The Mythical Races I Created

v2 Chapter 190: "I" is not "I"

Hearing the words of the whale demon, the first reaction of the orc prophet was not to believe, and then used his special shaman mental power to eliminate this scene of the whale demon implanting in his head.

Then, he began to think about the credibility of the whale demon's words.

The orc prophet wore a gorgeous shaman robe, and he walked around the whale totem. "On this land, the most powerful power besides the elves is the power of the holy city, and the holy city has always been in my grasp."

"Whale, you are lying to me."

"Aren't you trying to get rid of me?"

The whale demon totem is still trembling, exuding blue light waves of the deep sea, and these light waves look like black tide swallowing people.

On the top of the whale demon totem, a blue mark of an inverted trident appeared.

This mark is constantly flashing.

Illusion demons are soul creatures with only the original image. They are in another dimension, so they are more sensitive to the world of reality.

The whale demon roared at the prophet, and the black tide covered each wave.

The mood of the orc prophet suddenly became very irritable. In short, he was unhappy at seeing anything and hating everything he thought.

He quickly realized that this was the influence of the evil whale demon on him.

Compared with people in the material world, phantoms are monsters with only thoughts, so whales can easily influence people's thinking, and then control this person, causing some unfortunate things to happen.

Especially the whale demon, the phantom demon that appeared in the tsunami, was born in the anger of the sea.

In short, it is an angry emotion.

The words of the whale devil are poisonous to anyone.

This toxin will infect your mind with anger and make you think that you are angry, but you are not.

In fact, the whale is angry!

The orc prophet closed his eyes, and if you want to control the phantom, you must bring yourself close to the dimension where the phantom is.

This is the theory Schopenhauer taught the Orc Prophet.

Schopenh told the Orc Prophet that your ego and your thoughts are not yours. Your own existence exists in another unknown place. Only by constantly denying the view that you are now thinking that you are yourself can you Close to the dimension of the magical demon.

In this way, you can control the phantom.

Schopenh called this process "ecstasy".

So, ‘I’ is not ‘I’.

Soon, the eyes of the orc prophet became ethereal.

Seeing that the orc prophet had entered the state of "ecstasy", the whale demon became more and more angry.

Damn elves.

That guy named Schopenh actually studied himself so thoroughly.

Seeing that it could not affect the orc prophet's emotions, the whale demon decided to speak with the orc prophet.

"I don't want to get rid of you."

"My deal with you was pretty good. You made me the guardian totem of the orcs, enjoying the respect of the orcs, and I helped you stabilize the status of the orc king. Although this is not what I expected, but considering that I have been You and the Red Dead are defeated, so I can accept this condition."

"What worries me is that those evil beings have invaded us."

"Now, since I am willing to be a guardian totem, I don't want all the things I guarded to die."

"Do you agree?"

"If you don't deal with it, delaying may make things worse. If you don't believe it, you can send a group of orc knights you can trust to search. But remember, those enemies are extraordinary. Don't send a few crooked ones. Melon split dates go to die."

The orc prophet had this intention.

He couldn't believe the Whale Demon's words, but he couldn't believe it either.

He turned and left the secret room on the third floor, immediately went to find his subordinates, sent out two hundred orc wolf cavalry outside, and asked them to search for suspicious persons along the border of the orc territory.

After thinking about the whale demon, the orc prophet immediately sent soldiers to the holy city, holding his handwritten letter, dispatched a hundred traditional shamans and two spirit shamans to search the border of the orc territory.

The orc prophet stood at the window of the castle, overlooking the moat outside, and he tapped the edge of the window with his finger. "The shaman in this castle cannot be transferred away, in case this is the conspiracy of the whale demon to transfer the shaman away from the city."

"In addition, the deployment of troops on such a large scale will definitely arouse the suspicion of those tribes."


The orc prophet squinted his eyes, his iron barrel kingdom does not need a disobedient tribal leader. "Let's take a look at how many orc leaders will fidget this time."

He quickly found his confidant Atoman.

He said to Atoman who was working: "You should pay attention to the movements of the leaders of the various tribes."

"Only by getting rid of those who have different intentions, my 5+1 hierarchy system can be completely implemented."

"And once it is implemented, my iron bucket kingdom will be completely completed, and the orc kingdom will always become the place of the most stable believers of God the Father."

Atoman stood up and bowed to the orc prophet.


Following the order of the orc prophet, two hundred orc wolf cavalrymen filed out of the castle two hours later.

In addition, there are Atoman and the messenger, riding the wolf in different directions.

The [Glare Arena System] established by the Orc Prophet gave him a relatively mature centralized bureaucracy, so his orders can be unimpeded, which is also the basis for his confidence in preparing for further centralization.

