The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 303: Tentative

It has been a month since Gron obtained the latest information about Hakulili. During this period, he finally re-established contact with the Black City Guild, of course, through the dark elf girl Black Lake as a medium. More and more haunted, since she was frightened by Longqi once to Rheinland, this girl did not dare to stay beside Goron so brazenly, but she did not leave, just hanging from time to time Therefore, only when Gron did his best could he barely catch a trace of her. In other words, most of the time Gron did not know where the ghost girl was hiding. ↑,

As for the latest information of the two-headed ogre Hakulili, it is generally not good, but not too bad. Hakulili is still imprisoned in the alchemy laboratory of the dwarf master alchemist, Begapunk, and may be placed on the dwarf master alchemy test stand at any time, but due to the efforts of the Black City Guild, even at the most critical The cooperative project, that is, making significant concessions in the new military trade, finally succeeded in raising different voices within the Kuxiong family.

Although obtaining an ideal spouse is the lifelong desire of every cool bear, the funds involved in trade with the Black City Guild are also astronomical. It is well known that fighting is actually money, especially like the Cool Bear Principality The fully mechanized legion of the United States is heavily dependent on new equipment. It is not too much to describe. Although the Kuo Xiong Duchy is famous for its warlike and belligerent continents, it is not a rich Principality. Although the funds reserved are not ordinary rich families Comparable, but it is not a big splash in the invincible vortex of military purchases.

It can be said that the chips proposed by the Black City Guild can at least increase the odds of this rebellious battle by one to two percent. This is an unimaginably huge improvement. No wonder even the Grand Duke himself of the Kuxiong Dukes hesitated on this matter. Undecided, no decision can be made. Although he never agreed to the conditions proposed by the Black City Guild, he handed over the two-headed ogre Hakulili. But finally it was Goron's crucial preparation time.

According to the analysis of the Black City Guild think tank passed by Black Lake, once the war broke out, the Kuxiong Duke could no longer be tolerated, and besides negotiations and negotiations, several other action plans were also in place. In order to operate in an orderly manner, after all, this trade concession has also suffered huge losses for the Black City. Even a loss-making business is simply not the best choice.

After the giants in the Black City knew what Gron was doing, they all expressed their strong support. At this time, the slave trade in the Black City had also entered the right track, and not only established perfect "purchase" and sales channels in all parts of the empire. Even the first slave auction and war slave battlefields in Montenegro in the imperial capital have already begun operation. It is precisely at the opportunity to make a fortune from the Dragon Cavalry Regiment. Of course, the real purpose is to justify a special batch of " The "War Slave" was placed under Goron's men, after the group of Goron's black-handed ogres officially entered the Snow Needle Camp. Goron, a black-handed blood flag regiment composed entirely of sub-human races, was completely established.

At noon on that day, a slave truck full of wolves and half orcs drove into the Snow Needle camp, and Gron was hiding in the Chamber of Secrets to sacrifice to the Shaman ancestors through a simple shaman altar. The high-level general sacrifices brought back from the abyss of **** are all used up. These sacrifices are all low-level exclusive sacrifices collected by the Black City Guild and can only offer sacrifices to Shaman ancestors. This altar is arranged by several shaman priests in the slaves. Although it is simple and rough, the most basic sacrifice function is normal. Such an altar will certainly have a small effect on the sacrifice of the sacrifice. loss. But some are better than none.

It's just that Goron's recent sacrifices haven't caused any strangeness, let alone the consciousness of Shaman's ancestors not coming. Even the masters of several elements did n’t respond, but Gron did n’t care. After all, that kind of miracle should n’t appear often, and the divine power in his body also increased in an orderly way as the number of sacrifices increased. It is necessary to reach the bottleneck of third-order shock and fourth-order shock.

Hearing the carriage wandering into the camp, Groon quickly terminated the sacrifice. Withdrew from the Chamber of Secrets, although his secret identity as a "human race" shaman should not be concealed for a long time, but Gron did not want to expose it too early.

Just when Gron passed the dark door and returned to the office that had just been built, the door had been pushed away from the outside, and he saw Long Qi breaking into the wind and the wind.

"How can Lord Rhein be free to come by himself. But it is just a few wolf clan orc slaves. It is not enough to send people as usual." Gron is nominally the adopted son of Empire Marshal Retusus, and his status is better than that of Rhine. Longqi, who came from aristocratic family, was not much worse. After successfully mastering the war slave camp, status and self-confidence are one step closer. At this time, seeing this powerful dragon will be able to calm down.

