The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 313: Ancestral Wrath

The so-called "perfect hit" refers to an attack made by all elements of speed, strength, angle, timing, orientation, environment, light, obstacles, character status and even luck. From the point of view of the law, a perfect blow is a piece of error code that destroys the basic law of all things. It is premised on the final result of destruction and termination. The direct attack action is no longer important. ◇ ↓ ◇ ↓ Novel. $ F

Plus this time, Gron has already exhibited a perfect blow more than once. This thrill of killing everything can naturally intoxicate anyone, but generally speaking, there are only talented, battle-hardened warriors, plus Unmatched luck, there will be only one or two successful successful blows in a lifetime, and this chance is completely unpredictable and mastery. It may be a strong enemy that can't be defeated by one second. "Even God will kill you. "Look", but it is more likely to be a perfect flash, but the result fell on a rookie, and could not be regarded as part of its own combat power.

However, with these experiences of successfully performing perfect blows, Goron implicitly realized that, for himself, this perfect blow might not be something that he could not figure out and master at all. You can understand a little more about "perfection" secrets. Maybe one day, he can really use his will to launch this kind of power that destroys the fundamental laws of the plane.

Although the power of "perfection" is very attractive, it is not something that Gron needs to worry about now. With a single blow, there are few training grounds where the fairy tales have been hardly trained for several years. Although this batch of trainees is mainly prepared for the special mission. But there are also pillars of future fairy tales. Children like Iron Mountain, do n’t look at what is devalued by Sophia, but maybe the future is the second old shark or axe king, even if these children are not big, they ca n’t enter the core of the fairy tale, they are also the lower-level errands The best person to perform peripheral tasks in juggling performances. The resources that fairy tales smash on every child are a terrifying astronomical number. The result was all scrapped by Gron in a blink of an eye. Blood Red Hat Sophia saw such a tragic scene at first sight, but the anger in the deputy commander's heart was not yet officially ignited, and was overwhelmed by another fact that shocked her very much

"Perfect hit"

Of course, Sophia knows the strongest attack of this kind of legend, and there are people in the fairy tale who have personally exhibited or have seen others perform a perfect blow, such as "Axe King" Karaman chewing bones. Of course, she is not personally taught, because the only person who has personally experienced the perfect blow is the dead end. The fairy tale once had a chief trump card whose strength was only under the head of the "Emperor", which was killed by an opponent with a low strength and several strokes. It was a rare hit by the fairy tale.

Sophia remembers that Karaman once mentioned to her that Gron had a precedent of successfully launching a "perfect blow," and that ninety-nine warriors of the whole continent would have no intersecting legendary miracles throughout their lives. . It happened to Goron twice in a row. If this is not a "miracle", what could be counted, Sophia even vaguely felt the strong causal power exuded from Goron.

"Maybe, this child was born for that task. Our fairy tale. No, it is the millennium wish of our strugglers, can it finally be done?"

Although this idea was a bit wishful thinking, at this moment Sophia's heart was indeed full of hope. She didn't even have time to investigate the crime of Goron's killing. She turned and ran away without knowing where to go.

Seeing that this may be the only savior turned away. Marvin's eyes were full of despair. He had completely lost the courage to challenge Goron. He couldn't even get up and run away. The only thing he could do was to look at Goron with his lifeless eyes. Pray that the imminent death will not be too painful, and that your soul will be relieved.

However, as if he hadn't seen Marvin at all, Gron passed the young man who was sitting on his knees, and walked to the stunned Monica, and then said nothing, grabbing the woman And forcibly pulled towards the tent. Monica struggled instinctively, but how could she break free from the control of a humanoid ogre

At the moment when the tent curtains were closed, Gorron turned his head, and his eyes met the iron mountain lying on the ground. This big man was clenched with fists, his eyes were reached to the limit, and even the skin at the corners of the eyes was torn. Tears of blood ran down the corner of his eyes. In these eyes, the original rich fear was replaced by a more fierce and more violent emotion. In a flash, even Gron felt the fear of trembling even the soul, and the rich sense of threat even It is no less than the dragon rider Rhein, and even better than the blood-red hat Sophia.

The world in Goron ’s eyes suddenly changed, as if the underlying laws of the plane were seen at the moment of a perfect blow, but it was even more erratic. Although he had never seen it before, Groon knew that it was another thing, Something more mysterious and elusive

"Fate Cause and Effect".

