The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 205: Labyrinth Monster

Gorron and the horned monsters were tumbling on the ground for the most primitive and brutal fight, using claws, fists, horns, and sticks to hurt each other. The scene was primitive and tragic.

Finally, Gorron's empty arm suddenly pinched the monster's neck, comparable to the terrifying brutal force of the adult ogre and the supernatural power of the children of the earth of the other world. It actually pinched the neck covered with scaled mane. After a few laps, there was even a feeling of pinching the neck bone directly. If it is replaced by other humanoid wisdom races, this one is enough to be deadly, but this centaur-shaped monster is not only dead, but also madly mad, and the head biting Goron ’s shoulder is madly backwards, Gorron only feels The pain was also a roar, and the arm that grabbed her neck pushed forward hard. As a result, a large piece of skin on Goron ’s shoulder suddenly made a torn sound like a cloth, which was only caused by a large piece of muscle fiber being torn apart. sound. However, it wasn't the blood and flesh on Goron's body that was broken, but the two blood-red strips with two rows of white teeth on the top and bottom ... that monster's entire gum bed was dragged down. .

Even if it is a monster that is not afraid of death, this kind of severe pain is enough to make her utter awe-inspiring wailing, and the more deadly attack is only at this time. The shape is gorgeous, bloody, and cruel and cruel. The sacred girl's leg stick in Goron's hand has been heavily hit on the top of her head. While breaking two horns, it also smashed the monster's head into a completely deformed oblate.

Dark green blood, dark red brains, and other sticky liquids that don't know what were covered with leg sticks. It made the snowy and delicate skin filthy, but this time a very strange thing happened. The leg stick in Goron's hands suddenly showed many patterns of incantation. Then even more shining bright white. Suddenly seeing this warm and holy light in the dark red death world, Gron's eyes were completely attracted to the past. A moment later, he was shocked, and his body was sweating, and there was a feeling of waking up in a big dream.

There are no faults or blanks in his memory. Every detail before and after entering this world is very clear and clear. However, just like the extreme excitement after drunk, Gron is only in a kind of A strange state of madness, where reason cannot control itself. There is no doubt that it was the white light that was suddenly released after the St. Virgin's leg stick was inexplicably stimulated to restore him to normal.

Suddenly there was a slight moan, and Gron turned his head to look. The monster that had been bitten off half of its neck before it had n’t fully swallowed yet, was struggling with Death for the last time. Gron walked steadily and walked over, raising his leg to try to relieve her pain, but this monster His eyes gave him a strange sense of familiarity, as if he had seen them before.

Seeing that the monster was going to die, Gron had no time to think about it. Immediately, an intermediate healing wave hit him. Fortunately, the shamanic magic with natural attributes is still effective for this monster that is obviously a hell. The light green light flashed a few times on her body. Although it was impossible to recover from life, it was possible to delay her death for a short time.

After the monster's eyes regained some radiance, Gron leaned back. I want to try whether I can communicate with her at the verbal level. In retrospect, when I first saw her. She is indeed asking for help.

Gron and her eyes finally met, and the monster's eyes showed clear confusion and fear. And looking at her, it should be familiar with Gron. However the next moment. Her eyes suddenly turned red and fierce, and Gron suddenly flew back, and the monster's pair of iron hooves just stepped on where he stood.

This monster, after recovering a limited amount of physical strength, could not climb even the first thing she did was actually launch an attack on Goron.

Gron sighed lightly and lifted the leg stick in his hand and wanted to smash it directly. However, when he noticed the holy white fluorescence still shining on the leg stick, he suddenly thought, this white light was undoubtedly from the skinned person. The unlucky virgin who later made it into a voodoo magic weapon, the Centaur Warlord Kazakhstan once said that on the human skin that wrapped the long legs of the bronze statue, there was still part of the bright power of the virgin. In this place, which is very similar to "Hell", a monster similar to "Hell" appears. This kind of divine power may play a special role for her just like awakening herself.

Thinking of this, Gron approached the dying monster again, and then pressed the leg lightly on her forehead where her limbs could not reach.

