The New Order of Azeroth

v1 Chapter 38: identity exposed?

Many people are skeptical. People with families and businesses don’t care about free beer. They just want to join in the fun. Many civilians have never drank beer in their entire lives. When they heard that there are free drinks, the mentality of taking advantage of them broke out. The journey is not too far away. Those who are ready to gather companions and come here along the main road to taste something new.

The civilians have always been the focus of Vanessa's fight. After all, there are only a few people who own their own farms like the Sardin couple. No matter how poor they are, they are better than the civilians.

I hope that the harvester will not be able to help those who have no land, and the old knight will not be able to divide the land from the local tyrants. This is contrary to his oath to the country. He is sympathetic to the many miserable conditions of the poor, but it is sympathy and pity He will not do more to improve the status quo, because those improvements will violate the current law.

The disregard of Stormwind City, the disregard of high-level officials and the inaction of the old knights, the commoners of Westfall can only choose their own way out. In that time and space, they had no way out. They either starved to death or gathered together to become new thieves. With hope, they began to gather beside Vanessa at a speed of snowballing.


The civilians have hope, and the landlords also have a glimmer of hope for the future.

"Old Fabron, come back, we have a hopeful harvester, and there will be a bumper harvest next year!" The Sadins are still persuading their old neighbors, the Fabron family, who are about to move out of the West Wilderness.

Those who can move these days are not poor people. The old Fabron's family has a carload full of goods, and they also have an old horse named Blanche.

Fabron is not only a landowner, but also a rancher. He provides Stormwind with varying numbers of horses every year. According to their importance, they are definitely middle class.

Of course the old Fabron's family didn't want to leave, but the environment forced him not to leave. After leaving the West Wilderness, he could only help others raise horses. From being the boss to a wage earner, this was also forced by the harsh environment The bad policy of not choosing, now seems to have a turning point? …

"Oh? Look over there! Miss Hope is here! Listen to her, I don't understand a lot of things, but I think it makes sense, you can listen to her advice." Old Sardin was reluctant to part with this old neighbor, and even more so I don't want to lose my current status.

There is a problem of grouping among classes. In the face of a crisis, they will stand with people of the same class. It turns out that the western wilderness is full of civilians. As a landlord, he is under great pressure. He has to hide under the bed with his wife if he has any food. secretly eat.

In the past, everyone was hungry, and they also pretended to be hungry. This does not show much difference. If next year's harvest is full, his warehouse is full of grain, and the attitude of the civilians outside will treat him. A question mark.

He needs old Fabron to stand with him, the two families are next to each other, and then he can ask for reinforcements from Sentinel Ridge. After all, old Fabron has been raising horses for the army for so many years, and he is somewhat different from the military. Relationship, as a member of the military system, the old knight will also give some care.

Old Fabron could not make up his mind, and they decided to have lunch at old Sardin's, and then think about where to go.

Lunch is not the bibimbap of the new wilderness and wolf tail, but Mrs. Sardin's newly invented dish, which Vanessa named as a dish of the Great Western Stew.

What wild boar's head, vulture's wings plus some weeds, all chopped up, and then stewed into a big pot of special dishes.

People here are a bit taboo about eating. When eating, they will consider the Holy Light, faith, national laws, etc. Vanessa has no such psychological barriers. In her previous life, she traveled all over the world. Why didn’t she eat it? Eating a wild boar's head is blasphemy and blasphemy? are you kidding me!

She has become acquainted with the Satins recently, and every time she comes to Sentinel Hill, she always eats at their house. I have to say that some people naturally have a good impression when they are in a relationship. She feels that staying with this family is very comfortable. The experiences, ideas and life goals of the two parties are completely different, but there are not many obstacles when communicating. The relationship is very good. harmony.

"Like I said last time..." Vanessa said as she held up a vulture paw, pretending it was a chicken paw.

"The land restricts your thinking, so you just want to plant it for a lifetime? After your own life, let your children and future generations plant it for a lifetime? Take a long-term view."

She pointed in the direction of the granary of Sardin's family: "What happens to the grain after it is harvested? You only know to keep it for yourself and sell a small part in the city. This has been your life style for decades, right?"

Old Sardin likes to listen to Vanessa very much now. This little girl named Hope can often say things that he has never thought of in his life. At first, he felt incredible when he heard those words, but after careful consideration, he felt that they made sense.

Vanessa snapped her fingers: "Grain can be sold, this is the lowest way to deal with it, my suggestion is to make wine, UU reading I have already contacted the dwarves, next month, I plan to hold an event in the western wilderness There is an event called the Wine Festival, I plan to hold this event every year, the West Wilderness will prosper, and your food can be used to make wine by then."

The old Sardin's family couldn't eat so much food, what should they do? Free distribution to civilians? He will definitely ask, why!

But if it is piled up in the granary, it is easy to cause hostility. It is a good way for him to make wine and sell it later.

Vanessa hopes that these landlords will turn their attention from land to business. If the timing is not perfect, she can use peaceful means to buy the land from these landlords and distribute it to civilians for cultivation.

This year is just the beginning, and next year will be the year of big development. She needs a lot of labor, and the 6,000 people in Westfall are far from enough. The purpose of holding the wine festival is to attract the attention of the outside world, attract labor, and at the same time build a good relationship with the dwarves. .

Old Sardin was a little moved, and went out for a walk with his hands behind his back thoughtfully after the meal.

"Why did Mr. Fabron move away? Please believe me, next year's West Wilderness will have a new look." After learning from Mrs. Sardin that Fabron's family is going to move out, Vanessa hastened to persuade her, hoping that the other party would dispel the news. Thoughts, know how to raise horses? This is a technical talent! There is no such talent in Coulson's special forces.

Old Fabron looked at Vanessa very strangely, just when she thought that the old clapper had some bad intentions, she spoke up.

"Miss Vanessa VanCleef, I know you, I knew you a long time ago, what do you want to do...?" He lowered his voice, as if he didn't want to be heard by Mrs. Sardin who was packing the kitchen utensils.

Whoops? This old clapper knows himself? ! Vanessa was taken aback.