Because his long-cherished wish was successfully fulfilled by Goron, this dragon rider has been in a good mood recently, and his look at Goron is no longer as cold and ridiculous as before. In fact, this person is also a guy who likes to go straight. He has many stupid problems such as the arrogance, confidence, stubbornness, cleanliness, and strange and hobby that all nobles have. But there are also real talents and confident capitals that are not available to more than ninety-nine nobles. He is also one of the few opponents that Goron has no confidence in and can overcome.

"It ’s different this time. Those wolf slaves are a guise. I also brought a batch of heavy weapons and equipment dedicated to large war slaves. If I do n’t personally fight it, it will cause trouble. There is another thing. Speak to you in person. "

"Heavy armed!" The surprise on Goron's face could not be concealed. As I said before, although large sub-human races such as ogre tauren and so on have great strength and thick skin, they are not proficient in casting, and usually only You can use trunk stones or simply processed wooden sticks as weapons, but humans and dwarves who are proficient in casting will not specifically cast a batch of oversized weapons that they cannot use for these large sub-humans. Not only that, now The Empire will also strictly control super-large weapons as prohibited items, and only allow small batches to produce some fancy and fancy "craft ornaments" grade equipment for large war slaves in the arena, and King Mogar Death is also indirectly caused by such flashy weapons.

Rhein personally escorted it, of course, it would not be this kind of garbage. Goron had seen through the window that the black-handed ogre responsible for unloading took out one after another from the bottom of the slave car. , These weapons have only been treated with the simplest treatment, and even the burrs on the corners have not been carefully polished, and some weapons have not been equipped with handles, but see the solid texture of this batch of weapons and the flashing on the blade In the cold light, Gron knew that these weapons were specially made legion equipment.

However, the real value of this batch of equipment is not here. After all, they are limited in number and can only be equipped with a mixed squad of ogres and tauren. However, this gave Goron an excellent reason for him to take out the special ogren armor made in the underground arsenal of the Black City. As long as it is not too swaggering, even if there is a problem, it can be pushed to this one. Long Qi will be grown up. The entire empire dared to find this guy who was in trouble. I am afraid that there are not many, and Rhein himself is not like the kind of meticulous person who can carefully remember how many sets of equipment he gave Goron.

"Sir, you suddenly sent so many weapons and equipment, you are not going to fight." Gron asked casually, unexpectedly Rhein's face became extremely serious instantly, Gron was shocked in his heart, with his understanding of Rheinland, This product is simply a war madman. If he really started a full-scale war with the Kuxiu or the orc tribe in the underground kingdom, he must have been ecstatic, not the melancholy and irritable state now. Re-associating with this armament, Gron suddenly frowned. Asked: "Adults, although the heavy armament is somewhat sensitive, the Dragon Cavalry Regiment is detached and powerful. No one dares to stop the vehicle carrying the flag of the Imperial Dragon Cavalry Regiment. Why are you so cautious, you must **** yourself? "

Rhein turned his head to look at Gron as if to see him through completely. After a while, he suddenly said, "Someone in the empire will be unfavorable to the Marshal."

"What do you say?" Gron was really surprised this time. Retusus was already a mythical figure in his mind, and his real opponent of the Dragon Cavalry Regiment was no longer the mainland countries, but came from The higher-level threat of the exotic plane, strictly speaking, although he still belongs to the empire in name, he has actually surpassed the empire. Who would be stupid enough to be detrimental to the existence of this legendary level?

Thinking of this, Gron suddenly thought of the emerald dragon Ysera in the empire's complex and weird situation, and thought of a vocabulary that often appears in the story, "Gong Gao Gai Lord", Gron immediately seemed to understand what. But if you think about it, it is not quite right. Retusus has been in the rank of marshal for several generations and has experienced several generations of kings. He is usually low-key and indisputable. Why does this generation want to make trouble for him?

Gorron's thoughts fell into the eyes of Rhein, and he suddenly smiled with relief: "It seems that you really have nothing to do with this matter. Although I believe in the vision of the Marshal, I have not really believed until now. You will not be detrimental to the Marshal. "

Goron's heart jumped, knowing that Rhein must have seen through his emotional and emotional fluctuations. Fortunately, Goron only wanted to get his mother's information from Retusus, and he also had a clear feeling for Ysera. There was no hostility, but he had inadvertently passed the difficulty. People like Rheinland usually seem to be thick-branched and indifferent to trivial details, but in fact they are coarse and fine, smart and wise. If they do not guard against him, they may be seen through all details at any time. (To be continued ...)