The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 985: Dilemma

Cabo City is located in the north-central part of the Porto region, close to the Black Forest. There are no special products worth mentioning here, and it is not suitable for growing wine crops like grapes.

Just because it is close to the Black Forest, the trees here are much taller than other places, but there are many towns in this environment in the Porto region, and even the entire Black Forest. There are many valuable things.

The reason why Cabo City was later included in the list of urban development by the United Kingdom of France, and it was established as an important station of the domestic railway network, mainly because it is close to the front line and after coming out of the valley where Cabo City is located, there is a A flat mountain road ideal for erecting railways winds through the north-central and north-eastern Porto Rosello mountains. It is much easier to set up a railway to the front line than other places, and it consumes much less manpower and material resources.

It is also because of this railway that Cabo city has developed from a very ordinary mountain town to a medium-sized city in the years after the establishment of the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom. Nearly 40% of the United Kingdom has The above war materials will be concentrated here and then sent to the front lines.

It's just that although Cabo City has achieved extraordinary rapid development because of this war railway, it also lost the peace of the past because of this railway.

The development of emerging cities naturally requires various merchants and some underworld forces that come from merchants. In order to expand their territory and interests, these underworld forces naturally have to fight for fighting, so the security problems caused by them have become the city of Kapu Managers feel a headache.

However, this is not the biggest headache for city managers. Spy from the Empire is the main reason for them to panic.

As an important transit point for the military supplies of the United Kingdom in France, this is also the focus of the spy agents of both the Empire and the Kingdom. Since the management of Kab City is under the direct control of the Kingdom, the officials of the Kab City have not been one since the appointment of officials. Those who can do their jobs safely and steadily, they will all be bought by imperial spies and become traitors for various unknown reasons.

Therefore, there is a rumor similar to the joke in the United Kingdom of France, that no matter who it is, what position it is in, as long as it can serve in Kab City and transfer safely, then this person is definitely the most loyal kingdom in the world. people.

It is precisely because of the large number of spies sent by the empire that the Sylvia-led intelligence service has also sent out corresponding agents, and launched a series of open fights with the imperial spies hidden here.

When Leo and Sylvia came to Cabo City, she did not go directly to the secret office where her department was. Instead, she and Leo disguised as an ordinary traveler couple and settled in the most luxurious city. The hotel, and then freshen up, put on a dress recently popular in the United Kingdom, and asked the hotel to find the nearest newspaper and read it.

"A truce agreement has already been signed? So fast?" Sylvia was attracted by the front page headline of the newspaper before he picked up the top of the newspaper that the hotel had sent.

"Do you know in advance that the United Kingdom intends to sign a truce with the Empire?" Leo asked while teasing the child in his arms.

"Of course I know that this is not a secret at the top of the United Kingdom." Sylvia nodded and said, "The gang of businessmen hope to stabilize the situation and make money. They don't want to continue fighting. They have found a lot of lobbyists. Prime Minister Lu Burt and the king also felt that it would only be meaningless wasting, so they always hoped for peace talks with the empire, but the empire did not relax and did not have any intention to make peace. Unexpectedly, the conditions for peace talks were reached so quickly , Signed a truce agreement."

Leo picked up a newspaper from a different newspaper, looked at it, and said, "It's fast enough. It's less than a month before we enter the Black Forest."

"What? One month?" Sylvia was stunned. After Leo's indication, she looked at the time when she read the newspaper. Only then did she find that the time in the newspaper was different from what she thought.

The time in the newspaper was only twenty-three days after they entered the Black Forest, and she and Leo had been in the Black Forest for at least eleven months.

It’s just that the inequality in time didn’t surprise Sylvia for too long, because she had the experience of hunting the demon world. She was already surprised at things like different worlds and different time flow rates. She now feels What surprised her was the short time it took to sign this armistice agreement, which surprised her.

According to her experience, even if the empire considers a truce with the United Kingdom, it should still be in the negotiation and trial stage. It will take at least half a year to complete the armistice agreement, and it will still kill you more than twenty days ago. Another country vowed not to perish, but it signed a truce agreement more than twenty days later. This has never happened in the wars of the Velon world in the past, and it makes people feel very abnormal.

"It should be related to the loss of the contract ring and the large mutation in the Northland." Leo quickly scanned the newspaper in his hand and inferred briefly.

"Did the contract ring affect them so much?" Sylvia frowned.

Leo thought for a moment and said, "It should have a big impact. Most of the experiments we saw at the Seventh Research Institute should use some special products of the Black Forest. Now that the contract ring has been lost, the imperial official cannot It is safe to get those special products from the Black Forest, which will obviously stop all the trials on hand and even make them useless. The industry of the French Empire is far from comparable to that of the United Kingdom. Bet on those experiments that can make ordinary people have extraordinary powers. Now that the raw materials needed for those experiments are out of order, they have begun to go down in this war. If they do not take advantage of the fact that the two sides are still in a draw, A truce agreement is reached with the United Kingdom. After a period of delay, it is not a question of whether they want a truce, but whether the United Kingdom wants a truce."

After listening to Leo’s analysis, Sylvia also nodded, but she did not think Leo’s analysis was completely correct. The empire’s idea may be the same as Leo’s analysis, but the United Kingdom’s idea Leo was inferred wrong. Yes, but this kind of error is mainly because Leo does not have detailed information before making a wrong judgment.

In Sylvia’s view, the Empire is indeed eager to sign a truce with the United Kingdom, so as not to lose enough bargaining chips when it falls, but the United Kingdom also hopes to end the war as soon as possible, so it has been trying to continue with the Empire. Negotiations are mainly due to the fact that the United Kingdom has been heavily indebted by the French civil war.

