The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 831: Queen's behavior

     "Our lives are being lost!" While traveling normally, Tessa Moka suddenly stopped and said.

   "Life is losing?" Leo and Sylvia were both stunned. They didn't feel the loss of life.

   "Are you feeling wrong?" Sylvia said slightly questioningly.

   Leo did not question Tessa Moka, but turned on Sight and looked around.

Faced with doubts, Tessa Moka did not refute, but took a seed from her pocket and put it in her hand. I saw that this seed began to sprout and grow under the urging of her power, and it soon grew into A grass, and then saw some signs of yellow on the surface of the grass, and the signs of yellow become more and more obvious, and eventually withered completely.

  Although it does not deal with Tessa Moka, Sylvia does not think that the other party will do things in this matter.

  At this time, Leo also affirmed Tessa Moka's discovery, saying: "Yes, blood mist is indeed absorbing our vitality, very weak."

  Finally, he raised his hand and applied a Quinn Seal on the three people, creating a shield to isolate the blood mist.

   "Everyone, be careful, there might be other dangers hidden inside." Leo reminded the two of them and went on.

  Just after Leo finished speaking these words, he walked less than thirty meters forward and suddenly rushed out a black shadow from the blood mist, flying towards Leo.

  However, it apparently chose the wrong opponent, and hadn’t touched Leo, Leo’s fist had already greeted his head, and directly hit it on the ground.

  Sylvia and Tessa Moka immediately ran forward to see what was attacking Leo, and they frowned when they saw the creature on the ground.

   I saw a spherical head in the palm of this creature. The head was covered with insect-like eyes, and a gap in the middle of the head showed that it was a huge mouth, and even sharp teeth could be seen through the gap.

The monster's body is very skinny, with six legs and four arms like tentacles. There is no skin under and all over the body. A large amount of blood flows out of its body and turns into a mist of blood. The blood in its body looks like Endlessly emerged as endlessly.

   "What the **** is this?" Tessa Moka frowned and muttered to herself.

   "It should be a monster with blood mist." Leo responded casually, and then he saw him lift the monster and threw it out of the blood mist.

   The monster that was thrown out awakened in the air and realized that he was getting rid of the blood mist, and immediately issued a very screaming scream, tentacles madly flicked what he wanted to catch to stop the body from continuing to fly out.

   But all this is in vain, it quickly flew out of the blood mist range and landed on the open space outside.

After falling heavily on the ground, it ignored the pain of the body and quickly climbed up, trying to climb back into the blood mist, but it was too late. Starting from the limbs, the body seemed to be eroded by some invisible force, fast Corruption, the monster just fell down a few meters away from the blood mist, the limbs and body have been completely decayed, and finally fell to the ground and turned into a pool of mud.

   "What's going on?" Tessa Moka couldn't help but look at the muddy beach where the monster turned into.

"Because of the exclusion and erosion of the world," Leo explained: "The place where we are now is where the Velon world and another world overlap. Some people have created Cullenville into an overlapping space. Now the blood mist and that Only a monster is the product of that world. Just like that monster entering the Velon world will be immediately repelled and eroded by the power of the world, if we enter the world of blood fog, we should also encounter repulsion and erosion. For example, now these blood fog only absorbs We have very weak vitality, but after entering that world, blood mist may absorb the vitality more strongly, and we may die in the same instant as the monster."

   "Are we going to continue?" Tessa Moka asked with a worried look.

   "Of course." Before Leo answered, Sylvia made a decision and said, "If you don't want to go, leave now and wait for us in that barracks."

   Tessa Moka raised her eyebrows and did not speak.

   "Go ahead! I don't know what kind of dangers will be encountered there?" Leo interrupted the daily conflict between the two, reminded him, and went on.

I don’t know if the scream of the monster just caused deterrence to other monsters hidden in the blood fog, or because there is only this monster nearby, in short, they didn’t encounter another monster on their way afterwards. Smoothly came to the periphery of the wizard tower park.

   A lush woodland that is extremely rare in the northern wilderness is scattered throughout the park. An artificially constructed path passes through the woods. The end of the path should be the ruins of the wizard tower.

According to the data, the upper half of the wizard tower collapsed for unknown reasons, leaving only the lower half of the tower, and even the lower half of the tower is very large in Leo’s eyes, even if it stands outside the park, The front was shrouded in blood mist, but he was still able to see the nearly 100-meter tower standing in front of him. It is conceivable how magnificent this building was when the wizard tower was intact.

   "So big!" Tessa Moka looked at the huge black shadow in the blood mist in front and couldn't help but exclaim.

   "Rare and strange!" Although Sylvia was also amazed by the size of this wizard tower, she still couldn't help mocking Tessa Mocha.

   "Did you ever see such a tall wizard tower?" Tessa Moka asked back.

   "Humph!" Sylvia snorted coldly without answering.

As Sylvia said, although Leo and Sylvia have seen the wizard tower, they have never seen such a huge wizard tower. Leo hastily estimated the distance and the shadow of the wizard tower in front. The width of this tower quickly calculated that the diameter of this wizard tower was at least 270 meters in diameter.

  Although the wizard tower is not bigger, the better, but the ability to build such a huge wizard tower is enough to show the strength of this high tower wizard.

  At this time, Leo also recalled the information about this wizard tower carefully and quickly through the mind.

No one knows who built the wizard tower and who built it. Everyone just knows that the wizard tower existed before the arrival of the priests of Deliyat. After seeing it, he began to expand around, and when he chose to build a fishing village in Cullenville, the Wizard Tower was abandoned.

