The National Girl is Three and a Half Years Old

Chapter 95: The 95th day of the development of a nat

Tonight, the fourth episode of "Traveling with Baby" was broadcast. As a new cotton candy powder, Qin Yuwen, how could she not stay in front of the TV on time to watch her family's variety show! !

The way the cub eats is so cute...the cub's appearance of eating and hiccups is so cute that people's hearts are almost melted...

However, she was only halfway through when she was interrupted by the knock on the door of a foreign servant.

Qin Yuwen frowned, paused the video that was playing, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Miss Yuwen, Madam, she is back, let you go downstairs."

"Okay, I know."

Qin Yuwen's dream has always been to be a rich second generation who doesn't have to worry about it and has pocket money. In fact, she did almost do this. Who made her happen to have a younger brother who was only two years younger than herself. In the future, the family's business will be in charge of her family. There is no need for her to be a scumbag to learn about financial management and watch the same statements as the Tianshu. Besides work, she still works every day. She can chase stars unscrupulously, and she doesn't have to worry that her parents will put all their expectations on themselves, like some only children with companies at home, and will be locked in with the company for the rest of her life.

But today, Master Mother came back, and she was unavoidable to be nagged. The main idea of ​​today's remarks is roughly-she is already 23 years old. I used to think she was young and ignorant, so I didn't care about her much, but now she has reached the age to fall in love and marry, she can't let her continue to fall like this. Up.

In fact, I said that in the past, I just wanted her to go to work in the Qin Group, instead of staying at home and doing nothing.

"Yuwen, did you listen to what I said just now?" Mother Qin knew when she saw her absent-minded appearance, and her daughter did not listen to her this time.

"Mom, I listened to it."

Although Qin Yuwen is also surnamed Qin, and has a close relationship with the famous Qin Group, but strictly speaking, their family can only be regarded as a side branch, and the Qin Group equity held in her hand is not much, and she does not even have the qualifications to enter the board of directors. . Except for the niche accidents made by the family, most of their family's annual income comes from the family's trust fund.

For the current situation, parents and younger brothers are not satisfied, but Qin Yuwen herself is quite satisfied anyway. Every year you can get a large sum of money without work. What can be unsatisfactory when such a good thing falls on your head? ?

Even if their own small business can't go on in the future, their family can live a life of worry-free living by relying on the Qin Group's dividends. Anyway, apart from spending more money on star chasing, she has no other special hobbies to spend money. The annual dividends and trust funds are enough for her to maintain her current life.

And sometimes, people have to learn to be content. Don’t be as stupid as the older uncle and the second uncle, urging your sons and daughters to fight for power in the Qin Group, that is, the third uncle’s family doesn’t bother to pay attention to them, turn one eye and close one eye, or they would have been bombarded. Out of the company. I really don’t know what is the point of tossing and tossing... Isn’t it good to be a small shareholder who earns dividends? I don't know enough to take tens of millions every year, and I have to covet things that don't belong to me.

"Since I heard it, you will report to work at the Qin Group Headquarters next week."

Qin Group Headquarters?

correct! I can go to work at Qin's Entertainment in the branch. I heard that Zai Zai signed with Qin's Entertainment and is the same agent as Ke Jingyang. If I enter Qin Entertainment, isn't this the first line of star chasing?

Is there any fan who can learn about her cubs before her?

go with! I have to say anything!

Qin Yuwen originally wanted to refuse. She didn't lack money and didn't want to work hard. Why did she go to work? The days are particularly boring, and they may be controlled by others every day. But as long as she thinks that going to Qin Entertainment will not only benefit her future "star chasing career", but also have more support for her little idol, she suddenly changed her mind.

"Mom, I don't want to go to work at the head office!" If she goes to the head office, she won't see the cubs.

"If you don't want to go to the head office to work, what do you want to do? Isn't it because you want to hang around in various entertainment venues like your unconvincing cousins, right?" Mother Qin's tone was full of hatred. Not into steel.

Qin Yuwen heard her dissatisfaction and quickly said: "Mom, you think too much, how could I be the same as my second cousin? You don't know me yet. I am not interested in the life of singing, drinking, and going to nightclubs. I want to work hard recently." Struggling hard for her cub's future Avenue of Stars.

However, Mother Qin, who knows her daughter’s temperament, doesn’t believe her determination very much, "Okay, don’t sell it anymore. Let’s talk about it. What do you want to do? As long as it’s not in the name of opening a company for you, let me give it to you. You can do it with money. I didn’t even see a shadow of the money given to you last time."