The reason why the United Kingdom has not yet declared the government bankruptcy is mainly because the personal charm of Rupert Fitz supports the fragile finances of the whole United Kingdom. The merchants of the Kingdom are immersed in the dream of a merchant kingdom he shaped and are willing to Lend money to the kingdom to support its huge military expenditures.

If there is no such thing as world variability and the sea of ​​gray fog is closed, the United Kingdom may still be able to rely on ocean trade with other countries to barely maintain the expenditure of the United Kingdom. Now that the sea of ​​gray fog is closed, the sea trade is cut off and it is not only affected With the Royal Government, even businessmen who rely on marine foreign trade have been affected, and these businessmen are the largest supporters and creditors of the United Kingdom.

If this war continues, it will be unclear whether the United Kingdom will still be the winner, so the armistice agreement in the newspaper is also crucial for the United Kingdom.

Now that the armistice agreement has been signed, Sylvia has no way to continue to exert influence and make a profit for her own armistice agreement. She soon put the armistice agreement aside and began to read other newspaper contents. Look for content that interests her.

"What are your plans?" Leo asked after turning over a few newspapers and losing interest in these things while teasing Little Toran.

Sylvia hesitated for a moment and said, "Will you want me to go to the Kingdom of England with you?"

"Of course not," Leo shook his head and said, "It's still unknown whether I can pass through the thick fog on the sea now, and even if I go back to the Kingdom of England, I won't wait too long to clean up the industry there. In a moment, I will go to Mosang mainland, I want to ask you..."

"Forget it! I will not go to Mozambique." Before Leo finished, Sylvia shook his head and said, "If Toran has not been born yet, I would rather go to Mozambique with you. The wasteland walked away, but now that Tolan is born, we can’t throw Tolan here and let others raise it! My own children are still raised by myself."

After Leo listened, he didn’t say anything, and swallowed what he wanted to say afterwards. In fact, his original intention was to bring Toran to the Kingdom of Inge. Now Sylvia’s attitude is obviously to want Let Toran grow up in Français, and with Sylvia's character will not change his mind in this matter, so he did not say more unnecessary words, affecting the relationship between the two.

After a while, Little Tolan might be tired of playing. He fell asleep in Leo’s arms. Leo put him in the cradle bought by the hotel. Then he closed his eyes and built a training simulation in his mind. In the course of psionic training, while scanning the hotel through the spirit net, and trying some of his new skills in using the spirit net.

Prior to this, Leo only used the spiritual network as a remote sensing detection tool, but he found from the psionic heritage he obtained that the use of the spiritual network was far more than he expected, and the role of the spiritual network It is also bigger in the entire psionic system, and it is not unreasonable that the spiritual network skills will become the centralized basic skills that the psionics must learn.

Now the mental net skill Leo is practicing is called the domain of control. The role of this skill is to use the spiritual wave of the spiritual net to create a psionicist field. This psionicist field is like the **** field of the Black Forest. Will become the absolute master in this field, which is described in the inheritance he obtained.

At this moment, Leo’s spiritual web cannot naturally form such a realm. He can only create a pseudo realm, and uses some techniques to control some things in the pseudo realm, such as he wants to open all the rooms in the spiritual realm. The door only needs to move a thought, and now his ability can only do this.

However, Leo believes that as his psionic level improves and mastering the skills of the spirit net, he must be able to achieve the final effect that the spirit net should be able to achieve in the data.

While Leo trained the ability to use Spirit Net, he also discovered some interesting things through Spirit Net, and asked Sylvia, who has read most of the newspaper, asked: "You should not only stay in this hotel Just because this hotel is the most luxurious hotel in the city, right?"

"Why do you ask?" Sylvia puzzled.

"Because I found this hotel to be the spy headquarters of the French Empire." Leo told Sylvia his discovery.

"Did you find it?" Sylvia immediately put down the newspaper in his hand and came to Leo's side, saying: "I have always suspected that this is the spy headquarters of the French Empire in Cabo, but this is the only one. The relationship between the owner of the hotel and the upper class of the United Kingdom is very good, and my people can't find any evidence, so they are just doubts here, and now it seems that my doubts are indeed true."

"No, you made a mistake!" Leo interrupted Sylvia's words, and when the other party showed a bewildered look, he emphasized again: "I am not talking about the spy headquarters of Cabo City, it is the whole Spy headquarters in the United Kingdom."

Sylvia did not understand the difference between the two at first, but soon realized the meaning of Leo, and there was a ecstatic look on his said: "National, it is national. It seems that I caught a big fish this time!"

Sylvia walked back and forth in the room excitedly for a few times. The expression on his face became more and more calm, and soon he stopped, showing a contemplative look on his face.

It is very important for Sylvia to determine that this hotel is the French Empire’s spy headquarters in the United Kingdom. In recent years, Sylvia’s main opponents were the French Empire’s spies, and now they have found the Empire’s spies. The headquarters, and she used the faceless person's disguise to stay here secretly, and did not attract the hotel's attention.

In this way, she is completely in the dark, and has enough advantages to solve this opponent, and the only thing she needs to consider now is to make this matter too much.

Now that the Empire and the Kingdom have signed an armistice agreement, if she makes a big deal about the imperial espionage, I am afraid that it will affect the armistice agreement, and several of the umbrellas of this hotel are powerful and powerful in the Kingdom Government. The big guys, if they get out of control, they will surely drag these big guys into the water. She doesn’t think those big guys will collude with spies and betray the kingdom, but they can’t be sure that other people will think so. Will cause adverse effects.

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