The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 324: Life slave

Gronn did not know that the island where they were has become the focus of the strongest forces in the entire continent, and even became a chessboard where the big players wrestled with each other. Unfortunately, they were the pieces on this chessboard for people to play with.

But even knowing this, there is no difference for Goron. Although he was entrusted by the fairy circus on this trip, he frankly fought for himself, especially after he saw a large number of monsters appear. You have to figure out what is going on

At the feet of everyone was a strange land. The original dense island forest suddenly disappeared with the failure of the guardian enclave, exposing the dark soil below and the remains of the ruined city buildings. On the surface, the land here should be fat and oily, but not only trees are difficult to grow, but even weeds can't see a few plants. I do n’t know when there was another layer of mist around me, and when I looked into the distance, I could n’t even see the sea. Instead, there were rolling low mountains in front of me, with sparse weeds and semi-wilted lows. Low shrub.

Ogre Goron, fairy trainers Kaka, Marvin, and Monica, plus a nagging, annoying and ugly old bird, such a team moves slowly in the mist Everyone ’s nerves are tense, ready to respond to all kinds of sudden crises, but they have walked for three days, but the crowd has encountered nothing, no institutions, no traps, no monsters, and There is no apocalypse knight that follows.

"Are we caught in an illusion again?" Marvin asked diligently: "This island doesn't look too big. Going in one direction, you should be able to traverse the island for at least half a day and see the sea."

"Relax, it's right to follow Lao Tzu." Old Bird King Kong Barbie quacked: "In fact, this is the true face of this 'island', hey, what island is this, it's just a land, right It was wrapped tightly by space-time magic and spiritual magic. From the outside, it would be an obscure island. As for us, I am afraid that it is still on the outermost layer of this island. "

Space expansion magic is not a rarity. In the magic tower where the magician lives and the mansions of the nobles, this kind of magic has been widely used, and even some high-end carriages have space expansion arrays. However, this magic magic circle has two major technical difficulties that are always difficult to overcome, that is, "ultra-small" and "super-large".

For example, a big magician can easily make his small laboratory of more than ten square meters as spacious as a castle of dozens of square meters. But he couldn't put the magic book of the whole bookshelf into a portable leather bag, or make a small town as vast as a city.

The former is better said that some big mages specializing in space-time magic can also produce a small amount of space equipment with practical value, but the production cost is unimaginable. But the extra-large space expansion is completely an ancient legend, let alone never been captured. I have n’t even heard of a magician willing to make such unnecessary attempts.

"It seems that we really came to a terrible place." Monica smiled and shook her head bitterly. Although she was still unwilling to talk directly to Goron along the way, she had no words or actions. It was deliberately contradicted, and he voluntarily afforded all the logistical work, and all meals and boiling water were arranged by one person. As for Monica's once-talking friends, the girl Kaka has become increasingly silent and lonely. It can be seen that she is keeping away from everyone. However, Groon still noticed her anomaly, and secretly scanned under Groon's second divine power. Kaka's skeletal muscles are changing every day. Although she doesn't seem to have changed her appearance, in Goron's eyes, she is completely another person. One is so powerful that even Gron felt the terrifying existence of the biting cold.

"How long will this ghost place stay?" When the pressure accumulated, Marvin finally let out a loud voice, but just as soon as his voice exited, he was pecked hard by the old bird that fell on his head a few times. He shouted, "Is it noisy, didn't I say that? This is the magic test ground of the Twelve Devil Emperors, and a place of exile for tens of thousands of years. It is best to be on top. If we can reach our destination safely and securely all the way, get that thing and leave, then we are simply illegitimate children of the **** of destiny. "

After a lucky escape from the four knights of the Apocalypse, the old bird King Kong Barbie finally revealed some key information. This island protected by a powerful enchantment turned out to be the head of the twelve magic emperors. Among the three major slavers, "Life Slave" is one of the magical proving grounds of the demon emperor Darwin. After the ancient **** war, although the demon emperor Darwin fell, the magic test ground he left behind could not be destroyed even by the gods of the heavens, even even entering, and finally it could not be left, just put it there. . But this is not the most important thing. The key is that because the defense mechanism of this magic laboratory cannot even be overcome by the gods themselves, the gods of the heavens will rest assured that they will belong to the most powerful God of Destruction in Darwin ’s legend. The guide, the **** destroyer "unbroken heaven" is hidden in it. The ultimate goal of the fairy circus is undoubtedly this "unbroken heaven".

For more than 10,000 years, people who have known the secrets of this island, or to covet the strongest **** exterminator that even the gods of the heavens are terrified of, or just use this island as a garbage disposal site Send explorers here, or the toughest criminals to deal with, as a place of exile. Legend has it that some criminals who have entered the legend may still be alive.

The twelve magic emperors are also not completely single-minded. Although the "life servant" is nominally the head of the magic emperor, it is also the most powerful one among them. It is said that many races on the mainland are born in his magic experiment In the room, and "Non-Destroyed Paradise" shines in the ancient war of gods. Legend has it that even the old nests of the gods of the heavens were almost completely destroyed by them. If it were not for an accident that no one knew about, perhaps the outcome of the war would be very different.

But perhaps because of the opposing nature of "life" and "death", the "Dead Kingdom God" Delmond, one of the twelve Devil Emperors, has always been Darwin's strongest opponent, and the ghost ship "Rainbow Bird", Its true identity is the driving palace of the magic emperor. It is precisely because of this secret that the fairy circus has planned a battle to use the power of the ghost ship to forcibly consume the "life laboratory" to protect the enchantment. It ’s just that there is no one on the surface of this island, but in fact, the place where the **** of destruction “non-destructive paradise” can be truly forgotten, so although the ghost ship will drive near the island every few years, but if this This time, I am afraid that the forces involved in the next adventure will be innumerable.

For some reason, after Goron heard the name "Life Lab", the almost forgotten scene in his mind, whether it was real or illusory, made his dream of inexplicable false death for two years suddenly emerge.

The ancestor of the ogre, the cyclops in the archaic era, the dragon-eater Gorurna ’s great shore between the heavens and the earth almost completely occupied Goron ’s mind, and the power of the mess in Goron ’s body was caused by this After the reunification of the ancestors, it evolved into the ultimate killer of Goron. The "Cannibal King Kong" turned into a person. At that time, the ancestor also told him to do a thing, but what he said was vague, only to ask him to conquer There is something in the world, but Gron has a feeling, maybe here, he can find some key clues for these questions.

On the fifth day of Goron ’s party entering the mysterious life laboratory, a bizarre team finally appeared in front of them. They were more than twenty energetic human knights who carried a large amount of weight and special equipment for adventure. There are even more than a dozen slave servants serving them. These people saw a few of Goron and actually attacked without saying a word. Their strength is quite good. Two of them are already fifth-order war kings. However, in Goron, they no longer intentionally hide their strength. In the end, Kaka also broke out an amazing fighting force that was several times stronger than before. In this encounter, Gorron and his team finally stood at the end and won a difficult victory. It was just that the opponent's fighting spirit was very high. Even the slaves were not afraid of death, and the mental state of the Gorons was not normal. In the end, they couldn't stay alive. But when several people in Goron investigated their supplies, they saw something chilling in their hearts.

The first is an expedition diary found in the arms of a warrior knight, which suddenly read: "Holy Klimu Empire, deputy head of the Royal White Eagle Knights, White Kasn"

That's right, it is the Holy Klimun Empire, a country that dominated the Dota continent four thousand years ago. (To be continued.)