The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 707: Must let her grow up (monthly ticket 260

"Of course I know it's not you."

It is enough to scare her, "Do you think that if you really did it, would Lan Lan not say it?"

Fu Ziyan was stunned. Yes, there was still blue in the room, so how could others successfully download the data?

Most people don't know the power of blue, but Fu Ziyan knows it.

Blue is a smart existence, how can core data be downloaded from her hand so easily?

This girl is not stupid, she is just raised by her family innocent, but if her mind is stupid, it is impossible to enter the Dragon Mansion.

Nor can it be included in Manan by Junci.

She suddenly remembered that if Lan Lan knew, then the data that the person downloaded was probably not core data, but it did happen. Junci said that the person was using her identity information. When entering the server room, he thought of Junci's words, and Fu Ziyan suddenly understood that the problem was with her, so this person was hers.

There are now several departments in the company. Because Han Quan is not good at management, the deputy manager of the technical department with Mo Chaoyang is only the department director of the data department alone, Fu Ziyan.

There is no manager in their department, so she is the biggest.

The people she likes to trust can count with one hand, and the people who can do this kind of thing must be very smart. The data department is a group of hard-working programmers. Among them...

Thinking of Su Su, Fu Ziyan suddenly paled a bit.

She has been in a good relationship with Su Su in the past few months. She also took Su Su to her house, so thinking of her, Fu Ziyan instinctively shook her head in disbelief.

"This... this is impossible..."

Jun Ci held her lips, her eyes were gentle and indifferent: "Zi Yan, who did you think of?"

Hearing what Jun Ci said, it was like an explosion of thunder. Fu Ziyan couldn't recover from the explosion.

She was in a daze, but in fact she had come to understand, Jun Ci said that the person was Su Su and couldn't run away.

She didn't expect that people who she believed so betrayed her.

If there is no blue, if there is no other evidence, then this matter, Su Su will be planted on her.

And she couldn't argue.

She is not afraid that the company will expel her. What makes this girl unbearable is that she was betrayed and planted. For her innocent time in the past two decades, it simply showed her the dirty side of the world.

Fu Ziyan weakened, even if Mo Chaoyang held her, she saved her from falling to the ground.

Looking at Fu Ziyan like this, Mo Chaoyang couldn't bear it.

Junci felt that this might be too cruel for her. A person she was so happy and trusting turned around and betrayed her. However, as Man'an got bigger and bigger, such things might still happen, Junci could not Tolerate any accidents. Now Man'an is just starting out. It's okay to say that this kind of thing is easy to handle. If it becomes a global group in the future, a slight problem will affect the entire company.

Fu Ziyan came out with a calmer and more ruthless means than Su Su, so she could only be used as a gun.

She must let Fu Ziyan grow up.

So this Su Su appeared very timely.

Because Su Su was young, his tactics were low. There were people who did not take their lives seriously, and the tactics were even more vicious. A simple person would definitely not be able to secure the position of supervisor.