The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 288: Jedi counterattack

The tragedy is sudden, especially this tragedy is far beyond the control of some interested people ...

Behind the imperial capital Amenes, a young man who looked very inconspicuous took a half step forward silently. The Amenes in front of him waved his hand without a trace, blocking it behind him, and then an invisible The voice passed into the young man's ears: "It's a bit wrong, and Retusus or Ysera may have moved some hands and feet on this child. ∽↗∽↗, the probability of Retusus is very small, It is estimated that Ysera's dragon language magic, but I don't know how she used the power of the dragon to bypass the contractual constraints. "

"Even if the child was contaminated with 'Dragon Power' or even given 'Dragon Word' or 'Dragon Soul', I wouldn't put it in my eyes." The young man's lips didn't move, and the voice was agitated The grudge is formed and condensed into a line that is accurately introduced into the ears of Amenes. Even if someone is next to it, you ca n’t hear it. Only this ability to control the fierce and violent grudge into the slightest level is enough to make most of the king of the war ashamed. The corner of General Zuo De's eyes seemed to inadvertently sweep here, but there was a trace of satisfaction in the depths of his eyes.

"It's not before you expose your strength, I raise so much waste, and now it's time for them to come into play."

After giving orders to the humble young man in a completely unused manner, Amenes looked away from Gron and looked at Ysera aside, sneeringly: "Mrs. Ysera, what do you mean? , The servant you brought killed the guests invited by our Mourinho family for no reason, this is undoubtedly the most despicable and shameless murder, it is this servant's provocation against our Mourinho family , Is a blasphemy against the divine law. I will consider sending this matter to the Royal Presbyterian Court. I only hope that this incident was not personally directed by you, otherwise, if you ... "

Ysera's eyes suddenly seemed to be spitting out fire. She just wanted to have an attack. She was careful to move aside. It seemed that some poor Goron suddenly came over and directly inserted between Ysera and Armenia. At the same time, the whispered words were said one by one: "Strange. Wasn't that person asked you to come over and challenge me? I defeated him in a formal duel after accepting the challenge. He died just because I was just like He is stronger. What does this have to do with shamelessness? How did it become murder? Speaking of provocation, yes. I remember clearly recorded in the law of the imperial capital that slander the upper nobility. Indecent assault, if it is defamation in public. Adding the crime to the first level will be the highest penalty for beheading. The innocent prosecutes the upper nobility, regardless of whether the prosecution charge is true, the prosecutor will be punished for the crime of disrespect. If it is wrong, Mrs. Ysera has been given the title of Marquis of Honor more than a hundred years ago. Although this title is not hereditary, it is a lifetime system, and what about you, Miss? Although you are of noble origin, I think The gift has not won any formal title of it. "

Gron had already noticed the situation on the spot, and he was undoubtedly tied to the marshal. There is no room for choice. Once Ysera loses completely, the end of his "untouchable" can be imagined. But the problem is that Ysera obviously does not have the characteristics of being a sharp tooth, and he can only fight back by his "Yi Zi". Fortunately, Goron ’s court stories of court courts are not in vain, nor are they completely clueless as to how to intervene in this alternative battlefield. I will not mention whether the killing of the talents constitutes a “duel”. Big hat.

After hearing Goron's words, Armenius' face suddenly became ashen, and until then the people suddenly realized that the object they despised and mocked. That silly dragon was actually a marquis of honor for life. It's no wonder they are, after all, Ysera's blessing is really too long, even the Imperial Emperor has changed several terms, let alone a few people can remember. I am afraid that even the marshal lady has forgotten herself, and her sudden expression at this time directly proves this point.

However, Ysera is also an ancient dragon with a long and long life. For ordinary people, the "lifetime honor" can only last for decades, but it is almost eternal for her. This kind of thing that only seems to exist in the story is difficult for the nobles in the circle to realize, but it is still fresh for Goron, a little ogre who grew up listening to the legendary hero story. The old-fashioned court teacher's deliberately arranged courses for "grotesque" Goron happened to emphasize such content. Gronn is now learning and selling, but actually gave Armenis a hard blow.

In the millennium history of the empire, although the aristocratic circle was huge and bloated, the imperial capital was full of nobles, and the nobles were like dogs. But because of the rigid rules of the ancient law, the granting of official titles was very strict. In general noble families, only the eldest son can inherit the official knighthood inherited from the family. Most of the other knighthoods carry the word "honor". Although this does not seem to make a difference in the eyes of civilians, on truly rigorous occasions, an honorary count must be short in front of an official viscount of ancient heritage.

