The Ninja War is Too Dangerous, Run Away and Become a Pirate

Chapter 316: clue

"Bioweapons? Like Doom?" Batman said. "Then these gods are too inferior. The biochemical weapons they painstakingly transformed, only killed a few security guards in the Arkham Asylum, and none of the most powerful characters were injured by them."

"It's completely different." Yang Tai shook his head directly. "If Doomsday's status in weapons symbolizes nuclear bombs, aircraft carriers, then the status of demons is equivalent to bullets."

"These demons are pure cannon fodder, although it is not without some specially modified powerhouses. But overall, they still rely on sheer numbers to win."

"A lot of demons?" Batman asked.

"More than you can imagine." Yang Tai sighed slightly. "Even if the entire earth is covered, it's probably less than one thousandth of the number of demons on Apocalypse."

"Apocalypse, as the force most keen on conquest and war in the entire universe, the planet occupied by them should at least be calculated in units of 10,000, in fact, even if it is calculated in the number of 100 million, I wouldn't be surprised. "

"And all the aborigines on those occupied planets have been transformed into demons by them. Therefore, I think you should be able to calculate how many there are."

"It can even be said that tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of demon-like monsters were created during the time I was talking to you!"

Hearing this, Batman gasped.

Hundreds of millions of demons were created in minutes. Batman felt a chill in his heart just thinking about it.

Don't look at the fact that the demonoids didn't make any waves in Arkham Asylum, and a few demonoids were easily killed. That's because, it's Arkham Asylum!

According to Batman's physiological anatomy of demons, this thing has infinite power, tough skin, and tenacious vitality. Ordinary pistols and small-caliber rifles can't kill him at all. It also has the ability to fly, and its speed is far faster than normal people. people several times.

Although his intelligence is not too high, his will to fight is extremely fanatical, and he has no fear at all.

Even Batman himself can deal with four or five monsters at most when he is fully armed. As for ordinary soldiers on earth, one monster can kill more than a dozen!

Heavy weapons like planes, tanks, artillery, missiles. Dealing with these flexible demons is nothing more than anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

What's more, according to Yangtai, there are also specially prepared monsters among the demons, and their combat power must be far greater than that of miscellaneous soldiers. I am afraid it corresponds to the heavy weapons on these battlefields.

The most important thing is that the number gap is really too big! Like this kind of terrifying soldier who is not afraid of death, it does not need too much, just 100 million is enough to turn the earth upside down! And this is just the number of productions the other party can produce in one minute!

For a time, Batman really had a feeling of despair in his heart.

However, this feeling was only for a moment in his heart, and soon he began to think carefully about countermeasures.

And after thinking about it, the only countermeasure Batman can think of is the superheroes on earth.

After all, this is not the world of comics. In the world of comics, not only superheroes and super criminals are rampant, but the entire earth has magic, black technology, superpowers, various gods, cosmic people and other various things.

Although so many things in the comics are crowded into a small earth, so that the earth often erupts in various crises, but it can also be regarded as the background of the earth. When encountering a crisis, you can choose a response method.

If you can't use magic, you can use black technology. If you can't use black technology, you can also find gods. If you can't do it, you can find heaven and hell, the Legion of the Ring of Light, the New God of Creation Star, and the parallel world. .

This is also the reason why Batman in the comics can do anything in any situation.

If it is really ordinary earth technology, without other abilities, facing Apocalypse, which is far beyond its own strength, there is no other way except to directly play GG.

The current Batman is a clever woman who can't cook without rice. In the face of this situation, apart from thinking of the few superheroes he has been paying attention to, he can't find any other power to break the game.

"Do you know more about Apocalypse and Demonoids?" While thinking there, Batman looked at Yangtai and asked.

"No..., I haven't even really met those things, just looking at the appearance of these guys, they look like demons."

"However, as far as I know, demons did invade Earth a long time ago. There should be records of demons in Amazon and Atlantis. If you want further information, go to those People are fine."

"At least Wonder Woman, Diana, should know something. There are some immortals in Amazon, and she can ask her about the situation."

Batman nodded, and then seemed to think of something, "Where is Amazon?"

"I don't know either!" Yang Tai shook his head. "The information on the phone bugs can't be revealed. Obviously it should be surrounded by a barrier, or in a different dimension. You should have some information about Atlantis!"

Yang Tai remembered that when the Steppenwolf Batman directly formed the Justice League. At that time, he had already collected a lot of information, which naturally included Sea King Arthur.

Batman didn't speak, but changed the subject: "The most important thing is to understand how the demons got here. If they can't find a way for them to come, the earth will always be in danger."

Yang Tai dragged his chin and said: "The first place where the demons appeared was Arkham Asylum, which could be considered a clue. A dark place like Arkham Asylum on the whole earth is really called the "Arkham Asylum". It’s like nothing else.”

"Is it coming from chasing the darkness?" Batman also has some headaches about these mysterious things. After all, he should be a hero on the technology side and brain power side, and he doesn't know much about magic. Not even in the movie.

"I heard that demons can chase fear... Didn't the "elites" in Arkham give some clues?" Yangtai asked.

"Don't mention the clues, the scene where the demons appeared has been completely destroyed by them." Batman shook his head. "Unless the guys can be interrogated directly...but I'm not sure they'll tell the truth."

"After all... the first person who discovered the scene was the clown guy."