The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 317: Mantis carduelis

This is a night destined to be counted in the chapter of history, and it is not only Gron who is struggling to sleep ...

Several seagulls glide quietly on the night sea surface. They seem to have noticed the strange and terrifying sky phenomenon in the distant sea surface. They suddenly issued a series of sighs and had to turn a big bend, forced to land on a nearby large sea boat. .

This is a very large merchant ship. However, if you look closely, you will find that the shipboard used to make this ship is very rare and rare silver cedar, and it is also the best century-old material. This kind of wood has the sturdiness comparable to steel, as well as the strong magic resistance and waterproof and corrosion resistance. It has always been a first-class strategic material monopolized by the empire and strictly prohibited from civilian use. The whole body of this ship is made of silver, snow, and hemlock. Let us not say that its cost will be dozens of times that of ordinary large commercial ships. The crime of using strategic materials to make civilian commercial ships without permission is enough to convert this ship. The owner of the ship was sent to the decapitation platform.

Of course, that refers to the situation where the shipowner is just a general businessman.

One of the royal members of the empire, Prince Dior, sits in the luxurious and comfortable captain's room, where several people have gathered. In addition to the imperial prince, the deputy head of the fairy tale circus, Blood Red Hat Sophia is here, but she is obviously not as calm and calm as Prince Dior, her frowning brows and shaking eyes reveal a trace of her heart Worry and tension. She stood in front of the porthole and looked straight into the distance. Although she couldn't see anything from here, she still didn't mean to look away.

On the sofa on the right side of Prince Dior, there was an old man who was skinny and straight like a peak. Although his clothes were simple and luxurious, he was an ordinary civilian style, which exposed his identity as a businessman. In the empire, although the identity of the businessman is not discriminated, it is impossible to raise his head in front of the nobles of the world. However, the old man sat there leisurely, tasting the famous wine placed on the coffee table in front of him from time to time. That look obviously didn't value the members of the imperial family in the same room.

There was silence in the captain's room. After a while, Prince Dior finally stood up. After looking around, his eyes finally fell on the back of Sophia. With a chuckle, "Miss Sophia, no matter how much you worry, it won't help. You and I all know that we can't help with this matter at all. The task is too restrictive. As long as we If you are too close, your previous efforts and effort will be defeated. The channel of the ghost ship will only pass here once every 166 years. Missing this time, at least it is difficult for us to see that thing see the day again. "

"Don't blame her for being so nervous, this thing was originally full of twists and turns ..." The old man on the side put down the wine glass in his hand and suddenly interjected: "This thing is actually responsible for several of us old guys, and it will be stupid to be so important. Things are handed over to the fairy tale clowns who do n’t have them, and I believe they can complete this crucial 100-year mission. As a result, the task executors who have been painstakingly trained leave for various reasons before the mission officially begins. I had to rely on a kid who didn't even know the details. There are so many undetermined factors. I don't think we can wait for another 166 years. "

The old man ’s words are quite polite, but his identity seems to be above the blood-red hat Sophia, so the deputy head of the fairy tale just gritted his teeth secretly and responded in a cold voice: "The child of Gorona is very strong and deep. Hidden in terms of strength, he may be stronger than all of our chief trainees in terms of strength. That task originally had high requirements for the strength of the executor, and the strength was slightly weaker than the first night. Coupled with age restrictions, etc. It is a contradictory and almost impossible task in itself, let him perform it, but there may be miracles. "

"What about his race? Have you confirmed it? Is he really a pure-blooded human race? If not. Then he really completes the task but the worst result."

I did n’t know what I thought of. Sophia ’s face suddenly turned red before I replied: "I have confirmed this matter. Although the method cannot be said to be absolutely reliable, I still have follow-up preparations and can definitely cope with it. All kinds of situations. I have 'hostages' in hand. And I have also set eyeliners next to the child to avoid the worst when it is necessary ... "

The old man sneered and listened to Sophia ’s statement. Suddenly, his gaze froze and stood up suddenly, then walked to the ship ’s side in a few steps, pushed Sophia away, and looked at the sea at the same time , Prince Dior and Sophia also seemed to find something, looking at the same direction at the same time, all the expressions on their faces became very serious.

Sophia's face was full of surprise and anger: "What the **** is going on? Why did the First Sea Knights of the Holy See appear here, and depending on where they are heading, it is clearly the island!"

"Not only that ..." The tall, thin old man clenched the window frame tightly, smashing the solid silver cedar wood, apparently unable to restrain the anger in his heart.

"I can feel the breath of an old opponent, Archbishop Nero ... the **** who likes to slaughter 'heretics' best. No matter whether the Holy See really smells or wants to fight that thing, But as long as Nero appears here, we will have less trouble. This task seems impossible to complete ... "

Prince Dior glanced at the two around him. The worry on his face was obviously not as serious as the two around him. Even the deepest part of his eyes seemed to hide something else, but Dior concealed all his emotions in the blink of an eye. I saw him whisper: "What should we do, although this ship has the defensive power and weaponry comparable to the empire-level main battleship, but it is also impossible to be an opponent of the First Sea Knights of the Holy See. We cannot stop them. . "

The attention of the old man and Sophia was not at all on Prince Dior. After a while, the old man suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, can you bring the Knights of the Sea Dragon under Retusus?"

Dior was stunned for a while. After confirming that the old man was not really joking, he smiled and replied: "Sir, you really can't afford to see the imperial royal family today. It is a well-known thing in the eyes of the Dragon Knights that only the marshal has no majesty. My prince, who has no real power, let alone mobilize the Dragon Knights directly under Retusus, it is impossible to embezzle a slave cannon assault corps under him. But ... I can try to mobilize the nearest one here. Forces, I heard that the Imperial Corps of Investigation has been relying on the investigation of the so-called 'devil invasion' at Low Tide Port. They seem to have established a small naval army. Although they do not have to count on their combat effectiveness, as long as the Empire and the Holy See have not been officially torn apart Faceless, I think they will not directly attack the official army of the empire, so maybe we can get more time for us ... "(.)