This man is destined to kill himself in the future

The future is destined to be full of darkness and despair

This is the prophecy

At this moment, there was a strong impulse in Gauron ’s heart, that is, to wipe out the opponent in front of him that might threaten himself in the future as soon as possible, and never to suffer from the future. However, another impulse also rose at the same time and became stronger. The terrain made Goron make another diametrically opposed decision

"This woman, now belongs to me. If you want to go back, just wait for the day to win me. I hope she will be alive by then."

From the cracks of the tent came the last words left by Gron, and then a few seconds later, the tent shattered and the woman's screams and rebellions sounded. However, this refusal did not last for a long time. Under Goron's almost fierce and brutal wild technique, the woman's heavy and crazy gasp quickly sounded in the tent. This is the most human being as a creature. The original, the simplest voice, the simplest voice. The whole tent was swaying wildly, and the earth was trembling. If the materials were not solid, this tent specially prepared for the fairy tale trainer would collapse on the spot.

Time does not know how long the woman ’s voice has gone from the initial high, to the exhausted afterwards, to the now silent people outside have every reason to suspect that Monica is probably dead now, but Gron has not stopped him The sound of his madness is getting louder and louder. He did n’t shout loudly. However, just his heavy breathing sound made people feel that the tent is definitely not a beautiful young man, but a head. A snoring dragon.

Tieshan's physical strength gradually recovered, and with the power to stand up again, he turned and walked outside the fairy tale camp, without even returning his head along the way, and disappeared on the other side of the fence after a moment.

Seeing him leave safely, Marvin seemed to see the hope of life. He climbed up silently, and he was preparing to leave along the route of Tieshan, but at this time, Ge came from the tent. Long Lan's indifferent voice: "Where do you want to go"

"I, I, I," Marvin almost cried out. His pants at the bottom span were already wet, but he couldn't answer Goron's question. Fortunately, Goron didn't wait for him to reply.

"Do n’t forget that you are my assistant of choice. After a while, you will clean up the pile of garbage on the ground. No, I do n’t want you to bury them. It ’s too wasteful to do that. You take their clothes and equipment. Come down and put them together, although there is nothing good, but if the deputy heads do n’t mind, I have use of these equipments. As for the corpses, they will all be sent to the kitchen in a while. There are so many beasts here. Since I ’m here, At least let them have a good meal. It's when I returned to the fairy tale meeting. "

There is a blank in Ma Wen's mind. He almost completed the instructions of Goron, but at the bottom of his heart, he knew that he could not rise up the courage to resist Goron in his life.

Although separated by a tent, after launching the second divine power, Gron naturally knew everything that happened outside. Here is a fairy circus, no matter what Gron is doing, what he is going to do, how arrogant and arrogant his external attitude is, but his vigilance has always remained at its peak, and he is also prepared to keep this level of vigilance. Continue until he leaves the fairy tale completely.

After Marvin pushed the cart away and carried away the corpses from the ground, Gauron let out a sigh of relief and looked down at himself. The exhausted woman had fallen asleep deeply and had no reaction to everything that happened on her body. She is still alive. Not only that, Monica ’s injuries on her body have been completely cured by Gron, but her face is a complex to the extreme expression, Gron read a lot from Monica ’s face , There is anger, confusion, hatred, sorrow, compassion, heartbreak and a deep hidden relaxation, relief, and even a seemingly smile

Looking at Monica's expression that seemed to write all the emotions that can be possessed in human life on his face, Gorron's mind resurfaced with a slightly green and simple but firm and strong back.

"It seems that I will become the eternal darkness in your heart, the reason you breathe, swing your axe, and bleed every time, and become the person you must think of when you open your eyes for the first time and close your eyes for the last time. It is a pity that for me, you are only a small obstacle that I have set for myself. Is the enemy in destiny really ridiculous, if I am even a little tricker of the **** of fate, I must be afraid and take it seriously If anything, what else to twist my hopeless future, my destiny chapter can only be written by myself. "

I do n’t know what Gron saw from fatal cause and effect, which made him do things that he might not have done before, but at this moment, a shackle in the deepest part of Geroon ’s soul suddenly broke, coming from the foundation of the bottom of the plane. The law directly poured into his soul, and then left an immortal mark on Goron's soul. Compared with that, the vast and ethereal divine power seemed like a buy-one-get-one-free addition. what.

At this moment, Goron finally crossed the last bottleneck of the advanced "Warlord" and successfully promoted to the fourth-order shaman priest, but I don't know why, this time Goron actually vaguely felt that he came from the shaman ancestor. A trace of anger is unfinished.