"Mom, I don't need money. I just want to go to work at Qin's Entertainment to exercise myself. You can arrange a casual position for me first, preferably the one that can be arranged freely in time."

Mother Qin glanced suspiciously at her daughter, and seeing her sincere, she still said: "Well, I will discuss with your third uncle another day and let him arrange a job for you at Qin's Entertainment."

Qin Yuwen knew that her mother had said so and agreed, thinking that she could have more opportunities to have close contact with cubs in the future, she was immediately satisfied, and said happily, "Thank you mom!"


Day by day passed, and soon came to August 1.

During this period of time, Gu Suisui recorded the sixth and seventh episodes of "Traveling with Baby". At the same time, that small-cost online drama "A Day of Encounter" was officially completed two days ago.

But as an agent, Lu Yuanzhi is most concerned about the release of the big IP movie "Dormant".

This big IP movie "Dormant" is Gu Suisui's first film. Its box office and her performance in the movie directly determine whether the follow-up endorsement can be obtained smoothly.

……In fact, endorsements are just trivial matters, navf children's clothing endorsements are at best the icing on the cake. Once Gu Suisui's performance in the movie is not good enough, or the final box office of the movie is not ideal, the impact on her will be in all aspects.

If she is just a child star with no fame now, everyone has no expectations of her, or even knows her, but will be more tolerant of her. The character set of the subjugated princess is pleasing enough. The performance in the movie is not too bad, enough for her to rely on the role of many fans in the circle. But the situation is different now. The enthusiasm of the parent-child variety show "Traveling with Baby" is so high that she suddenly became a well-known child star from an amateur child. If there is no support from good works in the follow-up, this kind of high popularity and popularity is very likely to have adverse effects on her.

At the beginning, Ke Jingyang was so popular when he first debuted, and was dissed just as an empty vase because he did not have a handy work at the time, until later he arranged the first music album "which he wrote by himself." "DT" scored very good results, and those online talents slowly closed their mouths and did not talk about this matter again. The only thing that can be used to black out is that kid's bad temper.

Therefore, Gu Suisui children now also need a work that can be obtained.

"Tonight is the premiere of my kid's movie. You, a busy person, can't be absent, but you must come to join us."

"Don't worry, we have been classmates for so many years, and I will definitely be there on time when you invite me."

Tonight is the premiere of "Dormant". After twelve o'clock, the movie will be officially released in China's major theaters.

As of 6:00 pm on August 1, the online box office for pre-sales of movies has reached 85 million! And this number is still rising over time-

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! 】

[I have been waiting since the official announcement of the cast of "Dormant". I waited for several months, from winter to summer, and finally made me wait until the movie was released! If this movie is not released, I will start school_(:з」∠)_】

[The movie tickets have been bought, just wait for the beginning of the movie after one o'clock today. 】

[Looking forward to Lu Ge’s new movie, three years of precipitation and learning will definitely be rewarding. Our pond will always support you [Bi Xin] [Bi Xin] [Bi Xin]]

[Chen export products must be fine products. Each of Director Chen’s films is very good in terms of script selection and shooting techniques. After knowing that "Dormant" is another masterpiece of Director Chen, I did not hesitate to contribute a movie ticket. I hope this movie will also surprise me. 】

[I didn't say anything, just for my sister Yingyu. My sister, Yingyu, Renmei has good acting skills, what role I play is Bai Yueguang in my mind~]

[Zizai’s first movie has to support everything! Not only will it be watched by the whole family, I also plan to invite my Seventh Aunt and Eighth Aunt to watch it in the cinema tomorrow. 】

[The original fan came over to play Casshua, and posted his movie ticket by the way. I finally got it. There are too many people who want to see the zero-point field like me. 】

[Wuwuwu hasn't grabbed a ticket for a long time. The movie ticket in the Imperial Capital is too difficult to grab. Not only are there no tickets for the zero-o'clock premiere, but also for tomorrow afternoon and evening. 】

[The student party has plenty of time during the holiday, and I deliberately avoided the nine o'clock in the morning during the peak ticket buying period, and went to sleep after watching the movie. 】

These days, the crew of "Dormant" is not only doing publicity all over the country, but as the time until the movie is released becomes shorter and shorter, the online publicity is also overwhelming. Whether it is the pre-sale box office or the discussion index of related topics, it has been rising steadily.

On the other side, a lot of media, well-known film critics and celebrities came to the premiere. Even Duan Tingyan, who won two awards at the domestic film festival the year before last and won the double actor, came to join him today.