The New Order of Azeroth

v1 Chapter 99: wrong direction...

The dragon's anger was interpreted by Vanessa as hitting the nail on the head, and she kept switching between the flame cheetah and the fire eagle.

With the help of the surrounding trees, the two sharp claws of the fire eagle grabbed the dragon's wing, and with the sharp beak, it tore and burned the dragon's wing, forcibly tearing out a large hole with a length and width of more than one meter.

Vanessa has discovered that her fire can cleanse the corruption of the dragon.

The dragon wings were originally covered with thorns. When the muscles were burned by the flames, new flesh that looked healthy would regenerate. Unfortunately, the new flesh was soon polluted by the corrosion in the body and returned to its original shape again.

"Help me, please save me..." Amidst the roar of the dragon, an extremely weak voice reached Vanessa's ears.

It wasn't until the other party called for the third time that she finally determined her target. It was this nightmare dragon who asked her for help, and the other party still had some thoughts of resistance in her body.

Tossing and turning, constantly changing positions, Vanessa burned two **** holes in the opponent's body with flames, but the result was not optimistic. Her total amount of flames was too small, and the corrosion in the opponent's body was too much. She can't purify the green dragon by herself.

"Listen to me, you need to save yourself! Only you can save yourself! Use the unyielding in your heart to ignite your anger! Only anger can help you!" Vanessa kept circling around the nightmare dragon. She just called for help mechanically. When she repeated the above words for the third time and scratched the dragon's **** twice, the other party finally looked a little angry.

While fighting, Vanessa encouraged the dragon: "Yes! That's it! You have found the feeling, I can feel the flames of anger, it's not enough, let the anger come more fiercely! Purify, from the inside out, Burn all the rot! Let the world burn!"

She also occasionally uses her flame rejuvenation technique to swipe the nightmare dragon twice to make the opponent more excited and burnt.

"Hit me, please hit me harder!..." The somewhat weak female voice sounded again.

Vanessa didn't think about anything strange. Seeing that the corrosion on the opponent's body surface was fading at a relatively slow speed, she immediately agreed.

This is not for myself, but for the alliance, and for Azeroth!

In order to save Azeroth, she whipped around the nightmare dragon. I don't know how many times she circled in the woods. The fire eagle and the dragon were a little bit confused.

The nightmare dragon seemed to be insane. While biting Vanessa fiercely, he asked her to help, making her very busy.

"I...I can't do it anymore, I'm so tired, I'm so tired! There's darkness in front of my eyes..." The will of the weak female voice was still not firm enough, she was angry at one moment, timid at another, and the corrosion in her body melted away The speed is also fast and slow.

If you want to rely on the current progress to purify, you will not be able to complete it in the year of the monkey. Continuous deformation and casting spells have consumed half of the flame power in Vanessa's body.

The drill pipe skills she has practiced hard in the woods are good, but no matter how good the skills are, it is still inevitable to hit trees in this high-speed flight state.

Even if the flame was just a little bit, the trees would be ignited. The result of chasing and beating was that she burned in front, the giant dragon crashed in behind, and they plowed out a road in the lush Twilight Forest.

In order to maintain the shape-shifting ability, she can no longer use large-scale fire spells.

Vanessa was also very angry when she was hit with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Those who manipulated the flames didn't have a good temper.

"You forced me to do this!" Incarnate as a flaming cheetah, she hugged one of the dragon's hind legs and began to rub it hard with the flames on her body!

Seeing that the effect of rubbing was not great, she started to attack some key parts of the dragon again. The flames continued to burn on the opponent's body. The dragon threw her legs desperately, trying to get rid of her, but Vanessa held her tightly. The dragon legs, the sharp claws pierced the dragon's skin and directly penetrated into the flesh. She hugged it tightly and couldn't shake it off.

The flame burned the dragon's body in a more domineering way, and half of the dragon's body was set on fire. She cursed hysterically and kept rolling in the forest, just to get rid of the flame that smelled so bad to her.

"How strange is this attack method?" The voice of the weak night elf woman sounded again after a long silence.

Vanessa was rolled back and forth by the giant dragon, and she was also dizzy, so she replied casually: "Don't worry, don't worry, I have seen this kind of corrosion, I have experience."

She has fart experience! I have seen a big murloc that corrodes creatures, but it turned out to be a fool, and I didn’t purify it afterwards, but dumped it to the elf Druid and the old cow. For purifying corrosion, she is definitely a new one that can’t be newer. druids.

The weak female voice only feels that she is very uncomfortable now. This kind of discomfort is not the same as being corroded. With this difference, many of her own past and memories have emerged again. She thinks, huh? This druid is quite capable?

While flying, the giant dragon shook its legs as if it had some kind of epilepsy, UU Reading wanted to shake off this annoying spirit.

The dark and crazy side of the dragon hates Vanessa. Dragon wings, dragon claws and breath are all weapons. Vanessa's physical and mental strength are about to be exhausted.

If it doesn't work, just drop this one at random, she can't hold on any longer!

Ugh? Just when she was about to give up, she found that her eyes suddenly opened up, and the dark and slightly evil forest was left behind, and the dazzling sunlight directly shone on her face.

This is leaving the Twilight Forest, right? Turning into a fire eagle and a falcon again, with two **** of her wings, she wanted to speed up the impact, fly close to the ground, and then leave the sight of the dragon, find a corner to hide as a cheetah! Perfect, the plan works!

Looking at the dense forest below her eyes, Vanessa felt that they were flying south, and now that they had reached Stranglethorn Valley, she wanted to throw the blame on the dragon to some Gurubashi troll, some blood-top troll A sage like her, but when she was flying at low altitude, she didn't see the troll. Instead, she saw a human village that seemed to be very busy. The morning sun shone on this quiet town, and many townspeople were looking up at this moment. sky.

"What is that?" The huge fire and the roar of the giant dragon startled the town of Gold Flash, and many people came out of their homes to watch. They opened their eyes wide, trying to see exactly what was flying in the sky.

Vanessa also discovered the problem, she wanted to go to the south, but now it seems the direction is reversed! How did you get to the Golden Town!

She wanted the dragon to turn around, but the flying ability of the dragon was undoubtedly superior to hers. Facing the attack like a storm, she could only rely on her dexterity to maneuver around, and could not lead the direction at all.

The two quickly flew over the town of Gold, heading northwest...