The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 109: Stone tooth ice bomb


The third-level blue color pool light is derived from the strong force of the Cyclops ancestors. This gun of Goron has a rock-shattering power. Although it does not use the precious real magic bullet, but at this distance, this Particle bombs are by no means completely defensive under the fourth order.

Blood flesh splashed, half-red and white flesh flew up into the air, and that was the half chin of the maid that was flying. On the occasion of a sudden attack, this fierce and decisive woman quickly looked up. Although the bullet blasted her delicate and chin, but it did not penetrate the brain and killed her. Although this tragic injury She may be better off shooting directly.

There was only a solitary upper jaw, a pink tongue fell outside, and the whole body was infiltrated with blood. The maid looked a hundred times more terrible than the most terrifying zombie, she could not utter aloud, but as a personal guard of the nobles of the world, The maid was obviously rigorously trained, and even in this case, she could fly and fight back against Gron.

After all, Gorron ’s combat experience is still lacking. The one shot that was determined to be won did not kill the opponent in one fell swoop. The next reaction was slower by half a beat. It was four or five meters away, fell to the ground and then grinded backwards and glided.

The keen instinct made Groon feel a deadly threat. His muscles shook all over his body. His seemingly weak body actually made a crunching muscle tension. His body weight pressed down, his legs settled down, his waist down. Strong rebound. Finally stopped the retreat and sat up straight.

The dazzling brilliance shone in front of him, and the long bow in the hand of the maid took the arrow. The crystal-clear arrow accumulates violent fighting energy.

"Arcane Shooting!"

One of the compulsory skills of the archer profession, it can attach a lot of grudge to the arrows, and enhance the shooting power. Although it is a basic skill, it has an unmatched hit rate and lethality, and the maid obviously uses some side effects. The big mystery seems to be overdrawing life. Strengthen the power of this arrow as much as possible.

You will die if you get caught

Goron ’s little girlfriend, the little half-man Mayalta, who has the name of the “Thunder Stomper” warrior, is the most outstanding archer. Goron ’s knowledge of bows and arrows is still far above the heavy weapons used by most ogres. Because of this, he now has a very clear hunch of death.

Gron wanted to dodge, but found that he had been firmly locked in the spirit of the other party, and his current agile success could be avoided by infinitely close to zero. So hard? Gron's mind suddenly flashed a scene in which his entire upper body was completely blasted away.

The next moment Gron's palm turned. A double-barreled pistol from the magician Black Jack appeared in the hand. It's too late to reload and recharge Bise Chi Kuang, the only weapon that Gron can use now is it, and although the magic gun is filled with that precious ice burst, even a real ice burst Magic can't defeat arcane shooting from the front, not to mention the filling of magic bullets after the power has shrunk.

On this occasion, Gron's mind exploded, almost instinctively, and a pale yellow brilliance with divine power fluctuated in his hands.

"Bump ~~~!"

"Jump ~~~!"

Almost at the same moment. Goron ’s double-barreled musket fires with his maid ’s bow

The magic missile head collided with the arrow in the air, and the powerful flash struck everyone's eyes faster than the sound. The entire battlefield seemed to be still. Both the black robe guards and the young ogres of the Black Hand tribe were all looking in the same direction.

As the smoke cleared, Gron sat on the ground, a half-focus black arrow penetrated his shoulder, the wound was shockingly large, and his opponent, the loyal maid, was still standing on the spot, her gaze down. Look, at her lower abdomen, a large bowl opening through the hole still emits a light water blue and light yellow brilliance.

Not waiting for the reaction of the people on the field, the maid's waist exploded suddenly in the next moment, flesh and organs scattered, and in the air became countless ice slags spilled on the ground, and the maid's upper body was directly blown into the air, After some flipping,

Everyone was stunned. The power of Goron ’s gun was close to the second-order high-level magic, and the power was not shrunk at all. There was no need to chant, and the immediate advanced attack magic was even more strange. Man can recognize what department he uses and what kind of magic.

They certainly do n’t know, because even Goron himself was a little surprised that he really shot the precious ice burst, but the power of the magic missile, which was infused with first-order median magic ice burst, could not resist the opponent ’s overdraft. The arcane shot fired by life, I don't know if Gron was instinctively responding or was throwing into a doctor after an emergency. He actually launched his enhanced shamanic magic, "stone tooth weapon", obtained through sacrifice.

