The Mythical Races I Created

v2 Chapter 375: Sleeping Darkness and Unchained Wizards

Half a month later, the waters of the murloc archipelago were full of corpses, including orcs, murlocs, and even wizards, and the body of the huge fish and monster was also shattered into pieces, and drifted along with the waves. everywhere.

Nearly 50,000 orcs fell in a pool of blood in this heavy-loss war, and the wizard race also suffered serious casualties, leaving only nineteen wizards out of thirty wizards.

The ones who died the most were the murlocs.


Although they did not participate in the war, they had already paid the price they should have paid.

The huge tsunami caused by the war swept through every corner of the murloc archipelago, not to mention the indiscriminate self-destruction attacks of the gods and monsters in the later period, sinking the islands belonging to the murlocs.

After all, the location of their decisive battle was still in the middle of the Murloc Sea.

Most of the territory here is still the island kingdom of free murlocs.

I don't know how many murlocs died in this war.

And with the death of the gods and monsters, the sky seemed to crack, and large pieces of debris fell from the air and landed on the ground.

That is the breaking of the ritual.

The broken power was absorbed by the dark sword. Now as long as the dark power completely digests this part of the ritual power and the soul of some gods and monsters, the dark power has been promoted to the level close to the evil god.

And the dark power can also devour other powers to help it complete the promotion.

The remaining flesh and soul of the gods and monsters were captured by Annabelle and the pirates.

Annabelle was wounded all over, and stood on the warship to guard against the Witch King in the air.

Annabelle said: "Pirates pay the most in frontal battles."

The total number of pirates in the entire archipelago was only more than 150,000, and now a third of them died at one time.

If it wasn't for the power of gods and monsters, it would be a disaster.

"Hope, you remember."

The Witch King ignored the pirates. He looked around. The islands belonging to the dark race were all shattered by gods and monsters, and the dark islands were also destroyed by gods and monsters, leaving only a gravel castle floating in the air.

The evil mage Hook is right, darkness and evil can't find a place to live, they can only survive in corners and corners.

The key is that he was also severely injured and desperately needs to digest his strength and recover from his injuries.

So the pirates and the wizards parted ways.

Darkness emerged over the broken dark castle, covering the castle.

On the throne, the Witch King gradually fell asleep, and he gave the final order to his opponents. "I am about to fall asleep, and at the last moment of my awakening, while I am asleep, nineteen wizards will defend the castle."

"You can also continue to assume the role of mercenaries who provide dark magic to other races, and look for new candidates who can inherit the power of wizards."

"As the power of darkness increases, the total number of wizards that can appear in this world will increase, and the current maximum number is 35."

"I will give you the authority of the dark spell."

Then, the Witch King fell into a deep sleep.

The eyes of the nineteen wizards were burning, but they were still holding on to their ambitions.

The biggest subject of darkness has fallen asleep, and the next step is the dark war for leadership.

As for when the Witch King will wake up next time?

It may be hundreds of years later, or thousands of years later!

On Qianyan Island, where two-thirds of the area sank, Annabelle held a shamanic ceremony. They wanted to use the body of a **** and monster as a totem!

This will be the most powerful totem that the orcs have made by themselves so far!


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