The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 206: foodie

Human face dog? !

This is the first vocabulary that Goron pops up after seeing these dog-shaped monsters, and this vocabulary is indeed very vivid. The large group of monsters that suddenly ran out looked at first glance like no hair. The light-skinned big dogs have the same limbs and joints as the canines, but their heads are flat and standard human facial features. If you put aside the distorted facial expression, you can even see that. Faces should be very handsome or youthful under normal conditions. If you look closely, you will find that the end of their forelimbs are human fingers, and the hind legs are elongated and thin human feet.

This monster is undoubtedly closely related to humans.

There are many kinds of humanoid intelligent creatures in the peninsula rainforest. There are many sub-human tribes, trolls, half-orcs, goblins, fish-man tribes, etc. that live in the gap between the Amazon Centaur and the Black Hand Ogre. It is ironic that these "human-faced dogs" look more like humans than primitive Asians with deformed bodies and strange skin colors.

Coupled with the precedent that two elite Amazon warriors were turned into four-footed monsters by the Kuroshio, Gron did n’t have to think about it, and they could guess that these eight human face dog achievements were the young master knights of the Knights of the Flame.

The Knights of the Holy Flame, which belong to the Holy Light Holy See, also failed to survive the tide of the end of the tide. All the airships in the flying fleet, even the 7, w ± stationed on the edge of the rainforest coast, those proud celestials In the face of this terrible disaster of equal treatment, at least the majesty of the Lord of Light seems to have failed to pour on them. Bless these young devotees who are at least superficially pious.

Gronn inserted the rod of the Virgin on the ground, holding the gun in both hands. The power of the wind surging in the hand, the power of the shamanic "windfury weapon" has been poured into the bullets. Goron's own huge physical power is also combined with the alchemy fire // medicine in the bullet shell by the magic pattern engraved on the pistol's handle to form a more powerful explosive / explosive.

Facing the human-faced dogs with a distance of more than ten meters, Gorron pulled the trigger fiercely. Two warheads flew out of the muzzle one after another. The blue-blue warhead suddenly decomposed in the air. The element of the wind constitutes that the power of the magical warhead that does not decrease but increases instead of the actual bullet flies towards the human face dog group. The raging sound of the wind rang in the air, and suddenly a large human face dog rushing to the front row shattered its head and died on the spot.

"The power of the wind". This kind of magical technique specially designed to strengthen the shaman priest's melee ability and ensure that the bloodthirsty warrior has self-preservation and even counterattack in the face of melee combat is actually blessed by the blasphemy / blame shooter. On the weapon, and more amazing is that such a horrible power can erupt such a terrible power. Although the elemental warhead of the Divine Divine Wind is not as powerful as the divided melee weapon, it is even more powerful than the physical weapon itself, but it is divided. The number of warheads that came out was more than doubled, and it could cover a large area like a fan-shaped shot.

Combining ancestral rituals full of glory and piety with blasphemy shooter battles rejected by thousands of people can only be achieved by Goron, a super alien ogre who would rather use any means to gain more power.

However, the human face dog is just as bloodthirsty as the Centaur monster of Fang Cai, and he is not afraid of death. In the front row, a large piece lay down. Instead of being scared, the back rushed on the body of the "companion" and swallowed wildly, and the human face dog who could not grab the "dining seat" in the back was only able to pounce on Gron. In the past.

The magic bullet is powerful. However, the reloading is slow, and the shamanic magic consumes a lot of money. Gron is currently only a second-order shaman. The total amount of divine power is limited, and there is no squandered capital for the time being. So he flipped his wrist and the double-barreled firecracker had returned to a flat tattoo. The two virgin legs were lifted by him and swept down towards the human-faced dog group.

These face-faced dogs are really noble children of prominent families. They generally have about three ranks of strength. Under normal conditions, it is not easy for Goron to deal with three or five, and it is even impossible to meet a group, but at this time These human-faced dogs have completely lost their minds, and they are all fine / red / yo, and those expensive family-owned weapons are nowhere to be thrown. They can only rely on the original animal instincts to make bite and scratch movements. In addition to the blessing of the magic power of the other world, the physical attack and defense ability is far beyond the specifications. Every stick is flesh and blood, and the limbs are shot. This group of human face dogs is not enough to kill him. Chewing the flesh and blood of the companion in his mouth, he was smashed into a puree by Gron.

