The Mythical Races I Created

v2 Chapter 328: Angry wolf head king

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In front of the oasis, death scorpions climbed out one after another and roamed the desert wantonly.

They have only one goal, which is the direction of the Murloc Islands.

Although their traveling direction does not coincide with the location of the oasis, some of the routes are actually next to the oasis, so when these monsters pass by, the Pan Yangs watch them migrate from a distance.

The pea green plants and mole potatoes in the oasis were activated one by one, and various fungi plants and cactus plants were also in a state of battle.

Fortunately, these death **** giant scorpions are completely unreasonable, and have lost their intention to attack the oasis. After passing through the rich and fertile oasis, there is no response.

The current Abu of Oasis No. 1 looked at the scorpions with flickering eyes.

Why do these scorpions move?

Do they... have anything to do with the fruit of civilization?

The large-scale activity of the giant scorpions caused a small-scale earthquake, causing a corner of the Crescent Lake in Oasis No. 1 to collapse.

The Pan Yangs who cherished their property immediately organized manpower to maintain the Crescent Lake.

They jumped into the Crescent Lake and tried to stabilize the shore of the Crescent Lake with tools.

The gray-faced Pan Yangs said: "We should really hire some kobolds to enter the old oasis. It's too hard to do these things on our own!"

"Yes, I heard from my cousin that all the dirty work and hard work in the new oasis is done by the kobolds, and the kobolds still like to do it. The kobold is fine.

"Envy, the new oasis turned out to be such a good place, I didn't want to go there before."

The remaining five oases are also somewhat troublesome.

Among the yellow sand in the sky, on the land of No. 3 oasis covered with thorn cacti, the current Ah Zhan with a gloomy face instructs everyone to repair the area where the thorn cactus has been trampled.

Just now, some giant scorpions without long eyes passed by Oasis No. 3 and passed the edge of Oasis No. 3.

At this moment, some scattered giant scorpions accidentally broke into the edge of Oasis No. 3.

A giant scorpion probably thinks that the desert area of ​​Oasis No. 3 is better than the desert, so it actually travels towards the interior of Oasis No. 3.

The spiky cacti fire their spikes at the giant scorpion.

These spikes sank into the giant scorpion like iron nails, causing continuous damage.

But the desert giant scorpion covered with spikes slammed in because of the pain.

The current Ah Zhan glared at the giant desert scorpion.

An old Panyang man beside him muttered in dissatisfaction. "I'll tell you to replace the thorn cactus with a green pea plant. The attack power of a cactus is not as good as that of a green pea plant."

Ah Zhan couldn't help but retort: ​​"But the water and soil nutrients that the thorn cactus needs to consume is far less than the green pea plant."

The giant scorpion that strayed into Oasis No. 3 finally broke into the pea green plant area, only to hear a few sounds of bones being penetrated, and the giant scorpion fell to the ground and died.

Seeing this scene, the current Ah Zhan's face was extremely ugly.

The old Pan Yangren next to him looked at him with a look of yours.

"These giant scorpions are so crazy that they dare to attack us." The current Ah Zhan is surprised by these giant scorpions' strange actions. "The sudden change in their habits makes me worry that these scorpions are going to get in the way of the oasis."

Lao Pan Yang nodded and said, "Yes. It seems that most of the giant scorpions have left the area where they traditionally lived and burrowed out of the desert, but I don't know why."

The incumbent Ah Zhan said bitterly: "This matter can't be left alone. We need to find out the reason."

"How do you find out, village chief?"

The current Ah Zhan thought for a moment. "Didn't we use jade to cultivate a special plant - rabbit silk for parasitic use?"

"Just use rabbit silk to parasitize the giant scorpion's flesh and blood, and the giant scorpion manipulated by parasitic plants obeys our control."

Just do it, and the current Ah Zhan immediately arranged for someone to do it.

At this time, everyone is actually reluctant to approach those giant scorpions. Some people want to have kobolds do it for them.

The Pan Yangs of Oasis No. 3 spent some time stuffing seeds into the wounds of many giant scorpions, and then these seeds pulled out thin, long plant silk, parasitic in these wounds and thriving.

In the kobold kingdom, some giant scorpions of death actually appeared from the triangular desert in the east of the kobold kingdom. These giant scorpions trampled every piece of land they passed by, from the lower kingdom of the kobold kingdom to the upper kingdom, the entire reaper. The lands of the several routes the giant scorpion swarms passed were all destroyed along the way.

Facing these giant scorpions, the scattered army of the kobolds had no morale at all.

Or, the kobolds have been overestimating their army.

Under the attack of the death **** giant scorpion, these armies were defeated very quickly.

A group of kobold soldiers wearing only rectangular strips of cloth below turned around and ran.

Pieces of farmland were trampled by the giant scorpions that passed by, and the kobold farmers, who were already in a severe drought, are now faced with... an insect plague, which makes it impossible for them to survive.

The houses and buildings that blocked the road were smashed by the giant scorpions, and even the capital of the kobold was implicated. The city wall was destroyed, the defenders were defeated, and all the nobles in the city followed suit. Crazy to run west.

And the wolf-headed king who was monitoring his mausoleum project in the Upper Kingdom, who was a high-ranking chess player in the world of kobolds, was also gloomy in the face of repeated reports at this moment.

The wolf-headed king was on the carriage, impatiently listening to the reports of the soldiers and the great vizier.

He wants to say, shut up, I don't care what kind of disaster this country has encountered, I don't want to care, you can deal with it.

However, the wolf head king found that his subjects were no longer able to deal with this matter.

This means that the army stationed up and down the kingdom has no power to suppress this disaster.

And when the wolf-headed king heard that at least 20,000 giant scorpions were moving within the kingdom, he felt even more suffocated.

This is not a business of the inner kingdom.

This makes the wolf-headed king especially difficult to adapt, because if it is the affairs of the inner kingdom, everyone will accommodate him, the king of kobolds.

No matter how badly he did it, all kobolds would think that the wolf-headed king made the right decision.

Everyone will automatically accommodate the wolf head king.

One word from the wolf-headed king can solve everyone in the kobold kingdom, but the wolf-headed king cannot destroy those giant scorpions now, because those giant scorpions will not listen to the wolf-headed king.

In front of the giant scorpion, the wolf head king is just an ordinary gnoll.

This self-proclaimed chess player who scorns all beings and is aloof, is now shocked to discover that he can only arbitrarily deal with those who are willing to listen to him, and he can't help those outsiders who are unwilling to listen to him.

The wolf head king looked at his subjects angrily, and complained in his heart that they were useless. "Where did they come from?"

"Anyone of you hurry up and think of a solution for me."


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