal preparations, she can clearly understand the value of these medicinal preparations.

Originally, she wanted to talk to Leo directly about the transfer of these formulas, but Leo said that he had given these things to Sylvia. If there was anything for her to talk to Sylvia, then he pulled Al Tuo began to study how to safely catch the demon out of that eye and imprison it.

Leo did not know exactly what Flynnella and Sylvia had about the recipe, but from Flynnella’s somber and ugly expression for a few days, it’s not hard to see that she should be in a disadvantage, but in After the last talk, her face was a little more beautiful.

After Leo handed over all the pharmacy recipes to Fringila, he left Fringilla’s manor, leaving the town of Buckland, and did not return to the Knights of Light station, but went to the Sansredo Swamp. Arriving in an abandoned manor, tidy up, and began to prepare for the demon capture.

The Sansredo Swamp is located in the lower part of the Sansredo River, on the northeast side of Buckland. The swamp here was originally not flooded seriously, and the large number of birds and beasts here lived in groups, which became the best place for noble hunting. A large number of nobles He and the rich merchants have built a private estate here, and it has become a resort.

  However, because of some wrong water control devices in the upstream, the river in the downstream flowed back to the swamp area, which expanded the swamp area to the surrounding area and eventually became a swamp area that was five or six times larger than the city of Buckland.

  Most of the manors were soaked in water, and the rest were unable to be used because of the moist environment of the swamp area, thus making the Sansredo swamp area have a large number of abandoned manors.

   Leo and Aalto have developed some methods for imprisoning the demon and preventing him from escaping, but those methods require a large area of ​​land. Although Flynnila's garden is very suitable, after the last time to summon the monsters of the other world, she finally managed to restore the garden to its original state. Naturally, she would not agree that Leo and Aalto would use her here as a demon summon.

However, after learning that Leo and Aalto were looking for a large site to arrange the magic circle and other imprisonment measures, Sylvia immediately found some information about the Sansredo Swamp and helped them select A suitable abandoned manor.

  The manor they selected came from a real count of the Nilfgarde Empire. The count seemed to regard this as a resort, so he built a very luxurious resort with huge gardens.

However, this real power count was very unlucky. Not long after the manor was completed, it encountered the backflow of the river and the swamp expansion. The manor was overwhelmed by the swamp even without the opportunity to use it once, and the rest of the area was not likely to be repaired. Sexually, in the end, it can only be abandoned like other manor houses in the swamp.

As Flynn Gila introduced, the garden of this manor house is very large, because the real power count hopes that it will become an important place for him to entertain guests, so the garden of the manor house is very large for the convenience of holding banquets, and its area is almost quite large. It’s an entire Flenjella manor, such a large area is enough for Leo, they use it,

  Almost like most of the abandoned manors in the swamp, the gardens of this manor also use a lot of relics of the Elven Kingdom. The stone slabs laid on the ground are also carved by some ancient elven languages.

However, the craftsmen who were constructing at that time did not know the content of these slabs, so they rearranged them completely according to their own ideas, and even mixed some very abrupt local reliefs in it, which eventually caused what Leo saw now. The floor pattern that arrives has no meaning at all.

However, these craftsmen's approach has saved Leo some time to deal with elf patterns, because if this is really a garden similar to the Flynn Gila's home garden with an elf magic array, then he needs to be careful to clean it up. , Because something unexpected may happen at any time.

After all the sprite patterns on the floor were destroyed, Leo and Aalto were rearranged. The method of layout was also very simple. They found the natural energy nodes in the manor and then created simple runes for these days. Magic traps are placed on these energy nodes.

Aalto also saw Leo using the Gamorian language and magic runes to create magic traps. He felt that the method of making this magic item was very novel. Unfortunately, even Leo’s own professor could not produce a real finished product. The rune trap will have some unpredictable reactions after it is excited, the most serious of which is a small hole blasted on the ground.

   Soon the rune traps were laid out as they filmed, and then it was time to wait for the right time.

  According to Aalto's research on demons, as long as the demon's body does not disappear, it will not die, and the demons entering this world are projections, and death will only let the demon lose some of its power.

   However, it is very difficult for demons to enter this world, so every opportunity to enter this world is very rare, and they will not return to the different world they are in, and will not destroy their projections.

When the projection encounters a life-and-death crisis, they will use a parasitic method to discard most of the power of the projection, and then find the item that can parasitize and help them quickly recover their strength in the nearest place. Parasitize into it and know that after a complete recovery Only then will it decocoon the butterfly like an insect, and the destructive creatures will be resurrected.

At that time, the best parasite for the demon was naturally the metamorphosis of the special eyeball, and the pressure that Leo brought to the demon at that time was too great, making him panicked and unaware of this. The eyeball was Leo’s thing, and it was parasitic there, making him now completely trapped and unable to escape.

Now Leo’s problem is how to draw this demon out of the eyeball. Because of the effect of the parasitic method, the demon and the eyeball are integrated, destroying the eyeball and killing the demon projection is very simple, but want to project the demon from there. It's very difficult to pull it out.

Fortunately, the Aalto Expo group book found some useful content from a very old warlock note. In that warlock note, it was mentioned that the devil's nature is greed, and their greed is so strong that it can even be overshadowed. Their reason.

   The owner of this note is also a bad luck. He just tried to use the devil's greed to make a deal with the devil. The final result is unknown, but this note has not been written in the end, obviously something has happened.

The current layout of Leo and Aalto is to use the devil's nature. Leo has specially created a tempting healing potion for the demon. This potion needs to be sacrificed at a specific time. Sacrifice it to the demon in the eyeball.

If the warlock’s notes are true and credible, then the devil is absolutely unable to resist this kind of therapeutic agent that can quickly heal his Even if it is found to be a trap, greed will definitely suppress reason , Rushed out and harvested the sacrifices, and the layout inside the manor could easily catch him.

   However, there was a problem throughout the ceremony. Leo was not able to be present, otherwise the demon had just rushed out and found Leo on the side, I am afraid it will be retracted immediately.

  It's just that Aalto presided over the whole ceremony alone, and Leo wouldn't be relieved. After all, Aalto's ability to display was too weak. In case the demon appeared to do something like attack, it would be difficult for Aalto to retreat.

   So after arranging the manor, Leo went to Geralt, Regil, Sylvia, and Flingila to let them protect Aalto.

   A little time passed, and another three days passed. By this time, the weather in Buckland had become very cold, and even a thin layer of ice had formed on the water.

For ordinary children, the icing on the river surface has never been seen is a very novel thing, but for those adults, the icing on the lake is not a good thing, because these ices are likely to cause some bad conditions, such as Cause damage to the river bank, etc.

However, for Leo and others who are waiting for the right time in the swamp manor, this weather is very good, because under the effect of this weather, the energy fluctuations of the surrounding natural energy nodes are very stable, and there will be no accidents. .


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