The New Order of Azeroth

v2 Chapter 404: Murloc Chef's Quest

The battle outside was in full swing. Vashj was one against two. Her general, Caratheres, Lord of Deepwater, brandished a trident and charged into the formation of the coalition forces. Breaking out from the two wings, there are still a large number of breakers and fungal giants in their ranks.

"Fight!" Isier Fengsong shouted loudly, and many druids transformed one after another. Warriors of the Alliance and the Horde stood on the front line of the battle with weapons, and the ancient trees of war and ancient knowledge blessed the army a lot energy shield.

The army of the Naga side collided with the coalition forces of the expedition team, and the battle entered a fierce stage in an instant.

You fight over, I fight back, the result of the battle is not optimistic, the two sides fought for three days in a row, countless soldiers were killed, but no one can do anything to the other.

Vanessa cooperated with Isiel Star Song and Vashj for several battles. It doesn't mean that the two arch druids can't beat the Naga Archmage together. If they are singled out on land, they can all fight Vashj.

But it’s not good in the water. Vanessa doesn’t know the aquatic form, and her strength will be cut by at least half after entering the water. Isiel Xingge can use the aquatic form, but can she defeat Naga in the water by becoming a seal? ?

The two of them have nothing to do against Vashj, who can't beat him and goes into the water. No matter how good Vashj's archery skills are, no matter how powerful his mana is, he can't take them down.

The other party doesn't go ashore, they don't go into the water, both sides feel a bit like a mouse pulling a turtle, and there is no way to start.

In order to get the well water as soon as possible, Vanessa began to use outside tactics.

In the depths of the Coiling Fang Reservoir, this is the place that the Naga called the Temple of the Serpent.

Combining magic and slaves, Vashj not only worked hard to extract water from the entire swamp during the five years in Outland, but also dug groundwater under the Coil Tooth Reservoir. With a drop of 500 meters, Naga hired crazy dwarves to build an elevator at the entrance of the passage, known as the murder elevator!

Without guards, a single elevator can kill countless adventurers!

When the outside world was killing corpses everywhere, a few murlocs sneaked into the Serpent Temple.

"Wah la la la la?"


An old member of the Brotherhood, Cookie, the murloc chef, brought a few trusted murlocs into the Serpent Temple.

As the slaves of the Naga, there are also murlocs in the Viper Temple, but there are not many murlocs. Most of the murlocs died of exhaustion in the previous work of mining and pumping water.

Naga can be said to be the race that knows the murlocs best in the world. The second-generation King Gulu Gulu who is wearing a leather case must not come, no matter how blind Naga is, he can see the problem.

The old shaman Mogol is a crocodile, a branch of the murloc, and it is quite different from the serious murloc.

Finley is dressed in holy light, which is more conspicuous here. In the end, Vanessa asked them to quietly hide in the periphery to provide support, and the task of stealing well water was handed over to the elder brotherhood, Murloc Chef Cookie!

They followed a group of murlocs running around and easily sneaked into the Viper Temple.

Cookie is a very smart murloc, even though he has never taken any potion of wisdom, let alone been favored by the Holy Light and the power of elements, just relying on his cleverness like a genetic mutation and his loyalty to two generations of the Van Cleef family, Vanessa decided to give him the task of stealing well water.

The Temple of the Serpent occupies a large area. It is called the Temple of the Serpent. In fact, there is not a single snake here. The Naga enslaved many races to hollow out the bottom of the lake, and installed a large number of mechanical devices here to pump water.

The steam here is very thick, and most of the Naga went to fight on it. Murloc Cookie didn't make much effort, bypassing the Naga patrol from the side path, and walked towards the depths of the temple.

He has served the Van Cleef family for two generations of thief kings, and he has some sneaking skills. At this time, he is walking and observing, looking for the location of Vashj's treasure house.

"Where is someone? Dirty murlocs!? How dare you disturb my meditation?" Several foreign murlocs thought that their attire was fine, and they were exactly the same as the murlocs of the Tide Clan here. When passing a fork in the road, it was still discovered by the enemy.

This is a male blood elf with a shirtless body and a strange temperament.

Cloth strips cover his eyes, dark green evil script is painted on his upper body and arms, a crazy and bloodthirsty smile is on the corner of his mouth, two light green flames are contained in his empty eye sockets, he tilts his head slightly, Just looking in the direction of Murloc Cookie.

Mom! What kind of monster is this?

Cookie was terrified, and the remaining murloc "elites" brought by him were also trembling with fright. The evil spirit of this blood elf made their simple minds feel extremely terrifying.

"Run!" Cookie ran away.

The rest of the murlocs also dispersed in a rush, running from east to west, from south to north, all kinds of things. At this time, what task, what is the King Gulu Gulu, has long since forgotten to the sky.

"Huh? How dare you escape? Isn't it a matter of course for prey to be killed by hunters? How dare you refuse this honor?" The blindfolded blood elf took out a pair of dark red moon blades, erratic like a ghost, and waved his hands continuously , the two murlocs fell into a pool of blood.

It can be seen that his mental state is not good, and he would stop and talk to himself from time to time, but he still killed all the murlocs except Cookie with excellent speed.

"Stop! Don't run!" He chased after But the murloc chef would throw some bad food behind him from time to time, and the crazy demon hunter would step on it occasionally. With his superb agility, he always Able to restore body balance, but being disturbed continuously, I still feel very sick.

Seeing a waterway ahead, Cookie jumped down without thinking.

The crazy demon hunter who was chasing after him didn't hesitate at all. He radiated frightening fel energy all over his body, and jumped into the waterway as well.

"Weak elf! Get out! Get out of Mologli's territory, or I'll beat you to pieces! Broke!" The tall sea giant was sitting on the ground eating meat, and he didn't realize that he had an extra murloc under his command. He was very dissatisfied with the crazy demon hunter entering his territory, and his roaring voice kept echoing in the small half of the Viper Temple.

"A piece of garbage on the evolutionary chain, get out!" Mad demon hunter, the blind Leotheras is even more disdainful of the sea giant. He looked down on this creature when he was a blood elf before, and now he has gained the power of a demon. , then don't care about it.

He looked around and couldn't help frowning. The life reactions of the murlocs were similar. The Mologli Tidewalker was regarded as the master by countless murlocs. At this time, there were a large group of murlocs on the scene. For a while, even with the demon hunter's fel vision, he couldn't find the cookie. trace.