The Noble Consort’s Pet Empress

Chapter 130: Travel (4)

The Empress Dowager set up a blind date for the royal family. After three days, the royal school-age daughter got an invitation. In the imperial city, all the sons who are young talents and who are not married to their wives have also received invitations.

In fact, many noble women in Huaijing also want to participate, but this time it was only for the royal daughter toss. Let those young ladies be jealous and not qualified.

You must know that the banquet is on the weekdays, but you can't widely consult the wind. Generally, according to the circle, the family is quite the same circle. You can't ask this one in this circle, but you don't ask another one in the circle, even if the public is very poor. Otherwise, it is offending the family and can't be good.

Only the royal family, dare not look at the family, only look at the character, please don’t dare to disagree. Anyone who has heard of it can only praise the words "the royal noble woman is really golden" and "the queen of the queen is really hurting people".

Because the Queen's Empress is now working hard, and she usually has more free time, so this time the blind date will help her. On the contrary, it is the Queen Mother, saying that when she is too old, she will not come to join in the fun.

It was also a stupid snow, and the Queen Mother was so obvious that she did not find herself being cheated. If it is really a trick for her, how can the Queen Mother be absent? Naturally, I have to check it out personally, for fear that my daughter will be wrong with others.

Therefore, when Shen Guifei and Mingxin Princess arrived, Princess Xuexue immediately stuck two shackles. No, it should be said that it is two sisters.

"I don't want to get along with the sons." The tone of the snow is sloppy, followed by the two, one step at a time.

Shen Yuqing felt funny, and did not drive her away, let her follow.

Instead, Fu Qiushui looked back at her and frowned slightly, seemingly abandoning the world of the two people who disturbed them.

The three big cockroaches sat in a high-rise pavilion with a stupid snow, and squatted in the open space on the ground in three or two groups of young ladies.

They chose this position well. They looked down and were covered by tulle and branches. I don’t know who is on the top. But the people on the top can see it clearly, and the tulle will not become a hindrance to the line of sight.

"Tsing Yi's that is good, I heard that it is Wuhou's family." Shen Yuqing casually ordered one, "Wuhou a loyalty, will be able to make a snow."

The snow was immediately chilling, and he said with great enthusiasm: "No, no! I don't like dancing with a knife!"

Fu Qiu Shui licked the tea: "The son of the Shangshu Shangshu is also good..."

"That is an infatuation! Every day I am indulged in invention and creation. I will definitely be left out when I marry him!"

Su Qiaorong chuckled: "Right phase..."

"It's a sissy!" Yan Xue bite to death. The new right-handed adult has two sons in his family. One has married his wife and one looks demon.

The three big men were suddenly teased by her, but the snow was laughed at by them.

Yes, what is funny...

She bite the pastry in angrily, and she can be wronged.

She just played with a few girls, and she will find a housekeeper to marry her, too much. Big deal, next time she didn't bring those official ladies to the brothel. Anyway, there are quite a lot of cockroaches around her. It is also very interesting to play with a niece to play men's clothes.

Fortunately, the three big sisters are scaring and scaring her, and she will not pay attention to her when she is scared. Yan Xue did not care, happy to be free, I wish they forgot her.

After a blind date, the three big men were better. It’s all about seeing people avoiding people who have had private meetings, talking about each other, thinking that they should be able to get a good relationship.

But not necessarily, after all, marriage is not a matter for two people, but also consider the family behind. Although the girls are all royal relatives, they may have a far-reaching relationship, and there is no real job in the family. Some prominent families are not worthy of being.

After considering the family history, it is necessary to see whether the mother-in-law's mother-in-law, Xiaoguzi, etc. are good at getting along, and can't marry the girl to others. If you do this, you have to waste a lot of thoughts.

Fortunately, under the Emperor’s sorrow and distress, the intelligence organization was used by her, and at the very least, it was much easier to collect the situation of the man’s family.

After that, the girl was ventilated, and they were arranged to see if they would see each other in private. After I went up, I would like to talk about the eight characters, the next marriage, and other matters. I am not in a hurry.

These things Shen Yuqing was too lazy to worry about, she followed Fu Qiushui back to the Princess Palace, began to live in a dream of living. Every day, I’m playing with a cat, so I’m not happy.

Princess Snow Princess went home and waited for half a month. She did not hear the emperor said that she gave her a marriage, and her heart relaxed. After she sneaked into the palace and caught the emperor to get through the game, she was finally relieved, and she could safely continue to play.

However, she was tired of playing in the capital, and recently fell in love with Fu Qiushui.

