The New Order of Azeroth

v2 Chapter 542: new king

Seeing this holy light, Vanessa finally knew the identity of the person who came. Calia, her, and Jaina have all told about this past.

"Are you Archbishop Fao?" She asked tentatively, and the other party nodded.

"Hello, young king, you are more like a king than those leaders I have ever seen. I thought Lordaeron would fall, but I didn't expect you to rebuild the country from the ruins and defeat the Lich Wang, your great achievements make my old friends look very incompetent, hehe."

An undead with stiff facial muscles can actually laugh. Archbishop Fao has a very strong personality charm. His body may have decayed, but his soul still shines brightly.

Archbishop Faol said, "Kingship has no eternity. Let me guess, Terenas II also said this at the end?"

In fact, this sentence is what I said to Terenas II back then, do human beings rely on blood to maintain the stability of the country? Wrong, it depends on the people, the blood of the Menethil family is no more noble than any commoner in the capital of Lordaeron, only with the support of all the citizens, that person is the king.

Child, if you have the ability, don't refuse this responsibility. This is what Jia Liya means, and it's also what I mean. "

Vanessa looked inquiringly, and she dared not underestimate the archbishop.

The archbishop of the human kingdom is no one to be taken lightly. This archbishop of Fao has experienced two orc wars. Even in such an era of heroes, his brilliance cannot be concealed.

Archbishop Fao is a good person, but being a good person does not mean being stupid. His actions often have special meanings, so Vanessa can't help but think about it.

"Vanessa, accept my gift." Calia persuaded with a solemn expression.

She almost said, 'So what's the price? '

Resisting herself, she retreated and said, "Actually, I can inherit the crown of Alterac, and after the two countries merge together, Sister Calia can inherit as the king of Lordaeron, and I can also govern smoothly. There will be no impact in any way.”

Calia shook her head again and again. This government model has never appeared in Azeroth, and it sounds very complicated.

Archbishop Fao thought about it seriously, and then shook his head, "I think this idea has certain operability, but it is not suitable for the current situation. You have to protect Lordaeron and the people here. Calia also has her own mission. .”

Vanessa looked at her eldest sister curiously, after staying at home for so long, do you still have a mission? Haven't heard you say it?

"The teacher is going to let me inherit the position of the Archbishop of the Holy Light, and I also want to dedicate my whole body and mind to the Holy Light." Jia Liya said firmly.

"Fathion is missing. Some people say he is dead. I'm going to take Calia to Stormwind City to have a look. There have been some strange changes in the believers of the Holy Light there recently." Archbishop Fao's tone was dissatisfied. Sure.

Of course, Faxien was not missing. He was corroded by void energy half a year ago, and was burned to ashes by Vanessa herself in the Lightning Hall, and Miss Xalatas was also captured by the way.

It's just that many people don't know this, and the consensus now is that this person is missing.

Facien's status is not low. He was trained as the heir of the new generation of Archbishop Shengguang. According to the general point of view, the second-generation Archbishop Benedictas and Old Fording are the same age, and they are already very old. Theon is the successor of the Archbishop of the Holy Light.

Once he succeeds, he will not rule the parish of the Stormwind Kingdom, but the Holy Light Church of the entire human kingdom.

The church has wealth, has fiefdoms in various countries, and has its own armed forces. In the era of peace, the overall strength of the church is stronger than that of Alterac, which ranks last among the seven human kingdoms.

"That's it"

Vanessa thought about it seriously. She wasn't worried about Calia's safety. Archbishop Fao should have noticed the abnormality of Archbishop Benedictus. The old bishop's IQ was extremely high. Leah hid in Lordaeron for five years, and now she was fighting in the Church of the Holy Light, which she was familiar with, so she would lose for no reason.

It is a good thing for all forces that Jia Liya will serve as the Archbishop of the Holy Light.

Vanessa was already a little moved, but she couldn't look so urgent on her face.

In August of the 27th year of Heimen, the second month after Banshi returned to court.

Vanessa presided over a grand celebration in Calia's place, celebrating Lordaeron's defeat of the Lich King and the complete removal of the threat from the North.

In this celebration, she used the same carriages, drums, and costumes as the king, and arranged a number of guards exceeding the standard of the regent, and used fragrant wine that only the king could use in the sacrificial ceremony.

After the ceremony, her regent seat was also moved to the fifth step at the same level as the king.

In October 27 of Black Gate, Vanessa took over the crown of Alterac from Calia.

In terms of address, he was officially upgraded from His Highness to Your Majesty.

At this time, many nobles and ministers had seen the inside story, and they began to show their loyalty to Vanessa in various ways.

Black Gate January 28.

Six months after the triumphant return of the army, Calia officially issued an edict of abdication to the Alliance and the people of Lordaeron.

Calia left the throne of Lordaeron, and only retained the title of Princess of Lordaeron, and all the rest of the messy titles were given to Vanessa in sequence.

Calia became the bishop of Lordaeron on the same day, and Vanessa officially took over the throne of Lordaeron in a peaceful atmosphere.

The new king’s enthronement celebration is not as grand as the one when the country was restored. On the one hand, the treasury is At this time, there is really no money to pay, and Vanessa is unwilling to pay for it herself. Using the excuse of eliminating waste in the early days of the kingdom, a somewhat simple celebration was held.

A group of officials and historians studied the relationship between the new king and the Menethil family for a long time.

From a legal point of view, Vanessa is still the goddaughter of Terenas II. Although this goddaughter has become a well-known illegitimate daughter, some necessary procedures still need to be followed.

Under this major premise, her succession foundation is a bit weak, far less legitimate than Jialia, and the name of this illegitimate daughter is very easy to be criticized.

In the end, Vanessa made a fake in person!

Start with a picture, and then it all depends on editing. She found a fictitious woman for Terenas II in a pile of documents. This woman was the sister of the former king of Alterac and died during the orc war.

After the change, the woman didn't die! Not only did she not die, but she also gave birth to little Vanessa with Terenas II. In this way, she not only washed her identity, but also successfully obtained the legitimate throne of Alterac.
