The New Order of Azeroth

v1 Chapter 254: Risk 1 hit?

Duke Nicholas Sohrenhof is capable. With the undead disaster raging throughout Lordaeron, he can still gather three hundred soldiers and lead more than five hundred people all the way to the Eastern Plaguelands. And participated in the planning and establishment of the Silver Dawn, this person is different from those mediocre nobles, he is a talent.

It's just that his title is too high, let him participate in the restoration of the country, what should we do next? He casually kills a few undead on the road, and Vanessa needs to reward him, saying that Duke, you have worked hard, and reward you with fifty copper coins, right? That's okay?

Regarding this arrangement, she also spent a lot of thought.

The revived Lordaeron cannot be full of civilians. The literacy rate of civilians is too low these days. If you want to manage this country with the largest area of ​​human beings and pass on your orders, you must rely on these nobles. Some old nobles should be recruited. .

She responded positively at the outset of the meeting.

"The revival of Lordaeron requires the strong support of the Duke."

"This is my honor, the honor of the Sollenhof family!"

After talking back and forth for a long time with very unnutritious words, Vanessa finally talked about the main topic.

It is necessary to add an official to become a noble, and there is no way to enter a noble. In order to let more talents come to her, I can only add an official.

"The revival of Lordaeron needs soldiers and swords, but what we need most is population, a large number of people. The Selenhof family is a famous family in Lordaeron. Your Excellency the Duke has a huge influence in all human countries. What do you think? What can be done to attract people to Lordaeron?"

Is this going to let you manage the population of the country? Duke Nicholas Sollenhof gave her a careful look, and Vanessa nodded slightly, indicating that was what she meant.

Several thoughts turned in my mind. The new Lordaeron regime is still very immature, but Duke Nicholas Sorenhof believes that Lordaeron can still be revived.

Many things are afraid of not doing, as long as you do, there is hope.

He saw the hope of revitalizing Lordaeron, which was the main reason why he was eager to board the ship.

Now the division of labor in this new regime is very clear, Vanessa is in charge of finance and logistics, and Old Fording is in charge of fighting. As a latecomer, he really didn't have much room to intervene, and he didn't even want to fight against the undead army and orcs.

As a traditional aristocrat, the Sollenhof family has close kinship with many families. It is not difficult for him to go to various countries to fool the population. The young and strong who come here are given priority in his own territory. , this matter is also profitable.

Generally speaking, this position is quite satisfactory. Of course, if the restoration of the country fails, then everything must be put on hold, and he should honestly go to the south to seek refuge with his relatives.

The profit is not huge, but the own investment is not much, generally speaking, it is suitable.

"Your Highness, I think it can be done like this..."

The two chatted happily, and Duke Nicholas Sohrenhof immediately represented his family and the Silver Dawn, and re-swear to Lordaeron, which is regarded as a formal joining.

The one-eyed paladin of the Silver Dawn, Baron Maxwell Tyrosus, was selected to serve as the commander of the Seventh Legion of Lordaeron, and the soldiers were selected from the original Silver Dawn. In principle, they did not reject the joining of all races in the alliance , orcs, tauren, and trolls are not allowed to join the army, but they can move within the designated area, and the forgotten must be expelled.

The Seventh Legion looks beautiful, but in reality it is too empty. Several legions are empty, and the newly formed Seventh Legion of Lordaeron is full of contradictions, but it doesn't matter, it can be adjusted slowly.

Vanessa is now trying to unite everyone who can be united, and we will talk about it later.

I was still in the western wilderness, and Durand, who was conferred the title of baron by her, still served as the head of the First Legion.

Tylan Fording served as the head of the Second Legion.

General Bukirit Abidis served as the commander of the Third Army.

Former Lord of the Crusaders, Lord of Tyr's Hand, Valdemar served as the commander of the Fourth Legion.

Considering that there are too many paladins in the legion leader, Vanessa temporarily adjusted the position of the soldier Herold, and let this soldier serve as the legion leader of the fifth legion.

Hunter Leopold served as the Legion Master of the Sixth Legion.

The former commander of the Argent Dawn, Baron Maxwell Tyrosus, served as the head of the Seventh Legion.

Including Tirion Fordring's Knights of the Silver Hand, the military power of the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron is formed.

Originally, he wanted to fight steadily, but the soldiers' fanatical enthusiasm for fighting couldn't be ignored. The Dread Demon King couldn't do anything about this fanaticism, and neither did they.

Most of the time, blocking is worse than slackening, and the thieves under him sent back a piece of information every two hours. According to the information, Cirvanas has already started to mobilize.

The Banshee Queen's hatred for the Lich King gave Xinxing Lordaeron a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Vanessa can also be regarded as seeing the essence of Azeroth clearly. Everyone is pursuing a fast pace. How much has happened in the short twenty-six years since the opening of the black gate? If it develops slowly, it will really be abandoned by the times.

Take risks when it's time to take risks!

She gathered all the senior generals to study the next step in the spacious conference room.

She pointed to the center of the with her fingers very hard, because her own heart was not at peace, and she asked old Fording: "Great lord, if Cirvanas leads the army on an expedition, will we be able to reunite?" Take the capital of Lordaeron!"

They don't recognize the title of Undercity. It is the capital of Lordaeron, not Undercity.

Old Fording had a stern face, but his slightly trembling beard betrayed his inner unrest. Several legion commanders were also thinking secretly. They all knew the great significance of regaining the capital of Lordaeron. Is it too risky?

Our own weapons and equipment are not enough, how to solve the diplomatic problems afterwards? These are all questions.

Someone thought of it, and someone asked, "Your Highness, the equipment of the soldiers is seriously insufficient."

Vanessa counted the time and found that the batch of supplies from Drustvar was almost here: "It's okay, I got a large amount of equipment from the outside world, and it will be shipped to South Sea Town soon."

Someone asked again: "Once we occupy the capital, will we encounter diplomatic difficulties?"

On this point, Vanessa is also sure: "The Alliance will be our strong backing, the Kingdom of Stormwind is willing to fully support us, Dalaran is also willing to provide some help, and Quel'Thalas will remain neutral. As for the Horde, I will also do my best to mediate, the Forsaken is not equal to the tribe, and the orcs will not and cannot send troops!"

Old Fording groaned silently, and the expressions of several legion commanders became excited.