The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1042: Give you a kiss

But Jun Ci has not decided yet to help Bo Endong.

To be honest, she is interested in this film.

But in some of them, Junci felt that it did not meet her imagination, and the director of the show had run away...

If it is to be retaken, it can be said that it will all be overthrown and restarted.

If she wants to be a director, then Bo Endong is impossible, and he is not qualified to be rejected.

But Junci thought about it carefully, and he was not suitable for this type of shooting.

She is okay with tactics, but the problem is that this is overhead history.

But in fact, many of them are imitated by the ancient history of China. The infiltration of interstellar knowledge in the bones of Jun porcelain is greater than that of this era. If she shoots, maybe she can't produce the desired taste.

After all, everyone has their own areas of expertise. Several of the Hongmeng worlds she has shot are fantasy masterpieces with particularly rich imagination. This kind of film full of details of the court and ancient knowledge is not suitable for her.

Find a director who is better at it.

The problem is that Bo Endong has offended people. Now almost no director in the circle dares to take this film, right?

Of course, in her name, maybe someone is willing to recommend herself?

"His Royal Highness, you think so, have you decided to support this film?"

Gulu asked, Jun Ci directly nodded: "Yes."

Since it is a really rare and good film, there is no reason not to support it.

Domestic films shouldn't always be occupied by the audience's sights with those crude and irritating films. If she has the ability, she is still willing to support Bo Endong.

"In that case, I will invest."

She had the final say, the billions of investment Bo Endong needed was specifically spent on special effects production.

But she does not need to spend money on special effects, but many things in the play have been investigated, and the manpower and material resources are very demanding. The total cost of these aspects is about 500 million.

If you change the director, then you need to overthrow the remake, because the different styles are connected together, and the gap is estimated to be very large.

There is no need to change the actors too much, because they are all old dramas, and I only like this film, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen, so I had no choice but to leave.

But Junci did not respond to Bo Endong so quickly.

After watching the film, she fell asleep.

In the next period of time, Junci ran between the school and the company, studying his studies and helping the company develop new games.

Until the beginning of the month, Jiang Yi's birthday arrived.

His birthday was also miserable. The military academy did not let anyone go, but the military academy organized a party for his birthday.

It's a pity that the protagonist who was celebrated didn't care about their painstaking efforts.

"Wow, they still sing birthday songs around me, a group of big masters, I want to curse!"

After the party was over, Jiang Yi chose the time to call Jun Ci and poured her bitterness. Jun Ci laughed on the phone.

"I just wanted to see you on my birthday. The leader said that I should be moved when they celebrated my birthday. Whoever moved, I think they moved themselves!"

Don’t ask whether the object of celebration agrees or not.

Jun Ci's sullen laughter made Jiang Yi depressed: "Porcelain, what about the birthday present you prepared for me."

This year, Junci knew that Jiang Yi could not come out, so she didn’t prepare a birthday present at all, because she had all Jiang Yi bought, so she planned to wait for Jiang Yi to come back and give him a gift. At this time, she heard Jiang Yi asking, Junci Say directly: "Give you a kiss."