The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 823: Queen's Dinner

Although Leo no longer needed to take off his armor and unload his weapons, Kerry Fau still did not directly lead Leo to the royal palace to meet the ice queen, but took them to a room in the ice hall, Let them take a break first, and when dinner comes, they will be taken to the palace.

The room prepared by Kerry Fao is very good, and the location is just on the top floor of the Ice and Snow Church. From here, you can just look over the idol in front and see the panoramic view of the capital city of Dalisa.

The height of the entire ice and snow temple is higher than that of the goddess of snow and ice. The main body is a small mountain with a height of more than 500 meters. The interior of the mountain has been hollowed out, and the construction style is similar to that of the royal palace. The outer wall is used from the mountain. The bricks and stones pulled out are built up. From a distance, it looks like a huge city wall, blocking the front of the palace, so that anyone who tries to attack here will feel desperate.

Such a tall building is naturally impossible to build by ordinary construction methods only, and some mysterious powers are mixed in the building. Leo can feel this mysterious power and knows that these mysterious powers come from every cornerstone, Or more correctly, the symbols on the cornerstones and walls.

This room on the top floor is also filled with these symbols. Leo was attracted by these symbols with mysterious power after entering the room.

These symbols are very special, and their combination is very different from the writing method and the Turing root. It should be a mysterious text that is independent of the Turing root, just like the runes of the town on the lake.

"These should be the icefield runes of the Renault people." Sylvia also walked to Leo, while recording what he saw through the deputy brain chip, while explaining to Leo: "This is the most difficult to understand in the entire small world. There is no regularity in the writing style of them, and there are very few people who can understand them. Even the Renault people can only understand these runes. However, after the Renault people disappeared, the Renault priests They all disappeared, and now only two people in the whole world may know the correct use of this rune. One is Leah Venisten. She seems to have inherited the Renault priest. The other one is the old man Rembrandt. In order to be able to study the culture, customs and language of the Renault people, I spent three years in the last tribe of the Renault people and had an excellent relationship with the last priest of the Renault people. The last priest of the Renault people saw before death The man is also the old man of Rembrandt. It is said that the priest also gave something to the old man of Rembrandt."

"Is there any Renault now?" Leo asked after listening.

"No more! At least the truly pure-blood Renault people are gone," Tessa Moka also came over at this time, looked at the runes on the wall, and said: "However, the blood of Renault people has now been integrated into Dai In the blood of the Liat, almost 80% of Dilyat now has the blood of the Renault."

Leo didn't ask anything. He hurt Sylvia, remembering these runes, because he suspected that these runes might also come from other worlds.

Sylvia soon recorded the runes of the entire room, and then she ran to the bedroom, lying on the bed, closing her eyes, and recalling the runes she had just recorded, and recalling them seriously, while Leobi on the other side Sylvia remembered the runes earlier, but he didn't end there. Instead, he continued to check the runes in other places that were invisible to the naked eye through the Spirit Net.

With the increase in the number of memorized runes, Leo found that the shapes of these runes are completely different. There is no repetition. This is obviously contrary to the language rules he recognized, so he could not understand the joints for a while.

However, even though he never knew anything about the meaning and usage of these runes, he was not discouraged and abandoned, but was more interested in it. He seemed to regard this thing as a game of passing time.

When the time arrived for dinner, the court attendant came to the door of the room and took three people to the royal palace to attend the queen's dinner. Leo only recovered the spiritual network at this time and put the memory data into the memory database. Follow the simple Cleaned up, and then left the Ice Church with the court attendants, walked up the towering Rainbow Bridge, and entered the Royal Palace of Deliat.

The ancestors of the Dalyat chose to excavate the mountain to build the palace. Except because the mountain is extremely strong, the location is also very suitable and other external conditions, the main reason is that the vast majority of these ancestors are from Mary Kingdom of Sri Lanka, and the early architectural form of the Kingdom of Marais was based on the construction of palaces by cutting mountains.

For example, the headquarters of the Church of the King of the Hill is such a hollowed mountain, and the first palace of the Kingdom of Maris was also built by cutting a mountain.

So at that time, after hearing about the construction of the royal palace, most of the ancestors from the Kingdom of Maris thought of the first plan, and the only plan was to dig the mountain and build the royal palace.

If anyone has been to the headquarters of the Holy See of the King of the Hill, then when you come to this royal palace of Deliyat, you will find that the two palaces are strikingly similar, even the location and shape of some building facilities are exactly the same.

For example, the huge cloister they are currently walking in is also in the headquarters of the King of the Hill. Both are thirty-six stone pillars, each of which has a different shape of the god, but one is the **** of the hill king. , One is the goddess of ice and snow.

However, after reaching the end of the cloister and arriving at the first hall in the palace, they found that the construction and design of this hall had changed into a completely different style. A large number of complicated ornaments were connected by twigs and vines, no matter Whether it is the floor or the zenith, they are covered with various complex but opposed patterns, and some gems are inlaid around the patterns, giving people a feeling of envy and luxury.

"Saville style!" Sylvia said at this time Leo's heart said: "I have seen him in the church of the Savior of All Things."

After hearing Sylvia's words, the attendant who led the way also led them to a small room on the side of the hall.

At this time, the stove was lit in the room, a large amount of food was placed on the table, and Kerry Fao was sitting beside the dining table.

After seeing the three men entering the house, Clifao signaled the three to sit down, and the three men randomly found a place to sit down.

