The New Order of Azeroth

v1 Chapter 73: fraternity? nonexistent!

"Unfortunately, Ms. Jaina, there is currently no evidence of the existence of high-level spellcasters in the Defias Brotherhood. I was lucky enough to watch the battle in Gold Town. There are at most two mid-level professionals in this organization, and the rest are beginners." level, or even ordinary people without extraordinary power."

Vanessa showed a hint of doubt at the right time: "I guess this brotherhood is a rural organization. I didn't see any evil spellcasters until it was wiped out by the Grand Duke."

Her words were careful, because of the slight fluctuations in the Force of Nature, and she suspected Jaina was using some kind of lie-detection magic.

Everything she said was true! When Bolvar was mentioned several times, Jaina's thoughts were involuntarily led astray.

"Why is Bolvar so impatient to destroy the Brotherhood? Could it be that he..." Jaina frowned in the magic communication, but she stopped talking.

In her view, Vanessa is an agent who is paid to collect intelligence for her. If she shows too obvious hostility towards Bovar, this cooperative relationship cannot be maintained.

"Well, this news is important to me, any more information?" Jaina asked.

"Well, you said that the Grand Duke has remnants of dark magic, but my natural force doesn't feel any dark aura. He is still an upright and honest legendary Paladin. I can guarantee this with my life."

Cleaning the grounds of the Brotherhood first, and then helping Bolvar to clean up, the image of her as an agent who still respects the country's leaders has been erected.

The polygraph magic showed that Vanessa was telling the truth this time, and Jaina nodded slightly, which was regarded as her approval of her loyal and patriotic character, and then... Then all the clues were cut off! I can't go on investigating!

The Brotherhood is wiped out, Bolvar is still upright, so who should be investigated?

The female mage still thinks there is a problem with Varian Wrynn's disappearance, but she lacks a key link, and the only clues are now broken.

She thought for a while: "Can you contact Anduin Wrynn for me? I want to have an interview with him."

See the little king? Vanessa was a little embarrassed: "I can only say to find a way, but I don't guarantee success."

"Thank you. If it's really difficult, you can turn off the anti-teleportation device of the Stormwind Mage Tower, and I can teleport there by myself. I know it's difficult, but please do your best to help. This matter involves the throne of the Wrynn family. I I think there must be something unknown behind the scenes, this is not treason, on the contrary it is a patriotic act, and besides, Theramore and I will both owe you a favor." Jaina comforted Vanessa for a long time, repeatedly stating that this matter is justice , It is bright, and his mouth is dry, so he hangs up the communication.

See the little king? You wait! Vanessa quickly put this matter behind her. She has been away from home for more than half a month, and she has accumulated a lot of things that need her to deal with.

Back in her own town of Yuexi, she told for the third time how the Defias Brotherhood was wiped out by Grand Duke Bolvar, and she said three times the truly important thing.

Facing her advisory group, she expressed her feelings after this trip.

"The Brotherhood's reputation is really bad! The Defias Brotherhood should let it disappear. I want us to fully integrate into the Westfall People's Army!"

Vanessa tore up the red face scarf that she used to use as a little red flag in public, but was actually a symbol of the fraternity.

"The idea of ​​revenge should be in our hearts, not in the form!" She plausibly persuaded several veteran officials.

The old miner Johansen, Mr. Tauren Heavy Punch, these old subordinates still have feelings for the Brotherhood, but I heard that Bolvar hanged all the former backbones of the Brotherhood, and they are still a little nervous. Prosecution, trial, The whole process of being put in prison has been saved, and now one is caught and the other is twisted! It is false to say that I am not afraid.

"Miss, what is the specific plan?" The old miner asked first.

"I'm going to implement Operation Paperclip!" Vanessa waved her hand, confirming the future direction and course of action of the Brotherhood.

The next day, the young monk Nimez was clipped by her.

Although the sow princess has her druid ability to appease, but no one knows how to take care of such a huge creature, making it a super difficult problem to give birth.

Fortunately, there are indeed a lot of talents in the Coulson Special Forces. Brother Nimez, who knows everything but is not good at anything, was appointed as a field general by Vanessa in the name of the clerk of Sentinel Hill!

The old miner also came here as a field general. He is very organized, and he is responsible for all the chores of the wine festival.

Vanessa, the old miner, Nemez, and Helix Sunder, who had been repairing equipment and making bombs before, officially established the Defias Brotherhood Branch of the Westfall People's Army.

The matter of raising pigs is left to Brother Nimez, the sow has been tossing the two boars, the picture is too poignant, Vanessa doesn't She went to play the guest role of King Gulu Gulu for two days , Most of the rest of the time is used for studying, and a small part is used for arranging the wine festival.

The old miner can only do chores, and it will be too difficult for him to put together a party that pleases all parties.

Vanessa racked her brains to figure out a plan.

Everyone is just sitting around, drinking and eating meat and bragging is no fun. At this time, we need to engage in some competitive games.

Javelin, discus, long-distance running, and sprinting are all on, and she also specially set up a human group and a dwarf group.

The venues for horse riding, pig riding, and sheep riding are also prepared. Of course, as the highlight of the wine festival, drinking competitions and meat-eating competitions must be indispensable.

The wine festival lasts for a month, and there are activities every day, Vanessa just wants everyone to ignite!

Sports games, food festivals, wine festivals, people in the world of Azeroth have never seen these things anyway, they are a mess, they add whatever they think of, and they are all drawn together by her in the end.

At the end of the month, ten days before the opening of the Brew Festival, the pandaren Lao Chen came to Westfall. He not only came by himself, but also brought a friend.

Vanessa squinted at the goblin who was only one meter tall, and asked the pandaren Lao Chen from the corner of her eye, meaning this guy is your friend? Wine and meat friends? Looking at the goblin, who is thin and weak, he doesn't look like a person who can drink.

She is a little dizzy now, and she feels a stomachache when she sees green skins, but she still cannot do without goblins in every way.

"This is Gazlowe. In fact, we don't know each other well, but we are all friends of Rexxar. Rexxar is a nice person..." Old panda man Chen looked confused, but he was actually very shrewd. In a few words, he pointed out that he had nothing to do with this goblin named Gazlowe in front of him. He was completely a friend of a friend, and he brought her here because he couldn't save face.