The peerless beauty Amanda Hugh, who was favored by the emperor, was born in a humble princely family, and was not the eldest son of the family. Even if he threatened the power of the emperor, he could barely cover the sky with his hands. But they can only get the title of an official count. And this glory is also firmly bound to the Emperor Durotar. Once Count Amanda loses the favor of the Emperor, his status can be said to be hit into the valley instantly, and the end is miserable.

Amnesis is the only daughter of General Zuo De, and the famous magical genius of the emperor. Even the officially counted Earl and Viscount should shake their tails in front of her, but the empire has always been male and female. The women are numbered, and all are among the royal family. He who has an official title has never heard of it. So strictly speaking, Amenes faded his father ’s aura, and it was just a child of an ordinary giant, not to mention a lifetime honorary marquis, that is, a honorary baron, honorary viscount, if strictly in accordance with the imperial Judgment by the law, a crime of rudeness and disrespect to the upper class nobility, was enough to send her to the execution ground for beheading.

Of course, in addition to the few impenetrable ancient iron laws of the empire, other laws already have great flexibility, even the Imperial Presbyterian House will not be stupid enough to strictly follow the law, but Gorron's counterattack undoubtedly hit the main point of Armenia, and until then all the people suddenly realized that the beautiful boy who looked a little timid. That pretty coat is a disguise. Not only did he use his hands to be wild and vicious, he didn't leave any room, and his mouth was equally deadly.


Just when the atmosphere began to change, Amenes suddenly said coldly: "Hum ~! I'm standing here. I want to see, who dares to sue me in the elders' home." Big can be quite unreasonable. Ysera ’s status in the aristocratic circle of the imperial capital is very embarrassing. This is caused by many reasons, and it is not a matter of the last day or two. Compared with it. Although Amenes does not have a knighthood, he is the only beloved daughter of the No. 2 military figure of the imperial capital, and is the object of countless giants' children competing for competition. In other words, the identity of Amnesis may go further at any time, and even entering the royal family is not impossible. Who would offend each other for Ysera, who is sealed in a human body and has a cold relationship with her husband, let alone a discerning person can see that this matter is by no means superficially simple, General Zuo De as a parent. Although the organizer of this reception initially taught his daughter two words in a lukewarm manner, when the situation further developed, although he was angry, he said nothing, "This daughter is my favorite If it breaks, I have no choice but to let her go and let the situation deteriorate and develop.

People in the aristocratic circle can be incompetent and timid waste, but they must not be stupid people who can't read the air and the atmosphere. Although incompetence is not worth being proud of. Generally, it will not affect the power status of the family. But stupidity is unforgivable, because sometimes saying one more sentence, or making the wrong choice, may make the whole family irreparable.

At this time, people who were not really involved were starting to get careful. They no longer spoke, and carefully observed the reactions of others. And some of those who have already chosen a good camp, when they declare their positions and express their attitudes, they have become active immediately after Amenis glanced at the audience proudly and tore his face completely. Sneered a sneer to Goron and Ysera.

A tall man, who had disassociated himself from the fourth-order seal, walked in front of Goron, slapped the silver wine glass on the table beside him into a thin piece of silver, and stared at Goron coldly Smiled: "Just like you, an unidentified miscellaneous ... The stinky boy dare to speak to Miss Amenes so much that he even forgot what he should do. It seems that someone wants to remind you and teach you How to talk to a distinguished nobleman! "He said this very cleverly, not only promptly withdrawing sensitive words that might catch the handle, but also avoiding the" Marquis of Honor "Ysera, whose identity has changed He turned the target of the attack back to Goron. After all, before the formal adoption process was completed, Goron ’s identity could not be taken, and even more problems would be found under close inspection. This young man's counterattack is undoubtedly quite powerful. If it wasn't that the distance between him and Goron was a bit embarrassing and a little lack of confidence, then his performance would undoubtedly add a lot. But this should not be blamed on him. Just before Goloon killed the enemy's bold and vicious, and the unscrupulous share is still a little too exciting for a spoiled young master.

"Oh? Can you really teach me? That's really great!" Groon's face suddenly flashed with joy. He is an ogren who has n’t seen many people in the world. Dealing with these troublesome nobles really makes him a little confused, trembling, afraid that he will accidentally mess up everything, if this young man can really teach him how to If a noble spoke, he was really grateful.