Subsequently, several people came in from the outside under the leadership of the waiter. Judging from the clothes of these people, they should all be ordinary civilians of Deliyat. Leo Fao and Leo saluted them, and in their view Leo et al.’s dressing, and their equal attitude with Genkli Fao, must have been a great figure of Deliyat. There is no harm in respectful behavior. .

After seeing these people, Leo and they all knew that the Queen of Snow apparently saw them just as an ordinary daily business.

Immediately after the landing, some nobles, generals, and foreign envoys came in and gradually filled the long table.

After the crew was full, Kerry Faw stood up and knocked on the glass in his hand, beckoning everyone to sit quietly, and then turned and walked to another door in the room.

After a while, Kerry Fao came out of the door and said loudly to the crowd: "The Lord of the Northern Icefield, the co-owner of the princes of Deliyat and the Reynolds, of Milokas Destroyer of Light, Dolan, Barrick, and Campro......... The incarnation of the goddess of ice and snow born in the strong wind, Your Majesty Leah Venistan, arrive!

After reporting a series of names, Kerry Fao gave up his body from the door and then bowed down respectfully.

Then I heard a crisp sound of footsteps coming out of the door, and then a majestic woman who looked exactly like the giant goddess came in through the door.

Not to mention the other person’s near-perfect appearance and figure, her height alone is already a bit shocking, even the tall Leo in the crowd can only reach her chest compared with the other party, so she is seeing the Snow Queen At that moment, those who saw the queen for the first time couldn't help but wonder if there was the blood of the legendary giant in the queen.

However, the height of the other party is really nothing for Leo. Leo has seen a real giant. Compared with the height of hundreds of meters, the height of the Ice Queen is obviously not enough.

But the height of the ice queen also reminded Leo of one thing. He remembers that the latest height of the black market information about the witch records that the height of the ice queen is very normal. It is not different from the ordinary people like now, but now this height Changes are likely to have occurred recently.

This also made Leo think of some fresco reliefs seen in the royal city of Janor Lund. In those fresco reliefs, it is recorded that some people will become extremely powerful after receiving the gift of the gods, and the body will also follow It has become bigger, and it seems to be similar to the situation of the Ice Queen now.

When the Queen of Ice and Snow came to the throne, the people around the table had already stood up, saluting to each other almost at the same time, saying: "Have seen Her Majesty the Queen!"

When everyone saluted, Leo, Sylvia, and Tessa Moka did not make any special actions, and also saluted the Queen of Snow with everyone.

"Let everyone sit down! This is just a very ordinary dinner." Leah Weinstein did not act too harshly. After everyone saluted, she gave a gentle tone to the people, and then she I also looked at Sylvia and Tessa Moka in particular. She didn’t say anything, but when her eyes fell on Leo, she couldn’t help but laugh, teasing: “Mr. Leo Dodd, I really want to know How do you eat in this situation?"

In fact, prior to this, Leo Dodd had already attracted the attention of the people who came to the banquet, because of all the people who attended the ceremony, he was the only person wearing full body armor and also carrying a weapon, which made the audience present The nobles and civilians of Deliyat couldn't help but guess who the other party's identity was, and they could get such special treatment.

And now that the Queen of Snow has said the name of the other party, the confusion in the hearts of everyone not only did not disappear, but it was even more confusing, because in their memory, not only Dailiat did not have a big man named Leo Dodd Even if there are no other countries, the surname of Dodd is obviously not like the surname on the Minsk continent, but the surname of the French Empire or the English Kingdom.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Leo is also a little more elegant, trying to make his words appear proper, saying, "No, I don't need to eat."

"It's a pity, I wanted to see what the last tower wizard looked like?" The Queen of Snow showed a regretful look and smiled again: "However, you still don't want to take off your helmet, after all, for me It’s not good for one person’s thoughts to cause the collapse of the city like Ke'an to happen again."

Although the Queen of Snow said very relaxedly, some well-informed people on the table seats were frightened, and the look in Leo's eyes also added a sense of fear.

The fainting incident of the whole city of Ke'uan has been spread to various cities of Deliyat in recent days. There is a very detailed information in the hands of the nobility, but the information does not write why the people of Ke'an city Will suddenly faint, which has become an unknown mystery.

Now everyone knows that the collapse of the whole city was caused by the person dressed as an ancient knight in front of him, and listening to the Queen of Snow, it seems that the person only needs to take off the helmet, which will trigger this incredible event. How can this not be scared.

Among these people, some people who had contact with the dark world knew something about the dark world. They all thought of another identity of Leo mentioned by the ice queen at the beginning, and the final high tower wizard, which made them I was shocked in my eyes, because in the information they obtained, without exception, it was mentioned that the high tower wizard is the closest **** in the world.

Leo didn’t know why the Ice Queen had revealed his identity and what happened to Ke on this But he felt that the other party had other intentions to do so, but he just didn’t know what the intention was.

Therefore, he did not respond to this remark, but just sat quietly in the chair.

The Snow Queen did not continue to bet more attention on him, but turned around and said two words to Sylvia and Tessa Moka, so that they could command people at will if they needed it while they lived here. Go buy it and invite them both to have a good talk in the palace tonight.

Faced with the invitation of the Snow Queen, Tessa Moka didn't know why she didn't want to agree, but Sylvia agreed, so if she refused, she took a bend around her mouth and was swallowed by her again.

Later, instead of focusing on the three, the Queen of Ice and Snow talked with nobles, soldiers, businessmen, and civilians, mainly to understand the situation of Deliat from these populations, and the policies she specified Whether it has been fully executed and so on.

After a meal, except for the two people who did not care about the identity of the Snow Queen, Sylvia and Tessa Moka, the others did not eat anything like Leo.