The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 30: Ogre and Centaur Khan

"What's going on here? Say everything you know, human!"

Olivia Khan said coldly to Goron, who was held up by a spear. Of course, for aggression, killing and pillage as the daily Amazon Centaur, of course you do n’t have to be polite to a thin "human" cub .

Gorron shook his head indifferently, and murmured a long time later: "Attack ... Here was attacked."

Now anyone can see that Giron's spirit has been stimulated, and it is estimated that no valuable things can be asked.

Olivia Thunder trampled and looked around. There were huge and fat corpses of ogres everywhere. The death phases were unbearable, but they have one thing in common, that is, every ogren has piled up like a hill. The corpses of the herd, of course, in the eyes of these combat experts Amazon Centaur, you will see more different things ...

"Adult Khan, according to the death of the body, the number of attackers should not be large, probably no more than fifteen people, but there are high-level Druids or big trainers like this, there are many here Forced summoned beasts and corpses of low-level Warcraft, and the skills and fighting methods used by these attackers are almost different. King Mogar, the war leader of the black-handed ogres, is first and foremost a rival with physical strength. After a fierce fight, he was attacked and injured by several assassin-type opponents and eventually killed by siege. The Shaman Prophet Lara Babu was attacked by several highly trained war beasts and at least three opponents with different fighting styles. Defeat, but the fatal injuries come from the cards behind. "

After many years of fighting, the Blackhand Ogre and the Amazon Centaur know everything about their opponents, and King Mogar and Shaman the Prophet Lara Babu are strong opponents they have never been able to defeat. At this time, they have seen that they have changed. Became a cold and miserable corpse, the taste in my heart is only known to these women.

"That two-headed ogre, what about Hakulili?" Centaur asked Khan. "The pride of our Amazon Centaur, Yalta, who has the same title as me, doesn't mean that we must beat her by hand? Is that double Has the little boy died here? "

Suddenly I heard the names of Hakulili and Yalta, and Gron's drooping head moved slightly undetectable, only to hear the Centaur female soldier continue to answer: "So far we haven't found the **** double heads The body of the monster, but ... but ... "

The Centaur warrior who reported to Khan looked back. There was a figure of a **** and **** Centaur warrior. She was madly rummaging through every body on the ground, and whenever she confirmed one After the corpse was not the target he was looking for, the complex expression of anxiety and happiness was revealed in an instant.

"Yalta said that the two-headed ogre Hakulili can only die under her bow and arrow, so she must confirm the life and death of the two-headed."

Looking at the anxious and panicked look of the Centaur girl, of course Goron knew that what she was looking for was not Hakulily, but he Goron was right. I do n’t know why, when Gorron saw the little centaur, something seemed to suddenly appear in his body. Although Goron ’s body was still weak like a straw, no one noticed that the deepest part of his eyes had been rekindled. There was a ray of flame.

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"Olivia Khan, we have examined the cave carefully. There is no survivor except this guy. It seems that it was burned by the dragon with the breath of the dragon. Both people and things are burned. . "

Hearing this news, Yalta, who had carefully inspected the entire battlefield several times, suddenly fell on her feet and knelt to the ground. The other Amazon female warriors thought she was because she lost her enemy, the two-headed ogre Haku Lily feels lost, which is not uncommon among the warlike Amazon Centaur.

Who can know that this tribal young talented warrior of this tribe has always hung the two-headed ogres over her mouth, but she is not interested in defeating Hakulili herself. The reason can't be simpler, they are Gorron's sister and brother.

"Weird, there should be no fire-breathing dragons in this area, and if a dragon entered this rainforest last night, I wouldn't have noticed it, and there wasn't any remaining Longwei here. Also, if This cave was really burned by the fire dragon with the dragon breath, so why can this human youth survive? "

The question of Centaur female Khan finally turned the eyes of all the female warriors to Goron's body, which also included Yalta whose eyes began to be out of focus.

Gronn knew very well that if he could not answer this question properly, these bloodthirsty female lunatics would absolutely not hesitate to tear him into pieces.

"At the very end of this cave, there is a small water hole, I have been hiding there before ... I ... I will hold my breath ..."

In fact, Gron did n’t know how he survived. The cave he was hiding in was obviously set on fire by the attackers. According to common sense, the comatose self would not be burned to death, and would be choked by thick smoke Dead, unable to breathe and suffocate. But he survived, and there was no trace of flame intrusion around his body, why Gron didn't know.

But if you tell the truth, no one will believe that anyone other than the fire-immunized monster can survive in such a fire. Fortunately, it is not too difficult to make a lie temporarily. Sometimes, the lie even needs to be More believable than the truth.

Olivia nodded, and really did not doubt Goron's "story". After all, she couldn't think of any other possibilities. Of course, there is a more important reason, that is, the Centaur is a weak human boy. It is not interesting how to survive the disaster. There is always only one thing that this group of female lunatics are most interested in, that is fighting.

So the Centaurs are very disappointed. They originally came here with a lot of fighting desire, not necessarily to win those **** blue fat guys, as long as they can beat a game. But I didn't expect that what was waiting for them was not a hearty battle, but a boring corpse, and the emptiness of losing the enemy forever.

With this regret, the Centaurs looked at the dead body of the black-handed ogre on the ground with a complex expression.

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ps: Can I still get a recommendation ticket?