The New Order of Azeroth

v1 Chapter 115: mandock

"I've already agreed with the humans, let's go!" Vanessa cut off the green dragon's chains one by one.

Sister Green Dragon lay on the ground for a while, shook her head, one of her forehead horns was broken by the impact of the Holy Light, and Stormwind City did not know what potion was used to trap her. At this time, the Green Dragon There is a smell of medicine on the body.

But after all, she is a giant dragon, and she is still an adult dragon, and her physique is not generally strong. After the chain was cut off, the force of nature flickered, and she transformed from a giant dragon into a beautiful night elf.

Except for a bruise on her forehead, her legs seem to be a little lame when walking, the green dragon elder sister is like a normal elf.

"I'm Emilys, thank you and that pastor for your help, I'm finally awake." She recognized Vanessa at a glance, and they met again with a kindness like four irons.

Priest? who? Vanessa turned her mind twice before realizing that the green dragon was talking about the archbishop.

"Do you remember why you stormed the cathedral?" she asked guidingly.

The green dragon recalled that she was surrounded by void energy at that time, and her consciousness was actually very blurred.

She said uncertainly: "I seemed to feel a kind of void power at that time, maybe I made a mistake?"

Vanessa was depressed for a while, it seems that the green dragon didn't find the archbishop's flaws, and originally wanted to take the opportunity to find out the old Yinbi.

"Let's go, let's leave Stormwind City." Vanessa didn't mention the Cenarion Council from the beginning to the end, saying that the Council paid attention to it? If you value you, send an elf and a tauren? Pulling Miss Green Dragon out of Stormwind City from the path again, once familiar with the second time, she now has experience in escaping Stormwind City.

After leaving the city, a question arose, how would they go back to Crow Ridge?

Vanessa said: "You become a dragon, and I will ride you back."

Sister Green Dragon also had something to say: "No, I can't transform outside the city. This is provoking Stormwind. I'm now a night elf, and my body is very light. Shall I ride you back?"

Vanessa: "..."

How unreasonable! The final result of the discussion is to ride back!

In the evening, the night in the Twilight Forest came very early, and Crow Ridge experienced another day of undead sweeping activities.

The cheap master Naralex, brother Niu and the little dwarf are a bit out of tune with the human camp, especially the old cow. He feels that these night watchmen don't seem to be looking at him very friendly, so they can only wait at the door stupidly.

Brother Niu was so anxious that he looked up at the sky from time to time, but the cheap master Naralex was very calm. He received Vanessa's communication and knew that the matter had been resolved satisfactorily. At this time, he found a tree with a crooked neck and leaned against the trunk to close it. Eyes repose.

Just when the old cow was about to stand on his head in a hurry, the sound of horseshoes sounded, and Vanessa and Sister Green Dragon finally came back.

Back in the Twilight Forest, the green dragon Emeris' expression was ugly.

She never expected that the forest that she had guarded for thousands of years had now turned into such a ghost.

"It's all my fault." She whispered softly, and then muttered a few sentences in dragon language.

Vanessa shook her head and said nothing. In fact, the corruption in Twilight Forest today is not directly related to the Green Dragon. Strictly speaking, it has something to do with it, but it is definitely not the main reason. The main reason is Karazhan in the east, which belongs to the Burning Legion in Karazhan The negligible dark power of the big boss Sargeras has affected the entire forest.

"Everything will be fine. By the way, the Cenarion Council has also sent people. Maybe they have a way to purify the forest." Vanessa seemed to know that the Council was coming at this time.

"Thank them for me. I'm going to check the forest first." Seeing Naralex approaching, the green dragon elder sister didn't mean to say hello at all. She jumped up and turned into a green dragon and flew into the distance.

"Big cat, big cat, can I ride a dragon? Tell her, okay? I'll treat you to a cake!" The little dwarf ran to Vanessa immediately and asked expectantly.

Senior Brother Niu was also very happy, dancing and dancing. Although he won by lying down, he had completed the mission of the council.

"Go and play!" After dismissing the two guys who were in the way, Vanessa whispered to her cheap master about the incident, of course it was an abridged version.

It focuses on his wit and bravery.

Naralex is very satisfied with the result. The council has drawn several bottom lines for this negotiation. Now let alone the bottom line, the matter has not even reached the upper limit of its own side, and the matter has been satisfactorily resolved.

The archdruid, who wants to save face, doesn't need to apologize to the human kingdom, and the Cenarion Council can continue to maintain its detached status. This is definitely good news for the council that was originally planning to mobilize a large number of troops.

As for a little monetary compensation, he doesn't care at all, and the arch druids don't even care.

"This result is very good, I am very satisfied, and the council must be very satisfied." The more he looked at this cheap apprentice, the happier he became.

Although according to the standards of the night elves, Vanessa is a bit short, her skin is too white and not purple enough, her ears are too short, and her pupils are not almond-shaped. She is definitely not a beauty by the standards of the night elves, but her ability to handle things is indeed is strong.

As a scout sent out in the early stage, she actually did all the work of the boss in the later stage, what a talent!

"I need to hire craftsmen to repair the cathedral and the streets of Stormwind City, so this..." Vanessa mentioned darkly, you just boast that I have a fart! money!

Then she saw how powerful a race that had occupied the Kalimdor continent for tens of thousands of years was!

There are more than 50,000 gold coins The night elves do not mint coins, and the behavior of mining and smelting somewhat conflicts with the druid's natural way.

The gold coins he gave to Vanessa were all plundered by the orcs from the human kingdoms, and then these gold coins stayed in the tribe, and then the tauren joined the tribe, and some of them joined the Cenarion Council. The gold coins went around and went to the council. The council felt that it needed gold coins to deal with the human kingdom, and temporarily exchanged a large sum with the tribe, and now all of them fell into the hands of Vanessa...

Gold coins are just a stepping stone, and a lot of things are prepared after that.

Supplies piled up like a mountain, and the five tauren druids borrowed the road from the Emerald Dreamland, and it took a lot of effort to transport all the supplies to the Twilight Forest.

The bows and arrows, moon blades, battle armor, and cloaks made by night elves are not used by night elves, but there are still some magic scrolls made by high elves, magic crystals, ores, leather, two young night sabers and tauren. The ten Kodos sent by the side, and a somewhat broken, but extremely beautiful statue of Azshara...