There is a lot of rhetoric in the middle of Beijing. When you say that you are a scorpion, you will not be able to return to the palace. You should also go to Taoist Temple. But she didn't go to the Taoist temple and didn't go back to the palace. It was very wrong to wait for the long princess to stay in the palace every day.

If it is the past, everyone is amazed at how well the relationship between the Yuan and the Royal is so harmonious. Now that there is Zhu Yuyu in front, there is no need to doubt a pass. Is it true that Princess Mingxin and Shen Guifei are also related?

I think that many people in Beijing not only do not stop their wives from grinding their mirrors, but also enjoy them. Their mood is somewhat complicated. Unexpectedly, I did not expect that the Emperor’s Majesty actually had such hobbies.

Inside the Princess House.

"If it weren't for the ball, I would die." Shen Yuqing was depressed, and she also wanted to be together with Fu Qiushui.

Fu Qiu-shui put down the book: "Now isn't it right? You don't care how the monarch is arranged. How about grinding the mirror?"

Jingli at the top sighed the emperor's strange hobby, and others could not say more.

"Again, the 芸妃 and Wei Wei are not just bright and straight." Wei Wei changed his identity, so far can not reveal the appearance in front of people.

Shen Yuqing thinks too, there are good things in the world. It’s not bad to be able to spend a happy day with Fu Qiu Shui.

"Princess, madam." The next day, a letter came in, "A letter from Ayi."

Since Fu Qiushui became a princess, a group of people began to call Fu Qiu Shui Princess and called Mrs. Shen Yuqing. Because Fu Qiushui originally wanted to be the prince, Shen Yuqing was Wang Hao's, but now he is replaced by a princess. Shouting the horse is not good, shouting Wang Hao is strange, just changed his wife.

As for the girl of Ayi, it is the maid who is jealous. He and Ayi are flying high, and they will occasionally write letters to them outside these years.

He gave himself a name in the Central Plains. As a result, he sent a letter to the first time. No one knew who the person was. Later, I simply used the name of Ayi to settle the money. After all, she could not settle the money.

She sent a letter to Shen Yuqing very simple, and sent it directly to Shen. However, Shen Yuqing has a lot of troubles to reply to the letter. After all, he often changes places to travel, where is not sure, and it is hard to say whether the letter can be received in the past.

So in ten times, I usually only receive five times, but she still sends a letter to it.

In the previous year, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui had gone to many places and met them once. However, they were easy to accommodate, and they didn't recognize it, and that was a rush of encounters. He and Ayi rushed to the next place, and Shen Yuqing did not stop them.

After reading the letter from Shen, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui wrote a reply and sent it back. Shen Yuqing specifically said the occasional encounter, but she felt that the estimate was not impressive.

After writing the letter, it was still early, and the two men were watching each other.

Travelers and the like do not like to watch, after all, they have traveled so many times, and see a lot more beautiful scenery than in the travel. Other miscellaneous books are also greasy, and they follow the story of the horror class like Su Qiaorong.

After watching it for more than half a month, Shen Yuqing felt that the text was a shortage.

"Or else I write it myself?" She had a whim.

After that, I feel that this idea is really good. She has seen all kinds of magical novels in later generations. Nowadays, although the writers have been working hard to innovate, they still look conservative.

What makes Shen Yuqing most unbearable is their semi-verbal and vernacular style. And the story background is basically this era, modern and interstellar they must not be able to write.

Shen Yuqing happily decided to write and write modern and interstellar, and he could take it to He and He, and then Yin Yin. Anyway, there are readers, she has the motivation.

It is just that the handwriting efficiency is low, and Shen Yuqing feels that it is not very convenient.

“What's the matter?” I don't care, “Look.”

She showed her brains to Shen Yuqing.

Shen Yuqing was surprised: "Intelligent brain? It seems to be different from He Wei."

I was very proud: "My sister studied it for a long time, and copied all of her own brain data. Although there is no network, I can assume a small LAN, I will let her do it for you, we Several built a small internal network."

The brains of the Star Age look at the high end, but as long as you have access to some of this information, you can do it with tools at your fingertips. What's more, there are a lot of information in the brain of He Wei, such as the wisdom brain production materials.

The material is not very easy to find, it is a common material in the age of 芸妃, but it is a rare product in this era. Therefore, the brain can not be popularized, but it is no harm to make Wei Wei, Shen Yuqing and Fu Qiushui.

As for the LAN used by the brain, it is very simple to set up. It does not require the assistance of other electronic devices. The brain itself can diverge signals and interface with other brain signals.

However, this small LAN coverage area is slightly smaller, probably only used in the Xicheng District of Huaijing, far away.

