The New Order of Azeroth

v2 Chapter 465: on the sea

Jaina wore a three-cornered hat in the style of a captain and sat on the side of the boat, overlooking the sea.

"Mother should prefer Drake, he is my elder brother, the whole family has high hopes for him, but unfortunately he was killed in the second war against the orcs, and I became like this again... now I'm afraid Only my brother is still with my mother."

Listening to Jaina's whispers, Vanessa fell into silence, saying anything at this time is empty words, according to the information she has, the current state of Kul Tiras is a bit better than the fragmented state of the original time and space, but it is also good. Get limited.

The Ashvane Company has been using the relationship between Lady Ashvane and Jaina's mother to embezzle state-owned assets! This guy is occupying the real power of the country little by little, gradually transferring the power of Kul Tiras into his own hands.

"Death cannot be brought back to life. I believe that when you mother and daughter meet again, you will be able to solve the conflict..." Vanessa didn't even have much confidence in saying this, so how to solve it? Where to untie it?

"Why don't we go back after a while?" Jaina said suddenly.

Don't back down at this time.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it, you have to face it sooner or later, there is no point in procrastinating, give yourself some courage!"

Trying to get Jaina to relax, she started changing the subject.

"By the way, this is for you." She took out a stack of letters from the ring of the consul.

"A love letter to you."

Jaina turned her head stiffly, her small mouth became O-shaped, and she took it in a daze, and she became sluggish.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became weird, and even the arcane puppet rowing below seemed to slow down.

Um? Vanessa is a little strange, why this reaction?

After thinking about it for a few times, she finally realized that there was something wrong with her words after she noticed that Jaina's eyes were dodging.

"...That, that, is a love letter written to you by the nobles in the country!"

Jaina is the iconic human beauty of Azeroth. Her appearance is the most in line with the values ​​here. She is dignified, magnificent, and intelligent. At the same time, she has a high enough bloodline, making her an ideal choice for a life partner.

Relatively speaking, Calia is a bit older, her personality is too quiet, and her appearance is not as good as Jaina.

Vanessa, on the other hand, has an overactive personality and doesn't look like an honest person. Her friends are everywhere, but her enemies are also everywhere.

The nobles basically understand the principle of a big tree attracting the wind, and if they get mixed up with her, they may encounter disasters at any time, and the danger is too high. For nobles, they have no shortage of glory and wealth, and Vanessa and Calia are not good couples in the eyes of those noble children.

Only Jaina is the best fit.

Hearing her explanation, Jaina breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that she was thinking wrong.

In order to resolve the embarrassment, she didn't bother about Kul Tiras anymore, she took out a letter, opened it, and read it face-to-face as a joke just like she did with those suitors before.

"'s nothing new." She hadn't experienced these things for a long time, and she was a little funny for a while.

"Well, I'm going to take you to go boating on Lake Lordamere. In my family's estate, you can see a large field of tulips, a heart, a boat, and a rose. We can love each other, but don't let love become Bondage... well written..." Jaina commented as she read.

"Love is a bay, some people are here, some people are there. The world's eyes think that this is the beauty, I have a different view, although I stand with you on the right bank, but my love will not weaken because of it Half point..." After reading this, Jaina already felt a little weird, these words and sentences seem to be...

She bit the bullet and continued to read: "I don't have the broad mind of a man, nor the frame limited by the world, but I can love you bravely..."

The more Jaina read it, the more she felt uncomfortable. She quickly flipped to the bottom of the letter, but it was not signed. Who wrote this letter to herself?

Vanessa also heard something was wrong, is Azeroth's concept so advanced? Velen's head-to-head killing of Kil'jaeden is just around the corner, and now he's doing it for himself?

She forced a smile and asked, "Who wrote this letter? It's quite literary, like poetry..."

Jaina felt the atmosphere was weird, and smiled awkwardly: "Yeah, yeah, the writing is pretty good."

In order to end her embarrassment, she pretended to be indifferent: "Someone must have written you a love letter, right? I have seen Miss Lilian handle those letters."

It would be an exaggeration to say that there is none, there are always a few stunned young people who are not afraid of death, do not know what the Lich King is, and try to reach the sky in one step.

"Quick, take it out and let me see." Jaina stretched out a white and tender palm, and said in an unquestionable tone.

Do you have this thing in your hand? Most of the letters were disposed of as waste paper, and she didn't even read them.

Now Jaina is making a fool of herself, and you have to embarrass yourself, otherwise she will not look like a good sister, and she can only accommodate it.

Look for it, don't say it, it really exists.

"I'm looking for it, and it seems that there, just a few."

Jaina snatched it over in a hurry, read the letter first, and didn't tear it open, very good!

Unfolding the letter paper, she cleared her throat and began to read: "...Love for each other should not be a burden, UU Reading As long as you are willing to leave me a place by your side, you can let me read It's enough to see you, I love your soul, everything about you, the worldly eyes can't stop me from looking for true love..."

Jaina is still savoring the charm of the letter. Even if she has not experienced the influence of the information explosion, she is extremely intelligent, but she can see through the true meaning of the letter. Subconsciously, she looked at Vanessa from the corner of her eye, and happened to see Fan Nisha looked embarrassed and embarrassed, and the eyes of the two met in the air, and then quickly moved away.

She still wanted to continue reading, but Vanessa directly used the Juggernaut's Wind Walk, snatched the letter from her hand with a whimper, today must not be a good time to read a letter, it was a very happy and pleasant thing , how did you make it so orangey...

"Ah—!" This wind walk was used a little too fast, the power was not enough, and the deck was a little slippery. She was still barefoot, so she flew out with a whoosh.

She fell into the sea with a "plop" like a cannonball, splashing a big pool of water.

"...haha!—haha, I laughed so hard!" Jaina held her belly and held on to the side of the boat, laughing, tears streaming down her face.

Vanessa is not good at water combat, but it's not a devil fruit that can't get wet. It's just that many spells can't be used underwater, and her melee ability is still there.

Her clothes were completely wet, and she crawled back to the deck like a drowned rat. The love letter that made her fall into the water had long been destroyed, and no one even saw who signed it.

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