The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 314: Homecoming

The next day, in the meeting room of the fairy circus, Groon saw a dying Marvin, and there was a girl Kaka who was indifferent and indifferent, but the whole body was trembling with pain. ◎ In addition to the assistants selected by these two Gorons, there are those who are watching the core of their fairy tale, Blood Red Riding Hood and twins with weird eyes.

"Boy, can't you see how good you are? I heard that you worked continuously for several hours yesterday, so if you have the skills, do you want to do two tricks with my sister?"

Almost one of the twins hung on Goron's body. She licked her lips lightly, her eyes full of rich makeup were teasing with red fruits, while the other of the twins had a very different attitude: "Sister! What are you doing! Have you forgotten that he just killed Suran yesterday? That ’s our hard work in the past two years! We should avenge him! "

"All right, after two years of hard work, isn't it because Sulan is your little lover, and it's not mine, and he dies if he dies, not to mention how small Goron is so beautiful, that Sulan's kid is even his No hair can match it. "

"But wasn't your little lover Eliffin also killed by him?"

"So I'm going to get entangled with Xiao Gelong now and let him compensate others! Don't think I can't see it, sister, you haven't taken the opportunity to threaten my little Gelong to be a fan, and treat you as a lover ..."

"Sister, you are such a **** ..."

"You are ..."

"Shut up for me!" Blood Red Hat succeeded in angrily stopping the chattering twins, and even the one who was wrapped around Goron sat back with tongue out.

Sophia let out a breath, then looked at Gron. Said coldly: "Should I congratulate you, even if I don't even use sacrifices. I can easily advance to the fourth-order shaman warlord, it should be said that the shaman ancestors' favor for you has reached It's quite unreasonable. Or is there any unspeakable secret hidden in your kid? "

Faced with the test of Blood Red Hat, Gron only kept silent with a blank face. For this question that he didn't even know the answer to himself, Gron felt that it was better to keep mysteriously silent and remain mysterious. He couldn't help but change color.

"Or another possibility is that you can sacrifice the lives of others. If so, then the death of those children is not worthless."

The sacrifices favored by the gods in the realm are different except for the general sacrifice of Ai Zhe redstone. Evil gods such as the **** of death and the **** **** like to accept the blood sacrifice of souls. The God of War is the source of the chaos that the more dead people are, the happier they are. However, as a representative of chaotic neutrality, the shaman ancestors of the patron saint of the sub-human race have never heard of this preference. Sophia is doubtful that Gron is not a real shaman, of course, there are also crazy killings of Gron yesterday Of accountability.

For these two issues, Gron disdain to excuse and cannot explain, but can only continue to remain silent. In fact, Gron also secretly suspected in his heart that this time the Shaman Warlord's advancement is indeed fundamentally different from the past. Gronn even wondered if there were any other presences who secretly intervened in his advancement. Otherwise, the unreal but clear anger of the shaman ancestor could not be explained.

Gron didn't answer. Fortunately, Sophia didn't like to struggle with this problem. She quickly said:

"Forget it, yesterday's things are no longer necessary. I don't want to waste time, Gron, the two children you named. Marvin and Kaka are here, and of course they are also the only trainers still alive. Well ... the one in your tent is not counted. From now on. We will start that task, should you be okay? "

"No." Gron nodded. He had confirmed Kaka's injury just now. Most of them are skin injuries that can cause great pain but do not cause functional disabilities. In this regard, Gron is also a master-class figure. When he tortures cooking and interrogation with the old interrogator After the combination of technology, even some very incredible "torture" techniques can be achieved, such as the once-called "human vase" work.

From the perspective of Gron, the person responsible for torture in fairy tales is also quite professional, at least on the same level as the old interrogator, but he still ca n’t figure out what Kaka did, which makes the fairy irritated her. To some extent, but did not kill her on the spot.

"As for the details of the task, you don't need to know. You only need to follow my instructions to do a series of chain tasks. The length of time to complete the task is entirely up to you. Is there any doubt?"

Goron thought about it, or nodded and said, "Yes, I want to know, can I use my power to complete this task?"

Sophia smiled coldly, and said, "I almost forgot, you are no longer the lonely hairless kid, you are now the legend of the empire, the righteous son of the Grand Marshal Lettus. , You even have your own barbaric and powerful Asian army ... "

"Answer? Can I use my own power?"

"Of course, but I have to explain in advance that this task is not completed by the more people, or the stronger the people involved in the task, you know, fairy tales are not lacking in real power. Of course, if you If you can invite your heroic dad who has never met, there may be a possibility of creating miracles. "

"These are my things. I will consider what to do when the time comes. Since I have fully cooperated with you, I hope the fairy tale promises me not to disappoint me."