However, this is already big enough, and the West City of Huaijing is not small.

It takes a while for the brain to be produced. During this time, Shen Yuqing is conceiving her outline. Every day, I am excited, when I think about it, I can think of three brain holes in the morning. In the past half of the month, dozens of brain holes are piled up there. I don’t know which one to write.

"This also wants to write, and I want to write." Shen Yuqing tangled his hair and fell.

But she only has one hand and one brain, and she can't write dozens of books at the same time. Moreover, the brain has not developed the magical function of the brain wave code word, so it has to be hand-written or voice input.

The voice input is too shameful. Shen Yuqing feels that he wants to break the film as soon as he thinks about it, so he passes it directly. In the end, you have to manually enter it, knocking one word at a time.

Novice authors who have no code, a thousand hours per hour can be a good one. You can practice two thousand exercises, and you want to have more than 3,000 or even 4,000 speeds. It is not a matter of time.

And five thousand up, you need more than just a single hand for decades, but also with a flexible mind. Speed ​​can't go up, not only because the hand speed is not enough, but also because the speed of the story can't keep up, often stop and think about what to write.

Shen Yuqing named the point and went back and forth ten times. Finally, she finally picked a very favorite brain hole - she decided to write what she encountered after crossing!

"Well to write the 21st century and the Stars?" Seeing her in the eyes of the dead fish.

Shen Yuqing is strong and strong: "I have never been to the 21st century!"

"What about the Stars?" She was cold.

"I don't want to write!"

I want to bite her.

I have seen more ancient words, and she wants to see modern interstellar!

However, Shen Yuqing does not write, she can not force people to write. After thinking about it, simply write it myself, and by the way, I will write it. In this way, she can also see.

So from Shen Yuqing, a person wrote a novel, and developed into a 芸妃 and He Wei followed. After that, Wei Wei and Fu Qiushui felt interesting and wrote.

They built an internal forum, sent their own novels, and then chased each other. If you can't push it online, you will kill the other person's home. After such a period of time, the fun of life has indeed increased a lot, and the relationship has been so hot.

On this day, Shen Yuqing was lazy.

She broke even more, and it had been broken for a week in a few days. And before that, she has been broken many times, saying that the good day has become more every other day, every three days, and now it is even more.

It is developing to the moon, and I don’t know when it will be adult.

The gas is so mad, the high-cold people can't keep going. She hurried to the Princess House, holding a dagger to force Shen Yuqing code words, the real person staged a knife (?).

Shen Yuqing's Buddhist system is updated, and there is a reason for it. How can the threat be unmoved?

芸妃 cold face 瞪 her: "You have been pitted three."

The implication of this must be updated, and it will end.

"That is really unfortunate. I want to hang this one." Shen Yuqing is really sincere.

Enthusiasm before the pit was opened, and the enthusiasm subsided after the pit was opened. After one month of serialization, there was basically no enthusiasm, and I always wanted to hang.

Following the "Ming Jiao Xia Chuan Chuan Ji", "Star Trek Queen", "The Queen of the Ancients is the Shadow", now the series of "The Family will be neat and tidy" is also a pit It is.

Counting the total number of words, no one is more than 30,000.

Then look at the Queen Empress next door, and wrote a "National Farm Female Counterattack", which has been dedicated to more than 900,000 serials. In time, it will be able to break the million mark and become the longest finished article in their forum.

——It is worth mentioning that at the end of the article, there are only a dozen short stories written by each of them, each thousand words.

Taking advantage of these short stories, she felt that she was very confident. Well, she has finished the papers and no one else.

Shen Yuqing said that hehe.

Wei Wei's hand speed is relatively slow, updating three thousand words every day, or a thousand words. How much did she write about the number of chapters? The content of the result was only over 100,000, which was not enough.

Just look at your eyes and watch it. This makes Shen Yuqing very unsatisfactory. She also wants to rush to Wei Weiduo every day, but she thought that going to the palace will be caught by her, she will rest this thought.

I am focused on writing short stories. Although I am not particularly good at writing, I can still see them. Compared with her, it will not work, and the sentences written are not smooth. At first glance, the language taught by the physical education teacher is not good enough.

However, he wrote his own words and always felt that they did not like to see them as their problem. So she became a self-contained person and wrote happily in her own little world.

Shen Yuqing still admire her, no one can read it. She is reminded of this, and everyone wants to hang every day.

"I will write you into the text again, and write it into a vicious female servant who is guilty of dying. I will be tossed in a thousand different ways." He made the last move.

Unfortunately, the effect is not very good, Shen Yuqing licked his ears and lazily said: "Oh, you write."

