The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

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The severe brain pain was accompanied by a strong dizziness similar to a concussion. This was the first feeling 74328 felt after waking up, and before he could react, the vomiting reaction caused by the dizziness began to work in his body, causing him to lose weight. He spat out everything in his stomach. Mobile terminal https://m.

What's worse is that his body is weak and weak at this moment, and he doesn't even have the strength to sit up, so he can only turn his head a little bit and vomit all the vomit on one side of his head.

After the vomiting reaction was relieved, the dizziness in 74328's head eased a little, but the headache still existed, and because there was no check and balance of the dizziness, it became more intense.

"The first sub-brain, check the abnormal situation of the brain." The intense physical discomfort made 74328 feel a little worried, prompting him to immediately order the first sub-brain responsible for controlling the body's organs to check the physical condition.

However, things didn't seem to develop as he thought. After he gave the order, his first brain did not respond, as if the first brain had disappeared.

74328, who had a bad premonition in his heart, immediately began to give orders to the second sub-brain responsible for logic deduction and the third sub-brain responsible for learning and sorting, but the result was the same as before, without any response.

Just when he was a little overwhelmed, a large number of chaotic memory fragments flooded into his brain instantly, which had a strong impact on his spirit and made the already painful brain even more painful.

This kind of pain can't be described in words. If it wasn't for his body being paralyzed and weak, maybe he would have committed suicide by hitting the wall because of this intense pain.

This pain appeared quickly and disappeared quickly, like a wave of ocean waves. After this peak, it quickly diminished and returned to normal levels.

"Damn it!" 74328, who was relieved, felt that his brain was filled with all kinds of messy memory fragments. He had to use the little thinking ability left to analyze the current situation, and soon he had the answer, and This answer was very bad for him, and even made him break the rules of behavior he had cultivated for many years, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

Because he found that the current severe pain in the brain, the disappearance of the three sub-brains, and the appearance of so many chaotic memory fragments in the brain all point to a bad possibility, that is, the sub-brain collapse.

Since the advent of schizophrenia three hundred and forty-five years ago, there have been hundreds of billions of people using schizophrenia to create the sub-brain, and there have been many cases of sub-brain collapse. The Earth Federation has set up a special archive for this purpose. To collect and sort out the data of the sub-brain collapsed.

As for the cause of the collapse of the accessory brain, there is still no public opinion. Some say that the accessory brain is overused, while others believe that it may be due to a congenital defect of schizophrenia, which is not suitable for a certain type of people, but the only thing that is certain is The phenomenon of sub-brain collapse is irreversible after it occurs.

The only way to deal with the side effects of a collapsed accessory brain is to reapply schizophrenia and create a new accessory brain.

However, the difficulty of an ordinary person using schizophrenia to create an accessory brain and the difficulty of an accessory brain collapsed person using schizophrenia to create an accessory brain are completely two levels. There are only two successful examples so far, and these two examples are not considered to be They succeeded because the sub-brain they created had no function of the sub-brain.

Although there is no successful case, for the current 74328, he has no second way to go, because even he who is called a robot is not confident that he can withstand the impact of the next wave of side effects.

So, after making a decision, the decisive 74328 began to use schizophrenia skillfully to segment the neurons in the brain.

Schizophrenia is a magical evolutionary method created by a mysterious scientist in the old era of the earth more than 300 years ago. This method includes both mysticism and psychiatry, brain science and other human sciences. It can be said that This technology has enabled human beings to leap a great step in evolution, evolving from a single earth creature into a true cosmic race.

According to the records of the Earth Federation, the basic theory of schizophrenia should have originated from a graduation thesis of a Harvard Medical School student in the Department of Neurology.

For the paper, the student conducted a holistic analysis of the utilization of brain domains in the human brain.

He thinks that the utilization of human brains is very low, even the smartest people do not use more than 20% of the brain domain, and he believes that the reason for this is not that humans use the other 80% of the brain. It cannot be used, but because of the inert genes in all living things, humans cannot effectively use the other 80% of the brain.

The indolent gene was a new concept at the time. Some genetic scientists found that there is a common gene in the genome of all organisms, including humans. This gene can make organisms lazy, so scientists named it indolent gene. .

Before that, scientists mostly believed that laziness was caused by personality, but after the discovery of the laziness gene, humans realized that this gene was at work.

And this kind of gene also directly affects the utilization rate of the organism's various organs. For example, as long as the mouth is opened, a certain organism can meet all the needs of survival and desire, then this organism will no longer use the body other than the mouth. organs are used efficiently.

The human brain is also affected by inert genes. If human beings can meet the needs of current life with only 20% of their brain utilization, then the remaining 80% will not be used anymore. to take advantage of.

After some scientists on earth discovered that the inert genes of human beings make human beings unable to use their bodies effectively, they began to think of ways to solve this problem. Among them, there are many bold ideas to strip the inert genes from the body genome, but they all failed in the end. end.

This issue related to human evolution had a breakthrough more than 300 years ago, that is, fifty years before the establishment of the Earth Federation.

A mysterious scientist did not conduct research on inert genes like others, but bypassed the problem at the genetic level and directly aimed at the core part of the human brain, creating schizophrenia. The brain resources are split out and become the biological sub-brain that assists the main brain and controls the body.

In this way, the extra sub-brain not only enables humans to obtain unimaginable computing capabilities similar to super quantum computers, but also enables humans to manage their own body organs almost perfectly like computer management hardware. In a short period of time, it has evolved to a level that was unimaginable before.

After the scientist created and perfected the schizophrenia technique, it was directly disclosed to all countries on the earth, so that anyone with access to the Internet could obtain the complete method of using the schizophrenia technique.

