The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 323: Mysterious girl

In the long river of history, a decayed empire is not born with one or two Ming Juns with a high state of mind. However, when decay has spread to the depths of the empire's marrow, no Ming Jun can make a difference. Although the monarchy is nominally supreme, the highest royal power is also built on countless aristocratic classes. When the royal power directly touches the interests of the vast majority of nobles, it is when the royal power reaches the end.

The legendary tyrant, Durotar, the tyrannical and tyrannical tyrant, is aware of this, so he did not choose to be a wise king who vowed to share with the dark side of the empire because he knew what to do. The aftermath will only be one. If you have no time to stabilize your imperial power, you will be overthrown by the united noble class and the wave of the "skeleton society" of the Shadow Council, which has been deeply rooted in the millennium of the empire. This is not even a big deal for a country. Skeletons only need to re-select one of the hundreds of heirs to be obedient and willing to do nothing to replace themselves.

So the first thing Durotar did after assuming the throne was to launch a seemingly meaningless, no chance, utterly foolish all-out war. In this war, the people must bear huge war taxes and increase the burden of life, but because it is not a local battle, the loss of life of civilians other than combatants is not serious.

Of course, the aristocratic class up and down almost made a huge fortune in this war, embezzling * embezzling strategic materials, reselling slaves, plundering the enemy's people, etc. Although the country is poor due to war, as long as the mind is not The too stupid aristocracy has doubled their wealth, which is the direct reason why Durotar became more stable after launching this war of swearing.

It is precisely because the nobles have made a lot of money, so few people noticed other facts

Because of this war, the well-trained private soldiers accumulated in the hands of the nobility suffered heavy losses. Although materials and equipment have been compensated by huge amounts of gold coins, the loss of personnel cannot be remedied overnight. Because Durotar implied that the wealth looted in the war was no matter how much it was, and the empire had additional rewards. Therefore, in order to fight for military merit, many nobles are not only addicted to war. Aggressive, aggressive, and even willing to kill each other on the battlefield.

Although these nobles have turned their property several times overnight, the private army in their hands has survived in name only, and has lost the ability of self-preservation and deterrence, laying the foundation for the fate of the future. Durotar is equivalent to using the private soldiers in the hands of the nobles to consume the living power of all the surrounding countries and to win precious peace time for his own plans. Because of the active noble private army, the official corps of the empire actually suffered limited losses. Because of the existence of the legendary hero Retusus, Durotar is not very worried about being retaliated against by counter-aggression in other countries.

Then came the second step of the plan, "Rebirth of the Empire."

The focus of the plan is to use endless blood to wash away the rotten debris deeply planted in the soil of the empire.

However, this matter is far more difficult than starting a war

Historically, when an empire has become ill, and when the number of "bad people" far exceeds the number of "good people," the rash anti-corruption campaign will only affect the whole body, causing all noble classes to resist.

First of all, in order not to be aware of his real intentions, so that the parasites of the empire will not be stimulated and immediately join forces to fight against themselves, a logical reason becomes that there must be something that can be favored by a faint junior. The traitor male pet is more competent for this task?

these years. Earl Amanda succeeded in shaping the image of an emperor's favorite character who was "moody", "greedy and murderous", and acted "unscrupulously". I accidentally offended this beautiful bastard. The bribery is not enough, the reason why the flattering of the horse to the horse's foot can't be lifted up, the guillotine of the Montenegro in the imperial capital has never been idle for a moment, and the aristocratic class was killed and bloodshed. Although everyone is self-defeating, because the concept of "it will be fine as long as you do n’t provoke this empire's number one beauty" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, no one will risk offending the cruel and harsh Durotar Emperor Take some aggressive countermeasures that you will only make when you are in a dead end. Many people's last thought when they were pushed onto the guillotine is why they are troubled by the beautiful viper inexplicably? Unconsciously, the wings of the Skeleton Society have been reduced. Just as the authority of the Empire Emperor is built on those noble classes, the energy of the Skeleton Society is also composed of these middle and lower nobles.

But it was in this "tyrant" 's "empire rebirth plan" to the next step. It is also the most important step when preparing to directly attack the core members of the Skeleton Society. Durotar was infected with an incurable curse, resulting in a loss. It's no wonder that the emperor who retaliated and carried the name of a tyrant and a monarch will also rebirth the ancient emperor, and will leave tears of regret.

