The National Girl is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 106: The 106th day of the development of a na

Ke Jingyang smashed the memory card that had just been taken out of the paparazzi camera. Thinking of the good mood of being destroyed, he scratched his hair a little irritably, and looked a little frustrated.

Gu Suisui saw the unfamiliar uncle leave suddenly, tugged at the corners of the adults around him, and asked in a puzzled manner: "Papa Ke, what does that uncle do with us? Is he also our fan?"

Because the last time she and Dad Ke went to Yunnan to record a show, those fans kept taking pictures of them with their cameras at the airport.

Ke Jingyang looked down at the child with an innocent face, choked, hesitated for a moment, then replied: "Sui Sui, this person is not our fan, he is just a stranger."

Paparazzi usually follow the celebrity for the purpose of taking photos. Not only do they have a simple purpose, they are also uneasy and kind. It’s fine if you can’t get anything, but when you get some useful photos, these paparazzi will either sell it to the media or find the celebrity and the studio for blackmail.

Ke Jingyang has encountered a situation like this several times. Because every time Lu Yuanzhi helped him deal with this kind of thing, he would be nagging for a long time, so Ke Jingyang was very impressed.

It is precisely because of this that Ke Jingyang feels impatient when he sees this kind of paparazzi hiding in the dark. Although celebrities are public figures, they are also ordinary people and want to have a normal life without being disturbed. It doesn't matter if I take a picture at work, there is no need to disturb my private life.

For example, today, he and Suisui came out to have a supper together and didn't let him live in peace.

Just thinking about it makes people feel angry.

If it wasn't for a child watching by his side, he wouldn't show mercy to the paparazzi who was photographed.

"It turns out that he is not our fan." Gu Suisui was a little bit disappointed, but she didn't feel too surprised, because she found that the strange uncle did not have the complicated emotions that she usually felt when the fans approached her.

Since Ke Jingyang became the godfather of Gu Suisui children, it was probably because he suddenly became an elder, and he immediately opened up a certain line between the governor and the governor. He also slowly learned to consider issues in many ways, and he was no longer doing his own way as before. , Do not consider the consequences of anything.

Just like now, Ke Jingyang wanted to tell Suisui directly what his job was just now, but after thinking about it, I felt that talking to a three or four-year-old child... it seemed a bit not good. But if you don’t say anything, what if the children still think these paparazzi are good people, and don’t see their true colors later, and trust them as good people?

It is also the first time for Ke Jingyang to be a child’s goddad. He always thinks that his children are particularly vulnerable. He said with earnestness: "Six years old, when you see such a malicious person in the future, you should keep a distance from him. If an adult is by your side, you should tell that adult and let them help him clean up!"

In Ke Jingyang's view, paparazzi and media reporters are two kinds of people, and paparazzi are not good. Even if they are cleaned up, they deserve it. They should also be taught a long time, not always staring at others' privacy.

"I know." Gu Suisui nodded as if he understood what Dad Ke said, while Ke Jingyang sighed secretly as he looked at her clear and watery eyes without a trace of haze.

——It would be weird if Suisui could listen to it. In the eyes of children at this age, I am afraid that there are no bad people.

"Mr. Lu, or let's hire two bodyguards for the children. It's best to be a burly one, the one that looks particularly stance." With this arrangement, he can be more at ease, even if the children don’t have one. Safety awareness, no defense against outsiders, as long as there are bodyguards around, no bad guys dare to approach.

And if you join the group or attend any event in the future, as soon as two burly bodyguards show up, you can guarantee those unscrupulous paparazzi and reporters. Crazy fans will not have any chance to get close.

Lu Yuanzhi: "When I said that I wanted to equip you with two bodyguards, you refused to agree to anything, but now why suddenly I want to hire a bodyguard for Sui Sui?"

Ke Jingyang took it for granted and said, "It was originally. I am a big man who needs any bodyguards. They have been following me. I will only find it troublesome. But the age is different. Just her small body, just come to an adult. Anyone can take her away, her safety is the most important thing."

He can carry this little dumpling away with one hand. The kid in his family is so cute that if someone sees the money, it is impossible to guarantee that some malicious people will kidnap her.

Lu Yuanzhi pondered it for a while, and found that Ke Jingyang's suggestion made sense.

Sui Sui's fame is rapidly growing, and more and more people know her, and an assistant is obviously not enough.

But good bodyguards can't be found casually, not to mention that Sui Sui is still a child, and I am most afraid of problems with people around him.

"You think bodyguards are so easy to find, and the year-old assistants will do some fistwork. As for finding a bodyguard... I will pay more attention to it and find it as soon as possible."

