The New Order of Azeroth

v2 Chapter 633: Pantheon

"The Pantheon is in this world, but it is independent of this world. Sargeras killed us titans and blocked our way back to the Pantheon. You are not within this limit. I need you to reposition and Finding the Pantheon is related to the safety of the entire universe..."

Eonar Barabara said for a while.

She simplifies the process of Sargeras killing them, only telling the results, and explaining Vanessa's role in the whole thing.

According to her, as long as the Pantheon is found and a few Titans return to their positions, they will use the methods reserved in the Pantheon to use their last bit of strength to imprison Sargeras.

According to Eonar, this matter is not difficult at all. It seems that Sargeras can be dealt with in a minute or two. After that, everyone can go back to their respective homes and share peace.

How can it be so easy actually!

"I can't fully sense the Pantheon..." Vanessa said not very confidently.

Eonar is not worried at all: "According to my estimation, the power of Kazgros in your body is about one-tenth of his original level. This part of power fits you very well. For mortals Said, you are the most hopeful person to find the Pantheon, I will also provide some help, don't worry about this issue."

This problem is solved for the time being, what about the next problem?

"Where are the souls of those titans now?"

Eonar was very frank: "They are all imprisoned by the Burning Legion, and you need to save them."

Probably still on the Burning Throne? Regarding this question, Vanessa is not sure, what if it is transferred?

You need to find the Pantheon, you need to defeat the guards guarding the star souls of the Titans, and it seems that you have to fight Aggramar and Argus! ?

Aggramar may be because the star soul was stuffed into the new body and turned into a super figure. There is a huge gap between the strength and the Titan period. This Sargeras clone that can refer to Aegwynn's battle should be that level of battle. Fan Nisha estimated that she gritted her teeth and could barely handle it.

But what about Argus? This is a brand new Titan born on the planet Argus, a real Titan! No matter how weak and corrupt, Vanessa's level cannot deal with it.

No matter how many demigods there are, they can't beat a true god-level Titan.

There is a qualitative difference between the two.

How to do it?

Even if all these troubles are resolved, we still have to deal with Sargeras! That's Sargeras! It is the ceiling of combat power in the entire universe. In Vanessa's eyes, a lot of true gods were killed by him. This is no longer a problem that combat can solve.

According to her estimate, Sargeras is equivalent to a special soldier, Wen may not be able to do it, but he is one against a hundred on the battlefield, and beating his fellow university professors, gardeners, foremen, and security captains is like fighting melons.

To deal with Sargeras, you can't fight him desperately, and you can't fight hard. The way for the titans is to sneak over and tie him up while he is sleeping!

Vanessa felt that she had grasped the true meaning of this plan, and what was required of her was to release the Titans from the prison as unobtrusively as possible, so that they could attack Sargeras, otherwise the fierce general would be prepared. It's useless to use Titan's group of star souls and her demigod together.

"Looking at your appearance, your lifespan is still very long, we can come a little bit, I will teach you how to sense the Pantheon first."

Eonar has been hiding for countless years, but she is really not in a hurry. Titans have a different concept of time than humans. She began to teach Vanessa about the application of the power of Titans.

The power of the titans comes from the titans, from the planets they were born in, and this is the power of the planets.

Mortals, even a dragon as talented as Deathwing, cannot understand a planet with their own thoughts. Their cognition is very one-sided, just like ants cannot understand human thoughts.

Whether it's Vanessa or Deathwing, their understanding of the power of the Titans is based on their own cognition. When they use their own knowledge to understand the power of the Titans, they have actually entered a misunderstanding and deviated from the original track.

"The core of Titan's power is not change, not restoration, but according to your mortal understanding, it is creation, from inside to outside, from mountains to rivers, from rocks to flames, from fantasy to reality, from nothing to something... ..."

Eonar went from shallow to deep, and told Vanessa how to apply the power of the Titans.

Given a rare opportunity, she absorbed this knowledge eagerly, and raised some questions from time to time, some related to the Pantheon, and more pointed to the nature of the existence of the Titans.

"What will happen if I imbue another Titan with my Titan power?"

"What is the attitude of the Titans towards the creation of the void? Is it the first time to clear it?......"

"If there are too many negative emotions in the power of the Titans I absorbed, how can I resolve them?"

Vanessa asked countless questions, and Eonar answered them one by one. This knowledge is completely esoteric for a demigod, but for a titan, it is just some basic knowledge.

Half a month later, she was able to preliminarily determine the traces of the Pantheon. With the help of Eonar, she turned into a stream of light, spanning the distance of time and space, traversing the entire star realm, and above the star realm. Completed two jumps and ended up in a whole new space.

This place relies on the universe, but is independent of the universe.

It is a place where the Titans move their lives to a higher level.

This place is half a level higher than the level of the current universe, and half a level lower than the higher world, the world of that conceptual level.

"Wow—..." Vanessa stood up with some difficulty. Even though she is the best among demigods, she still struggled to get rid of the huge pressure of the Pantheon~www.mtlnovel .com~ The mental coercion, the enormous gravity, and the suffocating environment all made her move very slowly.

The lightness was absent, and her nimble eyes were a little sluggish. She had to mobilize the power of the Titans to resist the ubiquitous pressure around her.

It took an unknown amount of time before she barely regained her mobility.

really big! This is the first impression of seeing the Pantheon.

She looked up at the sky and found that she couldn't see the top at all. Now she was looking at the starry sky at night, boundless. This pantheon was so tall that it seemed to hold the entire universe.

She has never been able to intuitively understand the power of the Titans, but the Pantheon gave her an intuitive understanding of it.

In the past, the Titans once stopped in the Pantheon. Their energy remnants have gone through countless tens of thousands of years. At this time, some traces can still be seen vaguely. .

The feeling of power is intoxicating, and Vanessa wants it too!