Count Amanda left the hilltop castle through the secret road, just like before, when his figure disappeared with the closed secret door, a fully armored female knight appeared in the emperor's secret room out of thin air. After the emperor's series of almost cruel coughs gradually calmed down, the woman said, "Why should your majesty let him go?"

"Why?" Durotar supported the corner of the desk and smiled weakly in the face, "What's the point of killing him, not to mention that he has always been my best friend, hehe, the outside world said he was my lover, in fact This is also true in a sense "

"But he violated your trust in him, and I even have reason to suspect that it was him who directly cursed and poisoned your majesty!"

"Hehehe, indeed, no one but Amanda can cast a curse on me with all my precautions. But then, it does n’t matter how no one knows Amanda better than me, In fact, he does not have so much courage and wisdom, nor ambitions and ideals. Even this game of saving the empire is only because of me. He said it straightforwardly, he was used by me, and he would betray me. , Bacheng was also intimidated by someone else who was more irresistible. Even if he was killed now, it would n’t matter to my real enemy. Besides, I did owe Amanda a lot. It also makes more sense than killing him to vent my anger. "

"But under the guise of Your Majesty, you have been making waves in the imperial capital all these years. Although it is out of your advice, I think he is also happy in it. Hem, he is the wife of Retusus, Emerald Dragon Isel. La dare to dare to touch my fingers, I think this should not be for your majesty. "

Durotar shook his head slightly, undecided, and suddenly said after a long time: "Don't say Amanda, how far has that thing gone?"

The woman seems to be still sulking about Count Amanda ’s affairs, but immediately replied: “The blood of that giant monster is indeed extremely pure, even better than we had expected, plus the work we secretly collected over the years Offerings, and those 'beauty men' and beauties dedicated to you, we may only be one step away from our final success. "

"Very well, this thing may be the last card of my turn. I will give all opponents who are on the bright side and hiding in the dark an unforgettable lesson. You are responsible for this matter. No accidents are allowed. Speaking of it, this may be the last chance for destiny to give me a struggle, otherwise how to explain it is when I have been helpless, first a giant monster that hasn't met in a hundred years suddenly appears, and then I searched for the bloodline that has been fruitless for more than ten years. The seed has news too "

Seeing a look of embarrassment on the face of the female knight, Emperor Durotar frowned and asked, "Why, have there been any accidents?"

The female knight suddenly knelt on the ground and replied: "Your Majesty, please atone for our sins. We have progressed to the last link, looking for the ice queen Christine. The blood descendants of Aisha had already made a major breakthrough and redefined the girl's exact The location, but just as I was about to be arrested, she was transferred. "

"What about then." The great majesty and shame that suddenly emerged from Durotar's face: "As long as you know where she is, just bring her back to me, no matter where it is hiding, no matter what Who is she hiding from, even Zuo De, Buckingham, or Oga, the old door map does n’t matter, kill me all the obstacles, I have no time. "

At this moment, Durotar revealed his majestic terror as a tyrant emperor, but the knight's answer made him frown again.

"Your Majesty please anger, the girl who originally hid the girl was just a circus to which a rather powerful rebellious organization belonged. According to our intelligence sources, the girl did not attract the attention of those people, even the girl herself. I do n’t know the secrets hidden in her body. But not long ago, she was suddenly taken to an island. This matter is not only very confidential, but also very fast, even my intelligence officer has no time to report to me. "

"Island?" The emperor suddenly seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly and solemnly said: "Which island is it, not the 'Island of Twelve Demon Relics' that many people have been interested in recently?"

The horsewoman smiled bitterly, and did not dare to raise her head. She lowered her voice and replied: "Yes, your majesty, it is the island. According to the latest information, those rebels are using the power of the ghost ship Rainbow Bird to force it. Attacked the guardian enchantment of the island, and the Holy See also began to intervene and may even send out the 'four knights of the apocalypse.' "

"Huh!" The Emperor's eyes flashed with anger, he sneered coldly: "Does this group of idiots, including the old fox of the Holy See, also be stunned by greed? Do they really think that the island can be easily broken Damn it, how could that girl get involved in it, there is no way out in that place, and that girl is our last hope, we can never lose her, go, help me contact Retusus, just say I am willing to take out the last part of that contract in exchange for her to do something for me "(to be continued.)