When only Gron was left on the battlefield, he suddenly noticed that there was a plume of white smoke on the corpse of the human-faced dog, and then he floated towards the sacred female rod in Gron. This smoke is so thin that it is difficult to notice if you don't pay attention, but it clearly contains a little holiness, which is out of place with this dark red abyss world.

After all, the Knights of the Holy Flame belong to the Holy See, and members have to perform daily prayers. Although the divine power contained in these people cannot resist them from the erosion of **** malaria, they are sticked on the legs of the Holy Girl after their death. Attracted by the divine light, gradually gathered together.

However, the leg rods of the Virgin are not the orthodox saints and holy relics of the Holy See full of sacred breath. Although they use the unknown body of the idol and the skin of a certain unlucky saint, it is still an indisputable essence The voodoo magic buckle, and the degree of evil door is quite different. Not only is the Holy Light spilled from the corpse of the human face dog ingested by it, but the **** breath floating on each corpse also turns into a plume of red blood gas, from Drill in the center of the foot.

The leg stick changed, and I do n’t know if it was due to the effect of the unjust soul. Gron could feel that the weapon in his hand seemed to become heavier in a little bit, and the holy light wrapped around it became more and more dense, making him suffocate. The sense of oppression was greatly reduced, and at this time Gron really felt how precious the weapon given by Kazakhstan before he left.

Looking at the corpses on the floor, Gron suddenly felt that the world might not be as lonely and barren as he had imagined before, at least the food aspect was no longer a problem.

But this is only for Goron, as he was about to continue to explore this Maze Labyrinth, and suddenly a very weak voice came from a distance.

"Hey! Friends, do you have anything to eat?"

Goron looked around, but immediately saw several familiar faces, leading a dwarf mage who was one meter tall. It was the temporary order camp that Goron had seen when he joined the Centaur Governor. Leader Bilbo Baggins, behind him, there is the impulsive and reckless forest elf glare flower, but it looks a little weak, and then a few dwarf warriors, elf archers, and even human adventurers. They are like the temporary alliance of chaotic races led by the Iron Fist tribal cannibal magicians. They are all for the treasure of King Solomon. Only when the number or strength is insufficient, they will spontaneously organize together and try to unite forces with Xue Xi. The Amazon Centaur led by Skhan and the dwarves of the Cool Bear family confronted each other, waiting for the opportunity to compete for treasure.

It is worth mentioning that although they look ugly, they are not polluted by demonization. They should be one of the lucky ones who can resist the black tide.

"We have been lost in this maze for a long time, but we can't find anything to eat. Can you help me?" The dwarf mage Baggins said pitifully, looking like a very ordinary helpless old dwarf. . He does n’t know Goron, but Goron knows that this guy is not a fuel-efficient lamp. If he thinks that he is as pedantic as other gnome races and easy to be deceived, then I am afraid that the moment before you are alive and dead, He wouldn't even figure out how he deceived him.

The dwarf mage Baggins casually glanced at the human face dog corpses and no longer paid attention, but with the strength of his fifth-order magister, he really did not need to see these human face dogs in his eyes.

"How do you know I will have food?" Gron asked curiously, although he guessed that the other party's luggage should be corroded by the devil's malaria like himself, and all the food he carried was inedible, but why could he be sure of himself? Will there be food?

"I'm a Hobbit halfling who eats twelve meals a day. I can tell at a glance who hasn't eaten in three hours. So far, the only one I've seen is you. Have eaten in the near future. "

"It turns out that." Gorron nodded. This is not surprising, to put it bluntly. Of the two intelligent populations on the Dota continent known for "eating goods," the ogres eat omnipotently with dirty food. Well-known, but the Hobbit halfling is himself a foodie with superb appetite, but he did n’t even think that this dwarf mage, who is as cunning and deceptive as humans, is still a good half-man gourmet. Then it is not surprising to see that you have just eaten something.

At this time, the time for everyone to be dragged into this devil maze is not too long, even if there is no drinking water, there will not be too big problems, at least not immediately endanger life. The halfling mage asked for food at the sight of Goron. In addition to being prepared for the rain, he was probably because of his race. The halfling would have to eat almost every two and a half hours, and it should not be fooled. At this time, it seems to be hungry and crazy.

The gnome mage did n’t know Goron, and when he was hesitant to tell the truth about his “hungry or no food”, a dwarf who seemed very rude and rude had broken the deadlock impatiently: “Boss! What are we doing, we just overthrow him, and then just search the water source of food from his body?
