The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 896: Inquiries and news gathering

Before the appearance of Miriam City, Dongling City has always been the largest city in the Velon Continent, and even the entire Velon World. It is not like the Melia City because it has become the largest city after several expansions. From the moment of, it is the largest city.

At that time, the Cavaliers reunited the Vinlon continent, established the third dynasty of the French, and moved the French capital from the west coast to the edge of the Vinoway mountain range on the east coast. He hoped to re-establish the spirit of the blue, and also re-establish his own The wonders of the world, so he decided to build the largest city in the world.

According to the requirements of the cavalier king at that time, the new emperor must be large enough to accommodate all the people of the entire French empire at that time, and it could not appear crowded, so the fortification craftsman at that time designed a city with an extremely large area, not only a whole winter. The hills covered this imperial capital, and even occupied half of the yew forest and a high mountain called the hilt.

Unlike other huge cities where no defensive walls are built, from the beginning of the construction of the Winter City, a huge city wall that can surround the entire Winter City was built. This wall is not only high, but also thick, with six carriages Can run side by side on the city wall and turn.

Since the wall was built, it has not been used once in the normal way, because no army has ever hit the city of Dongling, so some countries that are hostile to the French Empire laughed at this as the most useless construction facility. .

In addition to the magnificent city walls, the King of Knights also built a large number of buildings in the city that boast of the glorious history of the French Empire, such as the Arc de Triomphe, Baiqi Square, the Pantheon, etc., and these magnificent buildings have gradually been in the process of design and construction. Formed a unique architectural style, architecturally called this architectural style is a flange-style architecture.

The main particularity of this type of building is the magnificent and square shape. The walls have a large number of exquisite reliefs that record historical stories. The eaves and columns have stone carvings representing some great people. The interior is solemn and solemn, with a large number of gilt twigs. In addition, there are It is the painting of various church classic dome murals.

The whole city is composed of seven blocks with different functions. Each block has ten such flanged buildings, which are very dense. However, the whole city of Donglin City is not the area with the most dense flanged buildings. The palace is located The hill with no name is the most concentrated place of this type of flanged building.

The king of knights built the palace on the hilt-shaped mountain, and the surrounding yew tree farm became a royal courtyard. The entire palace has a large and small building with thousands of buildings, all of which are flanged buildings, and each one The buildings have a unique name, so even people who live in the palace all year round may not be able to remember the name of each palace.

It is precisely because the Knight King’s plan for the entire Winter City was too grand and perfect that he did not see the completion of the Winter City until his death, and the later Emperor Frank continued to build for more than two hundred years. All the buildings planned and designed in the year were built according to the design specifications.

The historians of later generations have a kind of view that it is precisely because of the huge expenditures on the construction of the imperial capital that a lot of the funds of the French treasury were consumed, so that the French empire failed to catch up with the era of maritime discovery that was first created by the Sigma Kingdom. The empire on the continent failed to seize any territory at sea.

However, the French Empire did not think that such consumption was not worth it. At that time, they were immersed in the dream of the land’s first powerful country and the greatest city. The vast majority of nobles and generals who led the entire empire believed that the real control was in their hands. Land is far more valuable than uncontrollable oceans.

What's more, at that time, the mainland parliament was being established. The French Empire fought to set the headquarters of the parliament in the empire. Most people in the empire believed that as long as they controlled the parliament, they could indirectly control the entire Velon world. As for whether there is maritime hegemony or not, it is not necessary.

It's a pity that although their ideas are very good, the development of things is not as they wish. The Continental Parliament of Miria City is not only not controlled by the French Empire, but also allows the influence of various countries to penetrate the French Empire. Internally, the current division of the French Empire also largely stems from this.

At that time, the French Empire would choose to destroy the city of Melia completely, probably to a great extent because the empire had hated the city of Melia to the extreme.

Although the Imperial City was built with the consideration of subsequent population growth and other problems, and the area was expanded in an extreme way, the original designer still did not expect that the population growth caused by the long-term peace in the French Empire was absolutely explosive. When the Imperial City When it was completely built, the population of the imperial capital had already reached the accommodation limit, so the emperor of France had to build a town outside the city at that time, and the residents in the imperial capital were cleared out of a batch, and a very strict admission qualification review system was designated. This is now the initial version of the Imperial Capital Review System.

Now, Leo and Sylvia are being questioned by the system reviewer. If they were in the past, as long as they are not permanent residents of the capital, they do not need to undergo qualification review, but as the system continues to improve, the rules become more and more It is getting tougher, and because it is very difficult to obtain the right to reside in the imperial capital, the residence in the imperial capital has become an alternative status symbol.

"How long do you plan to live in the Imperial City?" The auditor routinely asked a question that must be asked.

"This decision is no longer mine, and I can't give an answer." Leo also responded routinely.

The auditor did not care, and continued to ask: "Where are you going to live?"

"This decision is no longer for me, and I cannot give an answer." Leo replied the same sentence again.

In this way, the reviewer asked a question, Leo answered a question, except for the name of the first question, the answers to all questions afterwards are almost the same sentence.

Soon the examiner's questioning ended, he handed the questionnaire form he just filled out to Leo, signed it, then received the form in his briefcase and turned away from the temporary apartment where Leo lived.

"Is there any point in asking these things?" Leo asked, turning to the attendant assigned to him by the Special Operations Department.

The attendant shrugged and said, "Bureaucracy is focused on this situation. Although the content is meaningless, this step is not enough in the procedure." As he said, he asked Leo: "What are you doing?" Do I need to do it?"

