The Ninja War is Too Dangerous, Run Away and Become a Pirate

Chapter 264: leave Alabasta

"Finally left Alabasta," Yang Tai stretched. "I almost vomited when it rained."

"I see that you are very happy, sir, and didn't you sign an agreement with the king?" Violet said with a smile.

Yang Tai curled his lips slightly, "No way, those people are almost on their knees and treat me as gods, so I can't just throw them down, right?"

After the banquet, in order to improve the environment of Alabasta, Yang Tai borrowed the power of the blue dragon fruit, coupled with chakra ninjutsu, spent a day and a night, wandered the whole of Alabasta, and it rained heavily. .

After that, Cobra looked at himself in the wrong way. Weiwei almost didn't run over to propose a pillow seat, and she didn't care whether he was a big pirate worth 1 billion.

In the end, after staying for a few days, Yang Tai, who was raining on them, finally couldn't take it anymore, and directly threw Wei Wei a devil fruit that combines thorn fruit and lush fruit. Let her go to dance to change the environment and save the motherland! (Dancing when using lush fruit)

As for the criminals in the Baroque Studio, they were also thrown out by Yang Tai. Without the ability of Devil Fruit, even the most powerful Laosha, the combat effectiveness is the same thing. He was imprisoned by Alabasta's guards casually.

In addition, the reason why he left Alabasta so quickly is because Yangtai also has a hunch in his heart that the final battle between himself and the World Government is definitely not far away.

Before that, he had to increase his strength more. Although now he felt that he was fighting against Yin Mu, he was guaranteed to be able to crush her, but the phobia of lack of firepower unique to the Rabbit people still had to let him before that. Make everything perfect.

"The devil fruit that can be fused with me and is easy to get is basically in my hands, and the rest... is the poisonous fruit that pushes the city!"

Pushing the city is definitely the concentration of Devil Fruits in the entire Pirate World. In the original, although there are not many Devil Fruits in it, it is actually because many people are just tricks, and they don't need to show their Devil Fruit abilities at all.

In fact, if you think about it, you know that the original intention of promoting the construction of the city is to imprison the devil fruit ability, how can the number of devil fruit ability be small?

It's just that Yangtai's personality is different from Luffy's. He doesn't have any preparations, so he just ran to the push city and released everyone.

With the current state of the Pirate World, it would be nonsense to say that the people who pushed into the city were not wronged, but the number of people who were wronged would never exceed 1/10.

Even those who have been wronged, it is estimated that most of them have been dragged to the 5.5th floor by the revolutionary army, and the remaining people serving prison sentences are all scum.

This can also be seen from the performance of the prisoners who were rescued at the beginning in the comics. None of those prisoners called themselves wronged there, but all of them were like standard pirates.

He took out a new fusion fruit that combines transparent fruit and imitation fruit. With this thing, it is easy for Yangtai to infiltrate the prison of the city, and he can naturally harvest a large number of devil fruits.

"In addition, Naruto World is almost ready to advance the artificial devil fruit plan. Perhaps the chakra fruit can be matured earlier, and my strength can be greatly enhanced by then."

Although Yang Tai feels that he can actually directly overthrow the world government now, but in pursuit of perfection, he is still trying to increase his strength so as not to overturn.

One Piece and Naruto are different, she doesn't know the final plot. The last time he dealt with Yin Mu was a devil fruit creation, who knows what is hidden behind it?

In this case, Yang Tai can only first increase his strength to the best he can do under the existing conditions, and then go to trouble.

"Forget it, let's go and see the situation of the artificial devil fruit. This is related to whether the chakra fruit of Naruto World can ripen ahead of schedule!"

Fei Lei Shen returned to the Drum Kingdom, and the researchers under the Golden Lion, who happened to be controlled by Yang Tai, have come to Punk Hassad, and Yang Tai directly borrowed Fei Lei Shen to bring Chopper to Punk Hassad, and asked Caesar Quinn to wait. Researchers have begun research on artificial devil fruit on human fruit.

Microchips were implanted in the brain. Whether it was Caesar or Quinn, although their freedom was restricted by the sun, their research ability had greatly improved.

You must know that the chips in the brain record a lot of advanced knowledge in the academy city and the world of biochemical crisis, and there are also advanced supercomputer production methods such as tree map designers. Therefore, in the past few months, the two have It can be said that the research work is going a thousand miles. At least, the failure rate of artificial devil fruit has been suppressed to an extremely low level by the two.


"It's really a strange idea to produce ordinary fruits." After listening to Yota's request, Quinn said with a smile: "In this case, doesn't it mean nothing other than not being able to swim?"

"It should be possible to strengthen some physique." Caesar said, "Even if it is an animal devil fruit like a rabbit pheasant whose physique is worse than that of humans, after eating it, it can strengthen the user's physique."

"Although there is no way to transform people with the Renren Fruit, the ordinary ability to strengthen one's physique is still and in this way, there is no need to be afraid of various deformities. After all, the structure of the two is exactly the same, and even the success rate will greatly increase, after all, there is nothing more suitable for the human body than the human fruit."

After all, Caesar has researched for many years on artificial devil fruits, so his level is also above Quinn, even if he has found many benefits of this choice.

Yang Tai nodded: "Yes, Chopper's Renren fruit is a common species. I will find you a fantasy species Renren fruit in a while. I hope you can speed up the production of devil fruits."

The two subordinates nodded, and Yang Tai took out a lot of flying thunder **** phone bugs from his hands. "You help me get these phone bugs to Dressrosa, Wano Country, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, and then I can easily go back and forth on the great route."

When Yang Tai learned the simplified version of the technique of flying thunder god, it happened to be when he came to the red earth continent, so in the new world, he had not left the coordinates of the technique of flying thunder god, and this time he just asked his subordinates to supply it. up.

In addition, the Doflamingo family in Dressrosa also collected two common species of snake and snake fruit, namely water snake fruit and rattlesnake fruit. .