For a while, Gron was cruel and vicious like a cold-blooded killer, while he was smart and cunning like an oily politician who has been around for many years, but now he has become an innocent child who is naive and ignorant and believes in everything. It's a pity that Gorron's sincere and sincere asking for advice was of course understood by everyone as a deliberately pretending, duel challenge in disguise, especially when Gron followed with another sentence, "So, can we start now?" It even pushed this tall young man to a dead end.

Famiga's figure flashed in front of the tall young man inexplicably and tragically. He was frightened and angry, but he was anxious and said: "I, I don't want to fight you! What are you? A pariah? Maybe even It ’s a slave, a playboy! Why should I accept your challenge, you, you do n’t have that qualification at all! "

"Yes, he is not a nobleman. He is simply not qualified to stand here!"

"The military police! This guy killed a noble in public on this noble occasion. According to the law, he should be punished by decapitation! He should be immediately put into the dungeon and waiting for the divine trial!"


A large group of people shouted frantically. Ysera wanted to refute, but found that she was speechless and powerless. Even she knew that adopting a righteous son and a righteous daughter by the imperial nobles was not a simple matter, and the procedure was very complicated. Not only must it be filed and filed with the nationality management agency, but it must also be handled on a formal occasion under the auspices of the Holy See. That is by no means a thing that can be done in a day or two, but it cannot be determined by saying a word. This group of people bite this point fiercely at this time, and gave no room for her to speak at all. Speaking of playing tricks, intrigues and words, his ancient dragon is a childish child compared to these small and sad humans. But now she has to obey the rules of human games again, which can only be said to be a frustration.

"Who says he doesn't have this qualification!"

A lazy voice suddenly sounded. This voice is not loud, as if speaking normally, but in this extremely noisy environment, everyone here can hear clearly. General Zuode's eyebrows were slightly frowned, but Armenius, who had gradually smiled in the corner of his mouth, was stunned, and whispered like a self-talk: "Strange, why is he? Here? Isn't ... No, there is no reason? "

"Should the situation change for a while, do you need me to shoot?" The humble young man whispered behind Amines again. Amines pondered for a moment, but did not answer.

Just when everyone was shocked, a man was wearing a full set of heavy armor. The handsome man who showed blood and blood as if he appeared in front of Goron seemed to appear out of thin air. He swept aside the aristocratic youths surrounded by Goron and gave a meaningful smile to Goron. The next moment Kneeled on the ground. Put an emblem on the palm of your hand and offer respectfully to Goron.

"That! That's ... that's the clan of the Marshal's family ... the emblem!"

The young man who appeared suddenly was the dragon rider Rhein, who had only recently dealt with Gron, one of the left arm and right arm of Empire Marshal Retusus, and he took what he gave to Gron in his hand. Everyone present Very familiar, it can be said that everyone has something.

That was the family emblem that made the necklace style.

It has been said before. This kind of magic emblem exclusive to the upper nobility is not simple. It is inscribed with the owner's family emblem, magic seal, and soul mark, saying that it is a symbol of the nobility's status, and proof of identity is not excessive.

Retusus sent his cronies to send the family's emblem to Gron at this moment. The intention is self-evident, that is, he has formally recognized Gron's "adoption" status ... No, Even adopting children is theoretically not eligible for the official family emblem.

With this thing, what approval procedures are needed, **** ceremony.

Retusus' sudden statement undoubtedly shocked everyone. The contradictions within the Marshal family, his indifference to his wife is no longer a secret in the circle, and Ysera ’s sudden adoption decision is even a glance at her own decision. This lady is in the nobility. The absurdity and silly things done in the circle have not been a two-piece thing any more. In the conjecture, it is impossible for this absurd adoption to be recognized by Retusus. This is also an important reason why they dare to offend Giron.

Rethuss ’s sudden intervention suddenly reversed the form, and the noble children standing on the side of Amenes suddenly became quiet. They did n’t think it would be a big deal to offend an untouchable gangster, even if killed It's just losing money. Especially after Goron killed a noble in public, no one thought he could come out alive here, even if standing behind him was a noble marshal.

But facing the Marshal Retusus of the Upper Empire himself is another matter entirely. Although the legendary person usually lacks a sense of reality like air, everyone knows his existence, but he always ignores him inadvertently But once he thought that his actions might anger the legendary big man, just thinking about it was enough to make their legs tremble softly.

At this time, no one noticed that when he saw the magic emblem delivered to his eyes, the shock flashed in Goron's eyes and the boundless fear.

There is no reason for him, and this emblem of Goron cannot be more familiar, because that is what Goron had hidden in himself not long ago. The daughter who once belonged to Retusus and was killed by Goron himself Leah's magic emblem.

********************************** (To be continued.)