The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 155: save

Silent night at Low tide port is very unusual. Although the women in Lao Cai were forced to hide in the haunted gold mine, the entire Fengyue industry in the low tide port was devastated, but there are still a large number of large organizations of foreign chambers of commerce that come here for the Nuggets to urgently dispatch a large number of women. , Trying to take advantage of the destruction of the old street at the time of seizing the tide of Hong Kong Fengyue industry this huge cake.

But what to say, whether it ’s the locals at Low Tide Port, the caravans, the crew sailors, the mercenary bodyguards, or even the “pirate bandits” on vacation, their appetite and taste have been met by big boss Cassander La and her old street are spoiled. After experiencing the passionate girl, the emperor-like luxury, when facing the piece of human-shaped wood that only breathes, it will not only tasteless, sometimes even They will also have nausea and nausea. Despite the simple appearance, the girls who were urgently transported by foreign chambers of commerce are still of good quality. This is already the best thing you can find except for large cities, but it is alive. , Knowing to be gratifying, cute, itchy, **** and fleshy professional wind moon girl, but the other side is binocular, a heartless ashes, and only live zombies who can be a mermaid, after having a sharp contrast, the difference The gap is clear at a glance.

But men ’s needs in that respect are, after all, the basic instincts of biology, the most essential **, after losing this paradise on the old street, it ’s okay to say one day and two days, one month and two months. I can't stand it anymore, let alone those pretty women, just seeing female creatures can all burn themselves. Thus. Bars and nightclubs in the tide-moon place of Low tide port gradually came alive, and low tide port, which had been dead for a long time, once again became a city that never sleeps. Although those places can not find the feeling of the old street. But at least it can meet the needs of the body to a minimum, and the owners of the nightclubs also tried to copy the business model of many old streets, and some even occupied the storefronts that originally belonged to the old street, although the girls still seemed to die. Things, but at least in terms of material, with the aid of food and wine, it is barely made to be colorful. It's just that while men are venting, they still look forward to the day when Lao Cai can return ... no matter what form it is.

then. On this night, Lao Cai really came back ...

It shouldn't have been this quiet, but the news of the fiasco of the troops besieging the haunted gold mine spread as the remnants of the Allied Allied Forces hide in the tide port. So a **** memory related to it slowly emerged in people's minds ...

"Oops! Those women will definitely come back to get revenge!"

Suddenly, the tide port fell into infinite terror. After all, on the night two years ago, a group of crazy women in the old street stained the entire town with blood. Countless gangster families have been eradicated. The mayor and the chairman of the chamber of commerce awakened in the head and blood of his family. Since then, he has been like a bird with a startled bow. After a little wind and grass, he panicked and confused. Later, he escaped from this wealthy and unlimited potential town.

All the guild organizations and even individuals involved in the looting of the Old Street have been retaliated with blood and ruthlessness. Only one night, the total population of the low tide port decreased by more than 20%. What's more, this time I heard that there is still the biggest nightmare in Haishi Bay, and the Amazon Centaur is involved, but this kind of statement is really too horrible and too bizarre. Instead, there are not many people who believe.

Although the siege of Lao Cai this time was mainly organized and carried out by foreign forces, Luochao Port dared to say that he absolutely did not participate in the attempt to take a slice of the soup. There are also many local forces that directly participate in siege operations like the devil fish. The women in Lao Cai want to retaliate. There are too many targets to choose from. Almost every man asks himself, dare not say that he dare Sleep peacefully in bed. In this case, who dares to hang out at night and have fun in the nightclub bar, men are hiding in their homes, begging the gods of all realms that the beautiful **** of death will not come to the door.

It ’s not that no one thought of escaping, but the land road leading to the low tide port had to pass through a rainforest of Haishiwan and pass the haunted gold mine, and the sea road was also blocked by the recent seasonal tsunami typhoon. Large and small ships were not hiding in the dock It is to take refuge in the seaports of other islands.

In short, hiding in the low tide port and relying on the fortifications of the fortifications can still have a ray of life. If you directly face the Amazon Centaur in the rainforest and the re-armed old street woman, or the stormy wind that can turn the earth upside down, it will survive for a little. Will not have the opportunity.

It should come, it will always come ...

As if to anticipate what would happen, the moon was quietly hiding behind the dark clouds, and the salty sea breeze swept across the town, leaving the whole harbor in a strange atmosphere of death.

In the night, a team of **** and **** women walked silently with excellent dwarf guns. Behind them, dozens of huge black-handed ogres were fully armed and murderous, but they were the same as the last one. Compared with a large group of Amazon Centaurs, whether it is a woman in the old street or a young black hand ogre, it is nothing.

"The Amazon Centaur appeared!"

In the shadow, a shadow scout belonging to the devil fish was startled, breathing slightly thicker, and a sharp arrow had been silently inserted in his throat. Then, in the grass, there were many undetectable small movements in the shade of the trees. It was the spies and scouts who were horrified, ready to escape, and then greeted them with a wave of silence but murderousness. Rain of death arrows.

Knowing that the women in Lao Cai will come back for revenge, all organizations, large and small, have sent out the most powerful manpower to strengthen the fortifications originally prepared for pirate bandits, and will scatter in the jungle jungle nearby , Hoping to play an early warning role. But after the war, although the Darkwalker is one of the most survivable battle positions on the battlefield, but in front of the Amazon half-man who is best at tracking and remotely killing, less than 10% of the real escape can now appear here. The people are just some third- and fourth-rate figures, and they do n’t even alarm the brigade, but they are just two or three of the youngest centaur girl hunters. They went around the circle casually, and they had no leftovers to scout all the spies. Cleaned up, for these warrior races, this level of combat is not even a warm-up, barely a shooting training.


Gronn walked in the middle of the team, his face gloomy. I learned from Olivia Khan that his little girlfriend Yalta Thunder is now in extreme crisis, but he cannot expose his taboo intimacy with the little centaur. He was reluctant to say more, but asked Goron to follow them back to the rainforest as soon as possible, and summoned the pale giant according to their requirements, which is Goron's strongest form of battle-"Cannibal King Kong".

Although according to Gauron's own ideas, he wished he could immediately enter the rainforest to save his woman, but perhaps the reason for the insufficient rest time. After the last transformation into "Cannibal King Kong", his body has been in a feeling of emptiness. Although his physical strength has been completely restored, Gron knows that he cannot transform himself even if he wears a voodoo mask. Without this final hole card, with the current strength of Goron, even if you enter the rainforest in the hands of the Amazon Centaur, there will be no chance of surviving half, let alone help you, it will only be sent to death in vain.

It was at this time that the powerful assistant of the big slave merchant Cameron was successfully captured by the Centaur pursuit team, and then provided a very important piece of information under cruel torture. In the Shiwan rainforest, many children and young warriors of the Amazon Centaur were captured at a great price. The majority of these Centaurs eventually flowed into the hands of Cameron, the most powerful slave trader in Low tide port, and were concentrated in the port Hidden location, after breaking through the haunted gold mine, to be bundled with the old enemy blackhand ogre war slaves. The two nightmares of Haishiwan will appear at the same time. I believe it will definitely cause a huge sensation in the slave market. One of the reasons for capturing the Blackhand Ogre.

****** (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

ps: ps: During the recent treatment of the eyes, the update is disordered and weak, please understand that a certain black will recover as soon as possible.