It doesn't matter, it is not true to her anyway.

Hey: "..." Oil and salt are not good to fight, but unfortunately can't beat.

After the pitfall, "The family is going to be neat," Shen Yuqing extended his claws to other software. For example, beauty show.

Beauty Yan Xiu, as the name suggests, is a self-timer app with a beauty function. You can also process pictures and beautify your photos.

In the past, there were only glass mirrors, and there was no mobile phone without brains, so Shen Yuqing did not have self-timer conditions. And the game she came from, there is no technology product, so she has not played self-timer.

The reason why she suddenly indulged in beauty Xiu Xiu was because she went back to the palace to play and saw her taking a self-portrait. Moreover, he specially created a sub-forum in the forum, and put a variety of landscape pictures and people's photos, and sorted them into categories.

I have to say that the camera technology is still very good.

Shen Yuqing tried to shoot himself. The scenery is still good. It is really ugly to shoot people. After Fu Qiushui was photographed twice by her, she began to wonder if she was really not as good-looking as she was.

Shen Yuqing painstakingly thought about it. He found the art of taking pictures. When he came back, he took the full star to test the water (full star: ???). After practicing for half a month, he finally came out to meet people.

After that, she and Fu Qiushui began to indulge in self-portraits, taking photos of various shows and loves every day in the Xiu'an Ailou of the sub-forum. However, no one is watching because they are not willing to be stuffed with dog food.

So Shen Yuqing set these selfies into small tails for posting posts, changing one each day, and then going back to other people's posts every day. A reply, the small tail will follow, appear in love and show off, especially want to shield her.

"In the future, we can take pictures when we go out to travel." Shen Yuqing is beautiful.

Fu Qiushui nodded: "But it is far from the forum and can only be returned to them."

"There is no way to set up a network nationwide under the current conditions, which is unrealistic."

It’s been three years since Shen Yuqing played all the software. Suddenly found that he has been in the house for three years, Shen Yuqing quickly pulled Fu Qiu Shui, decided to go out and distracted.

Last time I only visited Jiangnan and the south, this time I can go shopping elsewhere.

Wei Wei was reluctant, but she was eager to go. Shen Yuqing snorted and ignored her, leaving with Fu Qiu water carriage.

Sakamoto thought that he had already left the claws of Shen Yuqing. He never thought that one month later, Shen Yuqing sent a landscape building in the forum. There are a lot of landscape photos uploaded in it, and a variety of pictures that are too late to prevent love.

For example, Shen Yuqing is clearly shooting Xiaoxi, but Fu Qiu Shui is playing with water in the corner of the picture. The whole picture reveals the pet. The dog food stuff is especially in place, but the scenery is really beautiful, and people really look good.

I am not willing to show weakness, and the courtesy is coming. With Wei Wei to play in the Zhuangzi around Huaijing, it is also a photo show of love, and sometimes let He Wei help to capture the appearance of their interactive view.

Hey, who is afraid of who, they have a congratulatory message to help them shoot, can take her and Wei Wei together. Shen Yuqing can help no one on the other side. If it is not a self-portrait, the picture will be at most.

However, I am still curious as to why they can go online, obviously they are far away.

Shen Yuqing smugly replied in the post: "Secret."

In fact, she also misunderstood. The npc system she suddenly took can allow her to chat with Yin from a distance, and Yin Ding also has an npc system.

This system used to be able to chat in the game, but now it is not through, Shen Yuqing thinks that the chat function can not be used. However, it was customary to give Yin a message that day, and found that not only sent out, Yin Dian also returned, she was shocked that this can be used.

Later, when she was playing with her brain, she found a button with wifi, and automatically retrieved the base wifi, and actually went online to enter the LAN. However, it can only enter the LAN, because there is no other network to choose.

However, despite this, Shen Yuqing is very satisfied. She and her can communicate with each other and learn about Huaijing in the fastest time.

Although he also intends to come out to play, but He has put in a batch of materials in his hand, and can do a few more brains, and then they will be thrown to the Queen Mother.

It is convenient to have a brain, and Shen Yuqing, who is obsessed with self-portraits, has taken a picture of himself and his wife, and stored it in the encrypted folder.

The author has something to say: I have already written the text and self-timer, how can I pull it tomorrow?

Thanks to the mine: Gogo with x2, Liuyi, ink dyed

Thanks for the nutrient solution:. . . . . . . . . +4, thirty-two +60, grilled fish +4, Wu Xiaoyu +5, awake sleepwalking +6, you are really 怂+40, mommy yah +130, drink a drink will bite the pipe girl. , cherish +1, "" +1, thS+15