Leo thought for a while and said, "Help me buy back a copy of the most common newspapers in the imperial capital these days..."

The attendant interrupted Leo, prompting: "This does not need to be bought, there are archives, and there are more types and more details, you can check it yourself."

"Can I go to the archives now?" Leo asked in confirmation, "I don't need to go through any formalities?"

"No." The attendant pointed to the medal hanging on Leo's chest and said, "With this medal you can access all unsealed materials in the archives."

Hearing the attendant's words, Leo thought about it and asked the attendant to take himself to the archives.

At this time, Sylvia’s questioning also ended, both the content of the question and the answer were almost the same as Leo, and Sylvia, who had been in the power center of the French Empire for a short time, This system-oriented and procedure-oriented bureaucracy has long been accustomed to it, and has not shown doubts and confusion.

When she saw Leo and the attendant leaving the apartment, she followed her, inquired, and learned that Leo went to the archives, she also seemed to have thought of something, decided to go together, and let her attendant bring some The form used to apply for access to the banned documents seems to be interested in certain banned documents.

A group of people soon came to the archives, Leo and Sylvia found a relatively secluded place to sit down, and then asked the attendants to find the materials they were interested in, and quickly looked through them.

The main thing Leo wants is the newspapers in recent months. He wants to learn from the newspapers what happened in the Weilun mainland in recent months, especially after the world has mutated.

As the attendant said, the types and quantities of newspapers collected by the Special Operations Department are very complete. Not only the big newspapers issued by the entire empire, but also several important newspapers issued by each town itself.

Leo reads it very quickly. After a few months of accumulation, he has read all of the nearly tens of thousands of newspapers in less than an hour, which made the attendant who walked back and forth to help Leo carry materials. This is enough, once suspected that Leo was deliberately teasing him, after all, before this, he had not seen a person who could read all the newspapers so quickly.

However, after being surprised, the attendant quickly relieved himself. After all, in places like special operations, you can always see some people with peculiar abilities, and there is no one among them who can read quickly.

When the attendant did not know, these newspapers just read it again, and it was not finished for Leo. This is the first step for him to collect and organize the information. Later, he needs to analyze the content of these newspapers to be true and credible. Those contents are concealed, and some are completely fake.

This is mainly because the entire Empire’s newspaper industry is controlled by the Empire government, so all kinds of information published in the newspapers need to be re-analyzed to be able to determine its accuracy, especially all reports involving the United Kingdom.

In all the newspapers he saw, all the reports about the United Kingdom were negative. Without a good word, he almost said that the United Kingdom is a **** on earth.

Although the news about the United Kingdom is full of hostility and prejudice, there is also a lot of useful intelligence in the text that has completely deviated.

For example, the government of the United Kingdom took over Cage, and built several other towns to relocate the residents of Cage.

The content of this news is not many, most of them are the duties of the British government to ignore the stable life of the cage city residents and forcefully evict the residents. However, the careful Leo has seen from these short contents. Some useful things.

For example, the United Kingdom government took over Cage City, and moved Cage City residents without dismantling Cage City. This is obviously not in line with the principle of maximizing the interests of the United Kingdom Prime Minister, a businessman from Rupert Fitz.

And a follow-up report that mentioned that the United Kingdom sent troops to Cangcheng. The report speculated that some people in Cangcheng were reluctant to leave. The United Kingdom government wanted to use force to capture the residents of Cangcheng, even Kill.

But if you look closely, you will find that this report has been months away from the report of the residents who moved away from Cage City. Judging from this time, the residents of Cage City have already moved by means of Rupert Fitz. After leaving, even if there is a stubborn resistance, there is no need to send an army at all, just let the people of Cage City solve it by himself, and he can come out to clean up the mess.

Therefore, the troops stationed in Cage City obviously did not go towards the residents of Cage City, but probably towards the remains below Cage City.

Although Leo also explored the underground ruins in Cangcheng at that time, the part he explored was only a part of the area. In addition, a large number of areas were buried or half buried under the ground. There are so many mysterious things in the places he explored. There should be a lot in other places. Obviously the United Kingdom wants to study the contents of the underground ruins of Cage City carefully.

In addition to Cage City, the news that the United Kingdom began to contain the mutants of Miria City also attracted Leo's attention.

Although the United Kingdom’s wanted and arrested people who are out of control mutants have not been cancelled, they seem to have shown a little kindness to those who still remain rational.

It’s just that Leo does not think that the United Kingdom government is really kind enough to unconditionally contain these mutants who may be out of control at any time, because the report mentions that the blood wizard Lawrence who has become the earl is this containment. The main person in charge of the plan, thinking of what Lawrence did during the Great Plague in Milia City, you can feel that the United Kingdom should be different.

In addition, Leo also received a lot of news about the empire. The most worthy of his attention is that the emperor of France allocated a large amount of funds from the royal private library to fund the research of some scholars of the Imperial College, only in a dozen copies. The newspaper, and dozens of related reports, did not mention how much the Emperor Fran had paid to fund the scholars and research what seemed to have been deliberately deleted.

The only thing that is clear is that Louis X attached great importance to the research he funded, and gave those scholars great authority to allow them to use all the resources of the imperial government when needed, and there is no upper limit for this resource. .

Undoubtedly, this also made Leo interested in it. Decided to go to the Royal Academy if he had the opportunity. The Royal Academy is in the city of Dong Rong anyway and will not delay him.

List of chapters of the mysterious world under high-speed text hands playing steampunk