The orc prophet went to the sixth floor.

There are hidden rooms everywhere in this castle, and there are also hidden rooms on the 6th floor.

The prophet opened the hidden room on the 6th floor.

The interior of the room was bare, with red paint everywhere, with only an abrupt red high platform in the center and a red totem wood that was broken in two.

This totem wood is the totem wood of [Red Dead Demon].

In the past, the Whale Demon destroyed the Red Death Demon Totem Wood, and Shuben persuaded the Orc Prophet to completely destroy the [Red Death Demon].

Now that they have [Whale Demon], they don't need a semi-finished product [Red Dead Demon].

Because of the principle of aggregation in the Land of All Souls, the scattered Land of All Souls must be aggregated into one Land of All Souls, so holding two phantoms will only be a disaster, not a lucky one.

This totem of the Red Dead Devil became a hidden danger.

However, due to the need to elbow the whale demon, the orc prophet still kept the half-destroyed red death totem to prevent the whale demon from betraying him.

After checking that there were no problems, the orc prophet closed the hidden room on the 6th floor and put an iron lock on it.

"The Red Death is still in a half-destroyed state, and the host phantom fell into a deep sleep." The orc prophet doubted: "It's not a phantom, nor can it be an orc shaman, let alone an elves, who invaded me? Where's his territory?"

"Father God is up, who is it?"


After the five invisible lobster monsters crossed the border forest, they seemed to have discovered a new world.

The octopus head lobster monster said to the city of [Cocillins], "Look, the pig civilization here seems to be more advanced, and their architectural style is more beautiful."

"This may indicate that this group of pigmen has been more severely affected by that terrifying civilization."

The whale head lobster monster said quickly: "We did not necessarily provoke that terrifying civilization."

"The pigmen in this area are lucky. They are not our target."

"Let's go to the relatively primitive Pigman civilization area and be the demon **** who destroys civilization."

"When we open the Grand Canyon, we will set up the Grand Canyon in this area, so that the Grand Canyon in this area cannot'attract' visitors."

"In this way, we can avoid contact with that terrifying civilization."

The shark-head lobster monster still had lingering fears about the tree-man forest. He got up and said, "Let’s go to the destination quickly."

"I don't want to stay here for a moment."

The five-headed lobster monster, keep moving forward.

Because they were invisible, they easily passed through the defenses of [Cassilins].

Then they crossed the second city, the third city...

This started to relax the five-headed lobster monster a bit.

But when they crossed a small stream, they suddenly found ten flying snakes with a length of 100 meters and covered with feathers coming from far and near.

These flying snakes also have huge wings.

There are clouds and rain around them, and lightning is entwined around them, and their snake-like vertical pupils sweep across the earth.

These feather snakes are patrolling the air!

The five-headed lobster monsters don't know if they will be discovered. After all, even if they are invisible, they have footprints and smells. These giant snakes that can fly and can manipulate lightning do not know what their sense of smell and vision are.

The octopus head lobster monster pointed to the distance, and there was light. "Look, the platinum brilliance that appeared in the forest before has appeared again."

The whale head lobster monster's eyes lit up. "That is simply our lucky color. Perhaps this is the power of the great Suleiman's ritual, and we may be able to avoid danger by following this light."

The other three lobsters also agreed, and they quickly left the place.

The ten feathered snakes in the sky looked down and observed the inexplicable footprints on the ground. They were going to fly down and observe carefully, but after the white golden light appeared, the ten feathered snakes flew back.

The departure of the feather snake made the lobster monsters breathe a sigh of relief, so that they would not expose themselves to danger.

That light is indeed their lucky light.

Following that light, they will be able to avoid this threatening land that is both familiar and unfamiliar.

The lobster monsters followed the platinum light all the way, and quickly passed through a low bush and escaped from the trail to the fourth city, and their target was this neighborhood.

What they didn't know was that not long after they followed the platinum light, two double-headed eagles came to the small stream where the five-headed lobster monster and the feathered snake patrol met.

The two-headed eagle faced the empty place, looking up to the sky and roaring angrily.

They find that someone is helping the invaders, or those invaders are too allergic and can always avoid them!

Then, the two double-headed eagles turned into four golden condors. The golden condor’s golden wind magic relentlessly bombarded the creek, destroying the creek into pits and pits, as if ploughed by a cannonball, and cutting off the raw land. , So that the river stopped flowing.

Immediately afterwards, four golden condors noticed the huge footprints left in the land near the creek.

The four pairs of eagle eyes turned around.

They followed their footprints and flew away.