   It was just that the power of the wizard tower was still there at that time, and anyone close to the wizard tower would be swallowed by some inexplicable power.

It was not until fifty years ago that the power of the wizard tower completely disappeared. At this time, the kingdom of Delyatia began to conduct a survey and search for the wizard tower, and took away all the valuable things in the wizard tower. The Wizard Tower does not allow other ordinary people to enter.

After Leah Venistan ascended the throne, the wizard tower collapsed for unknown reasons. Then Leah Venistan ordered the wizard tower to be built into a park for anyone to visit. From a time point of view, let One can't help but suspect that the upper half of this sorcerer's tower was probably collapsed by Leah Venistan.

If it was really Leah Venistan that collapsed, then she must have found something on the wizard tower that should have been empty at that time, and even encountered danger because of what was found, even hitting it out, destroying Wizard Tower.

   But after that, she built such a dangerous wizard tower into a park to let ordinary people in and out, so this matter is worth pondering.

And more importantly, the fact that Cullenville was developed into a resident underground cult is even more ridiculous. It is important to know that Leah Weinstein is a self-proclaimed goddess of ice and snow, and believes in the church of the goddess of ice and snow. Equivalent to her prohibition, how could a cult church get in and even sit up, unless she did it intentionally.

Another thing that is suspicious is that the noble children mentioned by Miyazaki Kiri Fao who like to hunt for strangeness, the residents of the entire city disappeared because of some cult practices, but Leah Weinstein did not stop these noble children Instead of allowing them to sacrifice sacrifices indiscriminately here, the question is where did these books record various cult sacrifice methods come from, and how did they master these sacrifice methods?

Obviously, it is impossible for an ordinary person to get a book that records the sacrifices of cults. If you follow the method recorded above, you will be able to succeed. There must be many attempts. As a ruler of a kingdom, how can it be allowed? Such things often happen in your own country?

All kinds of doubts made Leo have doubts about the role of Leah Venistan in Cullenville. Leah Venistan obviously obviously deliberately condoned this behavior, and may even play a role. A leader and controller.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Sylvia, who was standing aside, saw Leo always staring at the wizard tower in the blood mist, his face looked a little abnormal, and he didn't continue to move forward, so he was puzzled. Asked.

   Leo came back and said the content he had just thought seriously.

After hearing Leo’s suspicions, Sylvia and Tessa Moka both froze, and their faces became serious. They hadn’t considered these things before, but now after hearing Leo’s analysis, they They also found that something was wrong, and obviously Leah Weinstein played a very disgraceful role in this matter.

"What is the purpose? What was her purpose for doing this?" Tessa Moka suddenly asked in confusion: "How do you think it would do no good to her? The people in the whole city have disappeared. Deliyat was so violent that even she was subject to considerable fluctuations."

"The benefits are hard to say. Different people will have different judgments on the same thing. Some people think that there are benefits, and some people think there are no benefits." Sylvia retorted: "The people in a city are missing. , Does have an impact on her, but does this affect the fact that it has not subsided now? What if the benefits she received far exceeded the disappearance of the entire city?"

   Tessa Moka said rightly: "Although Leah Venistan has some problems, it is not so cold-blooded."

  Sylvia did not refute, and apparently she also endorsed Tessa Moka's evaluation of Leah Venistan.

   "What should I do now? Do you want to continue?" Sylvia turned to Leo and asked.

"Of course, I still want to know what happened until here." Leo nodded, and then added a layer of energy shields on both of them, and signaled that both of them took out their weapons to cope with it at any time. The attack that appeared.

   The reason why he reminded the two of them is not that he is not aimless. Just now his spiritual net found some abnormal movements in the woods, but because of the influence of blood mist, the information returned by his spiritual net is very vague.

  After seeing that the two were seated, Leo continued to walk inside, and walked along the artificially opened road in the woods towards the wizard tower.

   After they entered the park, there were some subtle sounds in the trees on both sides of the road, and at this time Sylvia and Tessa Moka also heard.

   Then, some black shadows as small as the fists of the baby drilled out of the woods and rushed towards three people.

The speed of these shadows is not fast, but the number is staggering, and when they are about to rush down in front of the three people, the three people can only see clearly that these shadows turned out to be some of them covered with various mouthparts and teeth. Monster insect.

  In the face of these insects, Leo did not use weapons, but directly used psionic shocks. Although the shells of all insects swept by his psionic shock were not damaged, they were completely crushed inside.

The nearby Tessa Moka also took out a handful of seeds from his sprinkled on the ground, all the seeds germinated and bloomed immediately, and turned into carnivorous flowers with ablated acid liquid, and those insects fell off After falling into the mouth where the flower opened upward, it was instantly melted by the solution inside.

As for Sylvia, she took out some powder from her waist, chanted the mantra, and sprinkled the powder, and a hot wall of fire appeared in front of her, blocking the insects, and slowly as she controlled Moving, burning all the insects that were trying to approach, the surrounding air was also filled with an unusual smell of meat.

   Although these monsters and bugs are loud, they have no way to face Leo's attack. Soon the bugs quickly reduce and eventually disappear completely, leaving only the corpses in one place.

Both Sylvia and Leo stopped casting spells, firelight and psionic energy disappeared from the surroundings, and Tessa Moka also stopped controlling those plants, and those plants quickly withered without the support of Tessa Moka In the end, there was only one new seed left, which was picked up by Tessa Moka back in his pocket.

   "Is that so? It seems easier to deal with than expected." Tessa Moka looked at the insect corpses on the ground and said to herself.

   "If you come here alone, you won't feel relaxed." Sylvia refuted Tessa Moka with a white glance.



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