"Of course, there is no precedent for the missions taken by fairy tales ..."


On the afternoon of the same day, Goron, Kaka, and the face of Marvin and the expressionless girl Monica boarded a small airship that was obtained from a fairy tale somehow and made a reservation for the first mission. Fly away. Kaka and Marvin are the assistants appointed by Gron. As for Monica, she is the "thing" abandoned by the fairy tale. Gron cannot reach the Black City Guild for a while, so she can only take her with her.

In the empire. Airships are strategic vehicles, whether military. Commercial, still in cargo airship. All are directly operated by the state. In principle, all non-state airships will be shot down at the first time. The fairy tale can come up with such a small airship, which not only shows that the fairy tale is really magical, but also shows that their time is too urgent to take risks. Use airships to grab the point of time.

In addition to the necessary operating personnel, this airship has only four Gorons. As a mission guide, and even the supervisor sent by the fairy tale, it is actually a sleepy old sparsely feathered green parrot.

This old bird is about to die. There are several places on the body where the feathers are severely shed, and the crumpled dark red bird skin has been exposed, which looks ugly like a turkey scalded in boiling water.

It seemed to be able to speak, and Blood Red Riding Hood also ordered that all instructions would be given by this parrot named "Vajra Barbie", but it never seemed to have opened its eyes since the boarding of the ship, and had never issued a single point. sound.

Gron did n’t open his mouth to ask the destination of the airship captain or the old bird King Kong Barbie, nor did he deliberately talk to the other three children. I did n’t know if it was affected by the atmosphere. in silence. There is no communication, even Monica and Kaka, two good friends who used to be inseparable from each other, sit far away from each other, and even touch each other's eyes never happened, especially Monica. The whole body exudes an autistic gas field that does not seem to want to interact with anyone anymore. The look at Gron was also full of disgust, but Gron didn't care at all, whenever he raised interest. Regardless of time and place, regardless of the girl's resistance. Pulling it into the cabin is a ravel, and every time the girl struggles to resist. Although every time after the end of Gauron, the girl fell asleep with a slack smile.

The climate is obviously getting warmer, and Groon habitually stands on the bow of the boat, overlooking the scenery below, but his brows quickly frown, because the scenery he sees is getting more and more familiar, the vast expanse The green forest sea seemed to extend to the end of the sky, but when the beauty of the blue sparkling light gleamed in the eyes at the intersection of the day and the ground, Gron finally determined that he had returned to his hometown, deep and beautiful sea stones Bay Peninsula.

After flying continuously for more than half a day in the vast sky, the airship had already crossed Goron ’s hometown. The tropical rainforest that brought him infinite memories and pain, Goron even launched a second divine power to see the thousands of needles in the Amazon Centaur camp. Shi Lin saw the Centaur fighters moving on the peak of the towering stone pillar, but because the distance reached the limit, he could not see any familiar face.

At night, the airship finally entered the boundless ocean waters, and their first destination, Crescent Island, was already in view. The sleepy old bird King Kong Barbie suddenly opened his eyes, and then a strange squawk swooped down from the airship and flew towards the island, leaving only an old witch-like unpleasant voice in the air. Echoes ...

"The first task is to find Miss Ben, find Miss Ben ~!"

Crescent Island is a large island with an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers. The entire island lies like a crescent moon lying on the sea, forming a very beautiful small inland sea in the center of the island. The island is densely covered with jungle and can be seen There are several creeks running through the forest. Presumably, freshwater resources are not a problem. It is just that Goron, as a "local", knew that this small island is not only uninhabited, but also a famous ghost island, death island. Ghost Island is a cursed island that even islands and smugglers are afraid of. The old sailors who are very good at telling stories will shudder a few times and even cover up for a time. Fear in an ogre cage.

The airship successfully landed on the beach of the island. Just when several people in Goron thought that the sky sailors would turn around and leave, they saw that they did not hesitate to key the airship. Destroyed the ship's sailing boat, oar, anchor, rudder and other important institutions, and finally committed suicide without saying a word.

Several sky sailors and the captain didn't make any sound from beginning to end. After they died, this scene still gave people a very unreal feeling, and even smeared a shadow on all mysterious missions shrouded in dense clouds.

Monica's lips were already pale, and Marvin continued to whisper something, until Gron finally said, "It looks like we are trapped here. Anyway, let's gather Food, and then we set off to find the **** old bird ... "(Unfinished.)