The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 82: Tentative

"Leo Dodd?" After hearing Leo's self-reported name, Yongberg was stunned. Although the events of the Skull and Bones in the past two days are very sensational, the most sensational is the complaint against the Duke of Derwin by the Inge Kingdom and the Velon Medical Association.

With Yongberg’s ability and authority, it is easy to investigate clearly. The indictment was initiated by three English soldiers and medics who escaped from the battlefield in Lebut, and Leo Dodd was one of them.

"Why don't you..." Yong Berry was wondering why Leo was here, and when he was not protected by the Inge Kingdom, he was swallowed by the inquiry at his mouth, because he thought that if the person in front of him was really As he guessed it was the person who killed the president of the Skull and Bones, how could he need protection?

Yong Baili asked in a deep voice: "A few days ago, several members of the local gangster had trouble in Ms. Anne's hospital, and those people disappeared afterwards."

"Does this have anything to do with me?" Leo asked calmly.

Yongberg's eyes fell on the Panil tomahawk again, saying: "That night the president of the Skull and Bones was assassinated, and the assassin used the Panil tomahawk."

"Is this how the French police do things?" Leo smiled. "Just because I have a Panil tomahawk?"

Yongberg didn’t pay attention to Leo’s questioning at all, and still said to himself: “The President of the Skull and Bones died so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard, which put a lot of pressure on the security of Miria City. If It’s not those greedy politicians who want to take the opportunity to regain control of the entire Xicheng District under the name of the municipality, and make the most correct choice to let the military police enter the city, block the entire Xicheng District, and put the situation under control for the first time. You know let those gangsters What will happen if you make trouble?"

Leo looked casually at Yongberg and took two snowflakes from the bag and threw them into his mouth.

Yong Berry reached out and grabbed a handful of sand on the ground, rubbed it, and said, "I was born in this city, Zhang Da in this city, studied in this city, and finally became a policeman to protect this city, starting with a small policeman, Do this step by step. I love this city very much. I don’t want her to be damaged by any accidents. Do you understand?"

With a hint of sarcasm in Leo's tone, he said: "If you love this city so much, why don't you get rid of the cancers in this city, just because they have money, people, and power, so you are afraid."

"If anything can be solved so directly, I'm relaxed." Yong Baili did not get angry because of Leo's sarcasm, said calmly: "It is undeniable that the skull will be a tumor, but this tumor But it involves the livelihoods of millions of people. If it were you, what would you do."

Leo smiled: "I will kill him, and then I don't care about anything. People are not as vulnerable as you think. Maybe there will be chaos at first, but soon the order will be restored."

"This is how I am different from you." Yong Berry patted the dust on his hands, and then said in a straight voice: "I hope Mr. Leo Dodd can have a good time in Miriam City, but I don't want to What accidents did you encounter?" He said, he handed a business card to Leo, said: "I hope you can come to my office to find me before you want to do anything in the future, let me know first, let me There can be a prior arrangement."

Leo did not reject the other party's kindness, but he looked at the business card and stuffed it in his pocket.

Yong Berry stood up, sorted out his clothes, and said, "The Skeleton Club's account book is a dangerous thing. If it's still on you, it's better to deal with it. The politicians will go crazy for this thing and change. Be a lunatic who really has no bottom line."

After talking, he saw him walk towards the carriage parked not far from the park and get into the carriage.

Inside the carriage, a lady with a veil saw Yong Berry open the door, and when she got into the carriage, she asked anxiously, "Is he?"

Yong Berry didn't speak. He just nodded slightly, stretched his hand to hold the armrest on the door, and sat on the chair, feeling very difficult.

"Since it's him, why don't you... what's wrong with you?" The lady just prepared to question Yong Baili's approach, but suddenly saw Yong Baili's face pale sitting on a chair, her hands shaking involuntarily.