For all humans, schizophrenia is a good thing, but for those in power, schizophrenia is an absolute poison.

After all, in an era when everyone is like a dragon, there is no difference between those in power and others, and it is almost impossible to control others, so when the schizophrenia technique was announced and confirmed to be effective by many people, the situation on the whole earth It started to turmoil.

There is a protracted war between and within nations over schizophrenia, and no nation is immune.

It was not until the earth was devastated by war that everyone realized that if it continued like this, everyone would be doomed. In the end, the countries of the earth abandoned their previous hatreds, and human beings also abandoned their hatreds, and established the only country on earth, the Earth Federation.

After the Earth Federation was established, it was only at this time that people discovered that they did not even know who the creator of schizophrenia was. This person did not leave any name and identity information, and this incident became one of the biggest issues within the Earth Federation. There has been a lot of speculation around this mystery, including many conspiracy theorists.

For 74328, what is the purpose of the creator of schizophrenia to make it public, what is the meaning of schizophrenia to human beings, etc. all questions are not for him to consider, in fact, he is a creature of the Earth Federation Weapons, most of the things that need to be considered are how to effectively hunt down the enemy and kill them.

It is precisely because of the extraordinary endurance of the biological weapon that he can endure the extreme pain, and under the influence of various adverse reactions, he can still successfully use schizophrenia to remove 20% of the idle cranial nerves. The elements are separated and combined into a new subbrain.

"Function setting!"

"Body control!"

"Check your body!"

"Organize body data!"

"build database!"

"Adjust the structure of the brain!"

"Adjust memory cells!"


At the moment when the auxiliary brain was formed, 74328 proficiently issued a series of instructions. According to the previous usage habits, the first auxiliary brain was classified as a body-controlled auxiliary brain, and he began to check the physical condition.

At the same time, with the generation of the accessory brain, the severe pain and dizziness in the head also weakened as quickly as the ebb tide, because the other senses of the body that were weakened by the pain and dizziness also began to recover, and he also began to perceive the external situation.

"War!" The first restored sense of smell and hearing made 74328 instantly understand the environment he was in, and he also had strong doubts in his heart.

Gunpowder smoke, gunfire, all kinds of cluttered shouts around, and all the information gathered from smell and hearing, all of which indicate that he is now on the battlefield.

However, the problem is that since the Earth Federation entered the interstellar era, gunpowder weapons have disappeared, and the weapons used by the army and individuals are all more convenient and powerful Gauss weapons, ion weapons and so on.

Gunpowder weapons have long since become a personal hobby collection like some other Earth-age objects, and will never be equipped and used on the battlefield on the scale they are now.

Just when 74328 was about to open his eyes to look around, a cannonball hit him not far from where he was, and the air waves generated by the explosion of the cannonball spread to the surroundings, sending him flying off the ground. Going out, and then fell to the ground fiercely, and a sharp pain in the abdomen came instantly.

The pain on his body not only did not frighten 74328, but instead awakened his combat instinct as a biological weapon, allowing him to skillfully adjust his body posture, reduce the squeeze of the injured area during the explosion just now, and avoid causing secondary damage.

However, obviously his luck was not very good. Just when he was about to open his eyes to check the injuries on his body, a man suddenly appeared beside him and grabbed his arm, ignoring the injuries on his body. He dragged him hard, and after dragging him for a distance, he put him down, then slapped his cheek roughly, peeled off his eyelids, and checked his condition.

The eyelids were forcibly peeled off, causing a burst of pain in the eyeballs that had not fully adapted to the situation, and 74328's tears couldn't help but flow out.

And when he felt the tears flowing, 74328 was even more astonished deep inside, because he was very sure that as a biological weapon, after the eyeball had been transformed, the lacrimal gland had been stripped away, and it was impossible for him to shed tears.

After the tears moistened the eyeball and took away the adverse reaction caused by forcibly peeling the eyelid, the blurred image reflected in the eyeball also began to become clear.

The first thing that strikes the eye is a big man with a beard and obvious Celtic features.

I saw that this person was wearing a damaged military uniform. Judging from the style of the military uniform, it looked a bit like the British military uniform in World War I in the old earth.

The messy head wears a military cap that is completely disproportionate to the size of the head. There is also a badge on the hat that should represent the army or the country, but 74328 has never seen such a weird badge, because the badge on it The symbol turned out to be an octopus.


After seeing 74328 sane, the soldier laughed a few times, then tapped him on the shoulder like an acquaintance, and said a few words of encouragement in a language he had never heard before , then picked up a very old-looking breech gun on the ground and ran out of the bunker.

Because the line of sight is no longer blocked by others, can also see the surrounding situation clearly.

I saw that he was in a bunker made of a trench at the moment. This trench was like the deep trench trenches in World War I. The bunker was built with logs on both sides of the deep trench, and the top was paved. A layer of soil.

The function of this bunker can only be used to block a little dust falling from the air. It does not have any defensive power. It can be easily destroyed with a single shot.

At this moment, this bunker seems to have become a front-line hospital. A large number of wounded patients similar to 74328 are lying in the bunker. Several people wearing strange masks and looking like doctors checked the injuries of the wounded.

After scanning the bunker and understanding the surrounding situation, 74328 turned his gaze back to himself, and lowered his head slightly to look at his hands and body. When he found that the shape and color of his hands had completely changed, and he was also wearing a military uniform he had never seen before, he began to realize that he might have encountered a kind of near-legendary thing, transmigration and rebirth.

The mysterious world under steampunk

The mysterious world under steampunk