This was originally used to strengthen melee weapons, to compensate for the shaman priest's inability to possess grudge, and the auxiliary magic technique of insufficient melee attack power. At this time, it is attached to the musket, and the divine power is actually directly sucked into the magic missile, and the original ice burst The technique is mixed, forming a very unstable mixing state. Finally, not only the power of arcane shooting is greatly reduced, but the slightly deflected warhead still ends the life of the maid.

"You waste ~~~! Disgusting! Let me get away ~~~!"

The sharp boyish voice of the young baron broke the instant silence on the battlefield. The maid was blown to the upper body of his feet because of the coldness of the ice burst at the wound, but he was still alive. The maid, who lost her chin and could not speak, reached out helplessly to his master. She might want to seek relief, or maybe she just wanted to get some comfort and praise from the master who was more important than her life, but she only got Ruthlessly trampled and cursed.

In the maid's tearful eyes, despair and remorse were written.

Boom ~~~!

The gunshots sounded again, and a bullet hole appeared in the middle of the maid's forehead, which also ended the double pain of her soul and **.

Gron stood up, his palm turned over, the double-barreled musket still smoky at the muzzle, and another bi-colored pool light that shot down the ammunition disappeared like that. Gauron grabbed the arrow on his shoulder with his backhand, frowning slightly, and pulling his wrist hard, and pulled out the arrow with a lot of flesh. He did not immediately treat it. In the case of no emergency, Gron did not want to Expose himself as a shaman priest, especially when he accidentally discovered that stone tooth weapons can also be poured into the magic missile. This may be another powerful card for him, even a black teacher who is his teacher. Jack didn't even know the cards.

The battle had come to an end. After seeing the maid's end, the black robe guards were obviously hit. Although no one ran away or surrendered, they looked a bit self-abandoned and lost their motivation to fight. The black-handed ogres are born warriors and looters, even a group of children, like a group of wild beast chariots after the outbreak of bloodthirsty fierce, although no one of them except Gorron is temporarily disengaged. The seal of the gods, but the enormous strength, strong defense, the fighting spirit of fearless death, and the ogre physique that fears no pain, make the result of this battle a crush.

Gronn never shot again, but stared intently at Baron Duron, who was less than five meters away from him. At this time, the child ’s baron was clutching a sheepskin scroll tightly. If it was half a day ago, Groon I really do n’t know this kind of high-end noble emergency teleportation scroll, but after he peeked at the important person of the Northland Bear family to use this scroll to move instantaneously, he will naturally not tear it and launch teleportation The chance of magical escape.

In fact, it is not the little baron who is really interested in Gron, but the scroll in his hand.

When the last black-robed bodyguard turned into a slime under the ogren's mining hammer, Baron Duro dropped the scroll on the ground very freely and raised his hands.

"I surrendered! Okay, now you can ask my family for a sum of wealth that your gang of poor people can show off for a lifetime. Of course, although I believe you will not be so stupid, I still warn you, if You dare to hurt me with a hair, then our Nixon family will definitely let you die, even if you are already dead, your soul will be taken by the necromancer of our family, and then tortured by the enslavement of eternal life. "

Gorron didn't say anything, just like he had expected it to be like this. He stepped forward and scooped up the clothes of the teenager three times and two times, not only did he already know that there was anything on the nobility It may hide the power of magic, but also prepare for a while, just like pulling hair before slaughtering a chicken.

Baron Duron, who was humiliating but dared not to attack, was suddenly reminded of him before he saw the **** ogres happily starting a bonfire and a huge grill. What kind of creature is it, but the ogres that feed on humans, and the ridiculous stupidity of ogres, can they understand what is a hostage and what is a ransom? Thinking of this, the young baron was really scared.


At this moment, in an unknown place, a towering castle stands on top of the mountain. This is a typical Gothic style, about an earl size pure stone ancient castle, it seems that it has been some years At the foot of the castle is a small town that is not too small, the sky is sunny, but strangely, this seemingly prosperous town is deadly quiet, spacious streets, do n’t It is a pedestrian, not even a cat or dog.

On the observation deck of the castle ’s main building, the giant demon Rafana stood as quietly as she leaned on the stone column railing. At this time, she was wearing a noble style mopping long skirt, her hair was picked up casually, and there was no reference around. If you do n’t consider her height, the monster at this time is like a supreme queen who rules the whole world with bright light (to be continued ...)