The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 100: Reunion

Unexpectedly awakened the ability to breathe flames, but there was not much joy in Goron ’s heart. Although this power is powerful, it still hides many unsolved mysteries, and still cannot make Goron have the qualification to face the official member of the fairy tale, although as a hidden killer. It's pretty good. Gron took a few breaths, calmed the violent scorching heat in his chest, and turned to the ogre lying on the ground next to him, ready to see how his wounds recovered.

The name of the barbarian rescued by Goron was Baru? Blackhand, and he was undoubtedly one of Goron's friends in the Blackhand tribe. At the same time, the Baru Blackhand is also the oldest of all the little ogres who have not yet grown up. It used to be possible to go out hunting and looting in two or three months, but now it has become like this.

After burning and killing everyone in the underground club, Gron listened intently for a while, only to be sure that what happened in this basement did not reach the ground. In other words, he should have a little time.

Going to Baru, Gron stretched his hand and pressed on him, fully launching the secondary treatment wave magic, only though the emergency treatment was done through the filled magic bullet, but only the secondary treatment launched by Gron himself Bo had full effect, and Baru's injury was too heavy. Whether he could be rescued was both said, Gron could only do his best.

After releasing the secondary treatment waves for three times in a row, Goron only felt a splitting headache and completely overdrawn his energy, but fortunately, two of the three secondary treatment waves actually doubled the treatment effect. The most effective treatment, plus the magic missile head that was shot previously. The overall healing effect is already comparable to the last large healing wave or high-order holy light.

Ogre is most proud of the nearly zombie-like tenacious vitality. After this extremely luxurious magical treatment, Baru snorted heavily. Turning over and sitting up, Goron was still conceiving how to explain to his fellow man what he had become a human body, and asked Baru what happened to him, but when he saw the long-lost clan He couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart completely, he couldn't say anything, so he rushed forward. Embrace the fat ogres in your arms

At first, the severely awakened ogres could not fully react at first, and there was chaos in his head, but the boundless rage before fainting remained in his heart. In addition, he is blind now, and instinctively wants to use all living creatures around him as an attack target, but his arms are unable to move under the slender arms of the other party, and the person who hugged him He even shouted loudly in his ear: "Baru! It's me! I'm Goron ~~~!"

The name "Gron" exploded in the ears of young ogres like thunder. His nose twitched fiercely. He whimpered foolishly: "It smells weird, although, but, it's really Goron's, Brother Goron's taste ~~~!"

The fat ogres suddenly embraced Gron in their arms and cried out loudly: "Brother Gron, Brother Gron, Baru. Baru's eyes hurt, he couldn't see. His legs hurt, so hungry, I'm so hungry ~~~ They, humans, bully us, ah, I want to go back, go back, everyone is still waiting for me, Baru wants to come back to everyone "

Gorron finally appeased the emotional ogre, and dragged the hostess who had broken her leg not far away, and threw it to Baru.

"Now I don't have time to grill for you. Let's live and fill our stomachs."

The hostess had been pretending to be dead, but when the ogre ’s big mouth bite **** her plump big **** / stock, the woman suddenly screamed loudly, and under her auspices, she did not know how many sub-humans He and the humanoids were killed and devoured by the rich merchants in a variety of ways, but she couldn't dream that the party that became the prey and food tonight would be herself.

The mistress of the hostess did not last for a long time, because the ogre was not interested in seeing the pain of the prey, so Baru touched her neck and twisted it easily.

While eating long-lost food, Baru told Gorron what happened recently. Ogre's eloquence was very bad, but after repeated questioning, Gurron still managed to figure out what was going on.

That night, under the protection of the giant demon Rafana, or in exchange, most of the ogres cubs were not killed on the spot, and together with Hakulili who completely lost his resistance, they were taken as captives by fairy tales. It was taken. Later, the infant ogres were sold as expensive slaves and secretly sold to a goblin merchant by fairy tales. This goblin businessman is also very strange. He did not immediately resell these valuable ogres, but locked them in a remote gold mine, forcing these ogres to go underground. Dig the tunnel for him and mine the ore.