"Sure enough!" At the moment the leg stick touched her skin, the white fluorescence on the top suddenly became stronger, and the monster's head also made a roaring roar, and it even evoked repeated black smoke, like being White light was burned, but the monster did not show pain, but completely lost its fierceness, and it looked dazed and demented. On the contrary, the expression on Goron's face was more and more surprising, quite incredible, because just under his eyelids, the monster's face was actually distorted, and finally restored to a face that Goron was still familiar with ... .

Alan Misi? The gun of **** warfare, a powerful assistant and watcher courageously arranged beside Goron, one of the three elite Amazons. In addition to the facial features, Alemiss's demon-mutated body has also recovered a little. Although it is not the same as the Amazon Centaur, at least it looks no longer so ugly.

"Go ... Lord Goron ..."

Seeing that Aramis had recovered his senses, Gron quickly lifted it up and released the Intermediate Healing Wave while asking: "Tell me! What the **** happened?"

"Adult ... I ... I don't know ... like ... like dreaming ... the world ... The world has changed ... Me and ... Me and Camoca ... Mutual killing ... Me ... I know That monster ... it was her ... but, I ... I ca n’t control myself ... "

"Sure enough ... that person is Kamoka! The other one of the three warriors! I just killed ... it was her!"

Looking at the vaguely fleshed body that was smashed by his leg stick not far away, Gron only shook his head and sighed. However, a strong discomfort rose in his heart. It seems that if there is no blood spring totem, holy The guard of the female leg stick, I am afraid that in the black mist, it will instantly become a irrational monster. And how did this black mist come from? He has now totally denied that it was the "friend" who was hostile to himself who could do all this. If he can really do such earth-shattering things, how could such a true god-level strong man see his little ogre in his eyes ...

"Is it because of King Solomon's treasure? Is this ... a vision caused by the birth of the treasure?" Guron's guess was very close to the truth, but this was no longer important. Finally swallowing his last breath, Gron became again alone, and even the two weak elite Amazon elite veterans were demonized into unreasonable monsters, then I am afraid that few other creatures in the rainforest can survive.

How big is the area dragged into the demon world? Does it include Thousand Needles Canyon or even ebb tide port?

How long will this strange phenomenon last? moment? Or ... eternity?

How to escape from here? Yalta who has been detained by Xerxes Khan has basically been confirmed? How is the Thunder trampling now? How should I rescue her?

Where is Durandal, the super genius who is currently missing?

These questions cannot be answered by Gron's current ability. The only thing he can do is to continue to move forward and explore.

Moments later, Gron has completed the preparation again.

He put away the double-barreled firecracker, carrying a saint's leg stick in his left hand, and holding the blood-bladed spear that belonged to the old Amazon warrior in his right hand. Just after Gron found their previous bags and weapons, they found the clothing inside. Severely corrupted, many tools and weapons are rusty like soaked in concentrated acid. Only a few enchanted weapons above the elite level can be left as they are. In addition, the items hidden by Gron in his tattoos are not affected. However, this is not the worst thing. Gron found that the food carried in the bag has completely deteriorated, emitting a terrible and terrible smell, and even allowing him to eat poison without changing his face. One can imagine the terrible degree of the frowning thing.

Looking back at what I saw just now, the dried-up plants of the earth are extinct, and there is nothing but high walls. In addition to the description of the abyss of **** heard in the story, Gron is basically certain that it will be difficult to get food in this world. He Shuiyuan, after thinking about it, he finally made two huge water sacs using the leather peeled off from the two demonized Centaurs, and then poured the blood of the demonized Centaur into it before he had tried them. Although the blood tastes bad, he can really quench his thirst. Anyway, he is the head ogre, and he is also the chef among ogres. He does this kind of thing without any psychological burden. If the time trapped in this Maze Maze is unusual, you may have to rely on these things to survive ...

Just after Gorron was ready, the “living creatures” he had been “expecting” finally appeared. It was a large group of wolf dogs of size, wolf dogs grinning like teeth, and wolf dogs running on all fours. ....


(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!