"If I said the wrong thing just now, I might not be able to come back." Yongbei gave a blank expression to the noble lady, and with a slightly trembling hand, she untied her coat and saw that his shirt was now Completely soaked in sweat.

"You..." The lady looked at the scene in shock with a shocked expression. She had never seen Yongberg like that.

Yongberg regained some strength, knocked on the compartment behind the driver, and motioned to drive.

Leo, who was still sitting on a park bench, was eating snowflakes, watching the carriage gradually move away from the red house area, his face showing thought.

As Yongberg felt, Leo had just thought about whether he should get rid of the guy in front of him, but he thought about it, but he didn't do it in the end.

After all, killing a gang leader without anyone knowing it is completely different from killing a police chief inspector in full view.

Leo could feel that Yong Baili was only a little suspicious of him at the beginning, and he was not sure that he was the one who killed the president of the Skeleton Society. Instead, his slightly excessive physical response gave the other a positive response.

However, his overreaction was not because he was bluffed by the opponent's words, but because he felt danger from Yongberg and felt that Yongberg also possessed some kind of power.

If you don’t see the information about the dark world in the black market, Leo may immediately feel the threat and kill Yong Berry without hesitation. After all, the best way to solve the danger is to eliminate the danger itself.

But after thinking of the mysterious organizations in the dark world, Leo also realized another identity of the criminal inspector of Miria City in front of him, maybe a night watchman who had close cooperation with governments of various countries.

It is precisely because of the dual identity of Yong Baili, Leo has some bogey, so he chose to talk peacefully with Yong Baili, see what the other party wants to do, and then consider the next move.

However, fortunately, Yong Baili was not a stubborn person. He had no choice to fight Leo. Instead, he was consciously wooing Leo. Even the main target of the Skull and Bones this time was not needed, and he even made it to Leo. Reminder.

"It seems that this account book has to be processed, otherwise it may really become a scourge." Leo thought of Baron Moposan again when he thought of this.

At this time, there were not many people waiting outside the hospital waiting for treatment, and most of them were waiting for the intern to make the medicine into finished pills.

Leo put Xueguo back in his backpack and walked towards Annie's hospital.

"You're finally here. My grandma has a letter to hand to you." Just when Leo stepped into the hospital, he saw Adeline yelling at him impatiently, and then pulled out a letter from his pocket. And handed it to Leo.

Leo took the letter, looked at the seal, frowned and asked Adeline: "Have you opened it?"

"Somewhat curious, so I opened it and looked at it." Adeline didn't quibble, admitted honestly.

Leo was undecided, just holding the letter, staring at Adeline with a solemn expression.

Adeline curled his lips, lowered his head slightly, and did not stare at him. He grumbled dissatisfiedly and said, "Isn't it just open and take a look! There is something great, but it's not an important thing."

Leo didn't respond, but suddenly reached out to lift Adeline's chin, let her glasses meet with herself, and then reached out and shook in front of her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Adeline opened Leo's chin with great displeasure and asked angrily.

When the surrounding patients and interns saw Leo turned his foot on Adeline, they stood up one after another, leaning on them, and besieging Leo group.

However, Leo just frowned, took the letter, turned and walked out of the hospital, letting the flirted Adeline's face puzzled, and completely did not understand what Leo was doing just now.

Leo, who had left the hospital, stood for a while at the door and stopped a wagon that was approaching at the door. Instead of sitting in the carriage, he sat next to the driver and said, "Go to the urban botanical garden."

When the coach heard the address, he pulled the reins, turned the horse's head, and drove towards the urban garden.

The botanical garden is located in the middle of the administrative area, commercial area and the residential areas of embassies of various countries. The initial idea was to build a central park in the city, but as embassy personnel of various countries will unconsciously plant all kinds of flowers and plants in their countries here, making it gathered here The flowers and plants around the world have gradually become a central park into an urban botanical garden.