Baru managed to escape, trying to return to the rain forest tribe to find a living tribe, but his appearance of the ogres soon attracted the attention of the slave hunters, although Baru struggled to resist and was eventually captured, and Lost the value of being sold into the arena, and later fell into the hands of this underground club with the theme of killing Asians and humans.

Baru said here that it is basically consistent with the information that Gron has in his hands, but Gorron is disappointed that Rafana and Hakulili were taken away as soon as they entered the town and did not interact with these ogres. The cubs were locked together, and although this was originally expected, Groon couldn't help but feel depressed.

"The leader of Rafana said that Gronn was not caught, and Gronn would not die. Groron would come, and Groron would come to save us. We believe in Rafana leader, so, there is no death, waiting for you and me to escape Come out, to find you! "

If the black hand ogre is not afraid of death, if there is no such thing as Rafana, even the cubs will only die in battle, and there will be no captives.

"Mother Rafana" Gron murmured with her head down.

"Right, Gron, your human father, he is still alive."

Suddenly hearing this unexpected news, Gron even did n’t know if he should be pleasantly surprised. At first, he thought that the father who was already insane would not be spared, and then he almost took this Insanely, the human father completely forgot. After all, in this father, except for some broken "story fragments", Gron never felt any affection, but in any case, he is still Gron's father.

So he immediately asked, "What about him now? Are you with everyone?".

"No, he was also taken, taken away, alone. He, he seems to be different from usual, he speaks, others can understand."

There was another silence in Goron. I just felt that the more I knew, the more and more chaotic in my mind. He remembered the "story" clips originally told by his father for him. Goron suddenly had a hunch. The father who was crazy and only knew that he was muttering in the dark corner of the tent, there seemed to be a very deep story hidden in his body.

"Ah ~~~! Baru's eyes can be opened, Baru can see ~~~!"

The ogre ’s physical recovery ability is indeed a powerful metamorphosis. Baru ’s already blind eyes, one of which was not particularly severely injured, even recovered part of his vision after eating a lot. Half of the big thick leg was broken, and it has been connected again, barely able to stand.

"Huh? Goron, Baru's eyes don't seem to be too good. Seeing you, how does Goron look like a human being."

Fortunately, as long as the simple-minded ogres believe in one thing, they basically won't doubt it anymore, so Gorron explained a few words very simply, and Baru stopped paying attention to Goron's appearance.

"Let's go to save other people." Gron said.

Before leaving, Gron completely cleaned up the venue, collected the gold coins and precious ornaments carried on the body, and also had a lot of muskets and magic equipment. Although they are all flashy things that only the nobles like, they are always better. No, especially gold coins. Groen has deeply realized that in a human-dominated society, wealth is the foundation of everything, including power. Although gold coins do not allow you to own everything, they can make you achieve your goals more easily, quickly and effectively. It's a pity that many of them have been burned by the flame of Goron.

The rest is the necessary disguise. Baru is not yet a teenager. Some extremely tall human costumes can barely be put on, such as a bodyguard hit by Gron. Coupled with some broken tablecloths that hadn't been burnt, all around the face and hands were messed up, and the black / grey skin was black on the left / exposed skin. This is a rough look like a skin disease Slaves of other races are now available, and it is not uncommon to see slaves like this in the low tide port of the trade trading port. Gronn himself found another set of women's dresses that were basically intact and put them on. After all, there is nothing more disguise than changing gender to confuse others. And a wealthy lady with a bodybuilder bodyguard hitter, this combination is also very common in low tide port.

Goron and Baru returned to the ground, and a small Mars spouted from Goron's mouth, following the high-concentration spirits and the tattered curtain tablecloth dumped on the ground. The basement spread over, and instantly turned it into a flame furnace, completely covering up all traces.

Although it was still late at night, the turmoil caused by the women in the old street had been transmitted here, but I did n’t know how to pass it on, but it was spread as a "pirate invasion." In this turbulent environment, Gron and Baru looked inconspicuous at all. While no one was paying attention, Gron reached out and grabbed a galloping carriage, and then pulled out the family of three who had fallen into the street and threw it to the side of the street. He sat down with Baru. Judging from the map handed over to Laojie, the gold mine at the destination is still a short distance away.

To be continued ...)