Worrying about other paparazzi squatting on the sidelines, the assistant wandered around in the underground parking lot and drove away after seeing no other paparazzi hiding nearby.

It's already half past nine in the evening, and it stands to reason that the children should go home to sleep. But Gu Suisui wanted to go to Papa Ke's house to take a look at Xixi, and then go back to his own house.

Ke Jingyang also lives in a high-end apartment in the nearby area. It only takes ten minutes to drive from his home to Gu Suisui's home. Thinking that it was not far away anyway, Suisui didn't take a look at her dog and couldn't rest assured, Ke Jingyang could only agree to take her to take a look at home.

Sitting in the nanny car, Lu Yuanzhi suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, you can attend the banquet hosted by the Qin Group next Tuesday. I will ask the assistant to send you the invitation letter tomorrow. "

Ke Jingyang frowned when he heard the news, and said impatiently: "You don't know, I don't like attending such banquets at all. You can push me away, I don't want to go."

Every time I go to such a place, a group of people will deliberately approach him, telling him that some of them don’t. He didn’t like that kind of occasion at first, but some people who he didn’t know came over to brush up on his presence. If you can't get rid of it, it will be annoying. With this leisure time, he might as well play games at home, and he can't feed the little fat dog xixi. It's much better than going to a banquet.

Lu Yuanzhi: "It's not uncles and aunts that the two of them want to take this opportunity to see you. You haven't been home for three months."

Ke Jingyang said that he didn’t want to work in the company and went to the entertainment circle to join him. The two of his uncles and aunts were so angry that they almost drove him out of the house. But after three years, this kid still has nothing to inherit. The idea of ​​family business, uncles and aunts can only let him go.

But he heard that the uncle and aunt seemed to want to give this kid a blind date...

Ke Jingyang heard that his parents were also there at the Qin Group's banquet, and immediately showed a wary expression, saying, "My parents are here, so I won't go."

Lu Yuanzhi pushed the gold-wired glasses and said, "Whatever you want, I brought this sentence anyway. If you don't go, I will let the uncles and aunts call you by themselves."

Gu Suisui, who was sitting in the child seat, heard the conversation between the two and leaned in curiously, and asked: "What kind of banquet is it? Uncle Lu, can I also go with it?"

Although Little Marshmallow didn’t know much about her experience because she had just become a good one, she didn’t understand, but this did not prevent her from knowing that there are usually many, many delicious things at the banquet!

Lu Yuanzhi raised his brows, glanced at Ke Jingyang, who was not cooperating next to him, and then at Gu Suisui, who was very curious, and said with a smile: "Sui Sui, you can ask your father Ke, if he goes there. I can take you with me."

With Ke Jingyang's character who doesn't listen to other people's advice at all, I am afraid that only children who are as old as ages can speak for themselves.

Who makes Ke Jingyang favorite is Suisui.

When Gu Suisui heard Uncle Lu say this, he tilted his head and looked at Dad Ke beside him, with a trace of desire in his eyes.

She tugged at his sleeves and said softly, "Daddy Ke, I want to go too, so you can take me with you~"

Ke Jingyang glared at a certain black belly who deliberately made trouble, then retracted his gaze, and said helplessly: "Sai Sui, don't I have enough good food for you these days? Besides, there are so many out there. A delicious restaurant, why do we have to go to a banquet? The food there is not delicious."

Gu Suisui tilted his head, and said crisply, "But Dad Ke, you want to go too."

Ke Jingyang saw the child's serious look, stretched out her hand to squeeze her soft little face, and said, "Sui Sui, are you the roundworm in my stomach? I don't even know I want to participate in the banquet." He thought about what he said. Going to the banquet! It's not because this little guy wants to go there to eat delicious food herself! !

Gu Suisui bulged and said angrily: "I am not the roundworm in your stomach, I am marshmallow, and I can feel it."

Humph! How could Dad Ke underestimate the perception of the fairies!

Moreover, Ming Mingke's father wants to go to the party too! !

"How about making marshmallows refined? It's really a snack. Even daydreaming, I don't forget to turn myself into something to eat."

Ke Jingyang was almost amused by the name of the marshmallow in the child’s mouth. He rubbed her hair vigorously and said, “Well, I’ll just assume that you can read mind, isn’t it? I’ll take you to the event next week. For the banquet, I am sorry if you don't give me more food when the time comes!"

Gu Suisui learned that he had agreed, and immediately said with a sweet smile: "Daddy Ke, you are so nice~"

Although Ke Jingyang didn't say anything, the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose a bit.

Lu Yuan has long been accustomed to Ke Jingyang's duplicity. Now that he has a cute and coquettish age, the relationship between the young and the young should not be too interesting.