The Red House area was not far from the Botanical Garden. It was three minutes by horse-drawn carriage, and Leo did not get off at the door, but said to the driver: "Go on and stop until a quiet enemy with no one. "

"Sir, you are..." The coachman's face was tense, and he was about to ask Leo what he wanted to do, but he felt something in his waist,

I don't know when, when an axe touched his waist, judging by the sharp axe blade, with a little effort, he could easily cut his stomach.

"I won't say it a second time." Leo looked coldly at the coachman and said.

The coachman said nothing more, raised the reins, drove the carriage into the botanical garden, and quickly bypassed a path into a relatively dark, tree-lined path.

"Stop." Leo suddenly ordered.

The driver pulled the reins honestly, stopped the carriage, and then panicked, said: "I only have a gold **** on my body, I just earned it today, you want..."

Leo interrupted him and said, "Shut up and go inside the car."

The driver seemed very frightened. He trembled down the carriage, opened the door, and entered the compartment. When his hand was on the soft chair beside him, a sharp axe directly pressed against his crotch. On his baby, followed by the cold voice, said: "I really want to know, can I castrate you before you pick up the weapon under the chair?"

"Don't, don't, lightly, lightly!" The driver was so nervous that he quickly raised his hands on his feet and wanted to keep his baby away from the axe.

"Sit to the opposite side." Leo continued to order, and then got into the car, sat down on the soft chair that the driver wanted to sit on, reached out from under the soft chair, and took off a small mechanical crossbow, look I looked at it and said, "I've seen this type of mechanical crossbow, but he has improved it a bit."

The driver with his hands out of his humble temperament instead used a semi-formal official tone, saying: "Mr. Dodd, we are not malicious, but we should be natural allies. After all, we all have a common need. Deal with the enemy."

"Your allies will hypnotize you, and then you can't see the letters that belong to you?" Leo grabbed the robotic crossbow in his hand. With a little effort, the complete hand crossbow broke into a pile of incomplete parts, and followed him Say without apology: "Sorry, your weapon is too sturdy, I hope this will not cause you too much loss."

Seeing a pile of gears, machine springs and other parts on the ground, the driver's eyelids could not help but pick up, and his face was full of surprise.

This crossbow has been with him for several years. He knows that this crossbow looks delicate and perishable, but in fact it is very strong. He also used this crossbow to block the sword that he cut.

But now such a sturdy hand crossbow seems to be paper-like, pinched in the hands of the person in front of him, and the parts fell to the ground, which couldn't help but shock him.

Leo felt the fire was almost over, so he went straight to the subject and said: "I have a question to ask you."

The driver was immediately alert and prepared for torture, which he had considered clearly when he was doing this business, and had been trained in the harshest torture. He was confident that he would not reveal a secret, if necessary I'm ready to kill myself.

Leo looked at the other person silently for a while, and suddenly asked, "Is your boss male or female?"

"Ah?" The driver was completely stunned, wondering if he was auditory, and looked at Leo blankly.

However, Leo frowned, and said solemnly, "I am asking if your head is male or female?"

The driver realized at this time that Leo really asked such an unimaginable After a moment of stun, he saw Leo's face showing displeasure and quickly responded: "In fact We also want to know."

Leo felt that the driver was not lying, and asked again: "Does your organization have the kind of disguised props that can be made to feel like a woman's chest?"

"No, absolutely not!" The driver answered very affirmatively and asked curiously: "Did you touch our head..."

The coachman seemed to be very afraid of Baron Mopossang. Even if he wasn’t around, he didn’t dare to talk about all the excessive problems. He just drew a picture on his chest and gestured.

Leo ignored the driver's question, and seemed to have no questions to ask. He stood up, pushed the car door, and prepared to leave.

Only after taking a half-step, he stopped suddenly and said to the driver: "I forgot something."

After he finished speaking, he punched the driver who hadn't recovered from it with a punch, then dragged out of the car, his body was stripped off, tied behind the carriage, slapped the buttocks, and let the carriage walk itself along the road.