The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 942: "Star Power" plot

He had left a curse before the seal, and he will awaken tens of thousands of years later and set off a storm.

In order to avoid the disaster ten thousand years later, the righteous wizards who sealed him also left behind a spell. If the great wizard awakens again, then his nemesis power will also be awakened along with it. This nemesis refers to the descendants of the righteous wizard, in order to surrender. The Great Wizard, they combined this spell with a supernatural power, dreaming of creating a stronger power to seal the Great Wizard.

Ten thousand years later, the interstellar technology has developed to an unprecedented height. In addition to the activity of supernatural beings, the great witch of ten thousand years ago has long become a legend.

However, I did not expect that the prince Amos who was brought back was too sad and angry, as well as dissatisfied with Annette, and lost control of his emotions, causing the blood to awaken and the great wizard successfully resurrected.

The resurrected great wizard took possession of the prince’s body. He was vicious, domineering and cruel. However, the prince himself had a kind heart and his soul was always immortal. He and the great witch seized control of the body. In order to make him fall asleep, the great wizard promised to fulfill the prince’s wish. Marries the heroine Ai Nite.

Unexpectedly, however, Ai Nite is the offspring of the supernatural enemy who had cast the spell at the time when the mortal enemy opposed to the great wizard.

It’s just that Ainette didn’t know her responsibilities at this time. She only discovered from a young age that since Amos left, her body has gradually gained a powerful force, the same power as the supernatural person, even in the interstellar In the times, supernatural beings were not common. In order to hide her abilities, she carefully hid for many years, until she grew up and went to look for Amos.

And she became more aware that her powers were terrifying. Ordinary abilities only had the same ability, space or lightning, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, but she had almost the same ability as the entire system.

Amos, has become the body governed by the Great Wizard, so he is the Great Wizard.

He was originally very contemptuous of humans, and even hated people with supernatural powers. However, this world has many constraints on him. Because he has just awakened and has not mastered many abilities, he needs to slowly regain his strength, and the original Ames is preempting him. Physical dominance, he can't fully display all abilities, so he acts very low-key, but his methods are inherently cruel and domineering.

He didn’t know that Ai Nite was the offspring of that supernatural power. He only thought that by marrying Ai Nite, he could get rid of the original Amos’s soul, thus completely controlling his body, but before he knew it, he started Fall in love with Annette.

The great wizard used to only treat a woman as a plaything, and never really loved anyone. Annette was the only person he loved.

But Ai Nite was destined to be born to seal him.

Regarding the ending, to be honest, Junci hasn't thought about it yet.

She thinks this story is terrible, but it also involves the power struggle between the nobles in the interstellar age, and the ambitiousness of the great wizard Amos. Love is only a guiding role in this.

If the shooting is wonderful, Junci is almost certain that this story will be loved by thousands of girls.

The cruel and domineering Amos, handsome in appearance and powerful and powerful, is simply a template for women's fascination. Didn't you see that even vampires have swept the world for so many years?

But at the beginning, it was to be published on the Huaguo website. Junci wrote the outline and the first 30,000 characters first, and tried to tell it in the Chinese perspective, and then sent the information to Brother Gou.