The New Order of Azeroth

v2 Chapter 411: Kael'thas' decision

Velen and the two naaru are holy light users, they are not the kind of monks who would not see sacrifices.

"Now is not the right time." Mulu spoke first.

Velen also expressed his own thoughts: "Yes, I also think that we should be cautious. This lady has a strong vitality, so there is no need to worry about it now."

The remaining naaru named Volos didn't speak, but he didn't deny his companion's point of view.

The blue dragon Kalecgos had to care about everyone's opinions. He endured the torment in his heart and looked at the sky nervously.

Nearly a minute later, Anweina was almost unable to maintain her flying ability, and the sun well was also filled to two-thirds.

Vanessa has been staring at the subtle changes in the well, not knowing what the high elf king who first created the sun well thought, but she saw signs of life in the well water, which is the most primitive and essential part, and the well water showed her A gestation process of life from scratch, from simple to complex.

She saw the birth of light, and even the darkness that followed. Maybe it was the darkness in the world, or the darkness in Anwena's heart. The water was polluted again.

"Miss Anweina, you can come down now."

Blue Dragon hurried over to hug his lover, the lingering love between the two made Vanessa feel toothache.

She turned to Velen and the two naaru.

"Three, I think it is more appropriate to start the purification now."

"Your Highness's gaze is very sharp." Prophet Velen said pointedly, and then he drew out his artifact, the Exodar Life Staff.

The two naaru didn't need to make any preparations, their bodies made of energy blocks rotated slowly, and then three golden holy lights were injected into the well water of the Sunwell from three angles.

There was a layer of mist in the well water, and the prophet Velen and the two naaru purified the well water with their own pure holy light.

There are many impurities in these well waters.

Whether it's Illidan, Kael'thas or Naga Vaschi, they all have more or less evil energy.

These impurities contaminate the little well water that was poured in first.

The energy that makes up Anweina's body is not pure energy either. Being coerced by the blood elves with all kinds of embellishments, it is impossible for her to have no resentment in her heart. This part of the darkness will also be magnified thousands of times by the well water .

The task of the three holy light users is to filter the well water with their own holy light.

Those paladins and priests outside the sun well cannot participate in the purification, their holy light is not pure enough, don't put yourself in instead of purifying the well water at that time, then the gain outweighs the loss.

The purification process was dull, boring, and very mechanical. Vanessa felt bored after watching it for a while. She used plant vines to make a chair for herself, closed her eyes slightly, and secretly sorted out the knowledge she had seen before.

The purification lasted for a whole day, and when Prophet Velen let go of his staff, a brand new Sunwell was born!

The rest of the work is done by the blood elf mages. They sort out the magic network, evenly distribute the magic power in the sun well to the surrounding magic power nodes, let the magic towers in the kingdom work again, and adjust the output magic power of the sun well. It should not be too large, but It can't be too small.

Once the magic power of the blood elves returns to normal, the undead in the territory don't need outsiders to worry about, and those trolls are even more insignificant. If the blood elves' combat power was one before, with the Sunwell, their combat power will be ten. Paladins In the front, the mage washes the ground with a wave of spells, and then the ranger kills the survivors with arrows. If the blood elves burst into full combat power, they can knock out the troll's shit.

On the second day after the Sunwell was born, the blue dragon Kalecgos left Silvermoon City with Anveena. No one knew where they were going. On the same day, Prince Kael'thas walked out of the phantom circle.

The prince's face was a bit haggard, and it took him ten seconds to determine where he was.

"I'm back? What a horrible experience..."

He quickly recited the incantation, and used a weird spell to strip the fel energy from his blood, bones, and internal organs. The process hurt so much that his head was covered with sweat, but he still managed to endure it.

He gathered the evil energy into a black jelly, and then a flame rose from the palm of his hand. The evil energy was like a conscious living creature, struggling desperately, but finally turned into black smoke, in the palm of the blood elf prince Completely disappeared.

"Kael'thas...I won't let you can't escape...the palm of your hand" A deep voice came from the fel energy, and the blood elf prince Expressionless, without the slightest panic and confusion of being threatened, he waved his hand with some disgust, an ultra-small portal was opened, and a suction force came from the portal, sweeping away the fel residue.

He casually put on a robe and walked out of the room slowly.

Without graceful clothes and a meticulously groomed face, he just walked out of the Tower of Sunfury and walked on the streets of Silvermoon City like an invisible man.

"The Sunwell...rebuilt again?! Unbelievable..."

"What's so strange about this? Lor'themar made various concessions and gathered forces from all parties to rebuild the Sunwell. He has paid a lot, and he has done what you have not done." The old aunt Telesta came out from the shadows , she followed Kael'thas all the way, and has been secretly observing this former disciple.

"Do you have resentment in your heart?" she asked suddenly.

"No, teacher, I only have gratitude in my heart." Kael'thas replied firmly.

"Then what are you going to do about Quel'Thalas?"

"...I'm still thinking about..."

One day later Prince Kael'thas made a decision. He kept his promise that day. As a direct descendant of the Sunstrider, he is only a prince and will not inherit the throne, while Lor'themar Theron will Continues to serve as Regent of Quel'Thalas.

The throne hangs high, and Quel'Thalas will be ruled by the regent family in the future. Lor'themar Theron can be the regent for a lifetime, and the descendants of the Theron family can inherit the throne of the regent.

Determined that the kingdom would be better in the hands of the Regent, Prince Kael'thas finally let go of the burden in his heart. Now he has only one thing left to do, and that is to avenge the Lich King!

He took away more than 800 followers, and the three previous advisors, the Great Astromancer, etc. were willing to assist him in revenge against the Lich King.

Vanessa hid outside for three days. Seeing that Kael'thas didn't want the artifact but the phoenix, she reappeared unsteadily.

"I have heard of the reputation of the Light of Lordaeron very early on, and His Highness's insight and layout are admirable."

Getting rid of the influence of evil energy, Prince Kael'thas at this time can be regarded as a personable title. He didn't go north rashly, but discussed Northrend with Vanessa.