The Ogre’s Food Box

Chapter 331: Blackwater basin

"Blackwater Basin".

The name was not given by Gron. When Goron and his party came to the dark swamp in front of them, they learned the name of the land from a dying dwarf old man.

This poor old dwarf didn't have time to fully clarify his life and experience, only to guess based on the clothes and equipment on his body, he should be from the famous Redstone tribe of the dwarf empire more than two thousand years ago. In addition, as he said before his death, he has been trapped in this area for decades, because he has a high-end Warcraft pet, plus his own strength is also very powerful, and has rich experience in wild survival. The piece of land barely survived, but in a battle not long ago, his favorite pet, Lava and Dragon, was unfortunately killed in battle. He was also hit hard and could only lie in the mud and wait for death.

Gorron was dying when they found the old guy, and there were no supplies left on him. The most valuable thing he left to Gorron was in this huge swamp called the Blackwater Basin. In the center, there is a town that is not large in size, but not too small. This is the only place in this death basin where materials can be exchanged and equipment can be supplied. However, this is not the most important. According to legend, the founder of this town and the maintainer of order, a dragon leader who has been living for thousands of years, knows how to travel to this continent (island ) Is the center of the life laboratory of the magic emperor Darwin.

Humblely burying the old dwarf's body is a reward for his valuable information. After doing this, Gron they moved towards the swamp town that the old dwarf pointed to.

I do n’t know what the North Wind Queen did to Goron. In short, since then, Gorron, like superb beasts in the eyes of those super fierce beasts, no longer receives any attention. But as the "permanently frozen kingdom of God" said, this special sensory camouflage is only for the strength far stronger than them. To put it bluntly, it is only effective for the sub-level creatures of the sixth level, and some strengths are worthy. Monsters like lower-level wisdom dragons will attack them. Fortunately, their luck was not bad. Only two such attacks were encountered along the way. They successfully killed a fifth-order seven-legged crocodile. And successfully escaped under the claws of a primitive Bimon cub.

There are deadly crises everywhere in the swamp. The swamp species living here are used to hiding in thick sludge. When you accidentally enter its attack range, they will launch a deadly attack. These ugly and dirty guys can exert 300% of their strength in the special environment of swamps. The only good news is that swamp species are generally not particularly powerful, and rarely see species above the fifth order. Otherwise, Goron and his team will be unable to do anything.

After walking for two days and nights, when another night came, Gron and others finally found a piece of about ten square meters. On a relatively dry and hard land, a few people who had already exhausted their bodies and minds immediately decided to camp and rest and start cooking with fire. Thanks to the super-perverted environmental adaptability of the ogres, Goron's physical strength is best preserved, so he naturally takes on the task of vigilant vigil.

After a simple meal, everyone else lay down and rested. Groon sat on a dead tree stump, inspiring the second divine power, and looked around calmly. His eyes penetrated the thick fog, and his ears were listening to the smallest sounds around him. It is precisely because of Gorron's extremely powerful perception and early warning capabilities that everyone can successfully avoid most of the crisis traps.

It was very different from the swamp that looked dead and desolate. The world hidden beneath the silt can only be described with vigor. Creatures like earthworms and marsh jumping fish form the bottom of the biological chain, while marsh crocodiles, snake skin beasts, and black tiger fish are the deadliest slough killers. The number is also beyond imagination.

Around this dry and hard land is a totem pole called by Gron. The totem poles formed by absorbing materials locally and absorbing the natural resources nearby call for a dull color, as if they were made of black mud. Effectively deter those muddy killers in the mud.

And in a place thousands of meters away from them. The four knights of the Apocalypse, holding the horns of the unicorn of the Saint Eden have also entered the Blackwater Basin. They obviously have the ability to determine the location of Goron, but this positioning is not very accurate. Moreover, this swamp of death is also a crisis for them, and it is not easy to catch up with Gron in a short time.

His eyes closed slightly at Gron. When entering a state of half asleep and half awake, suddenly there was a roaring muffled sound in the mud pond, and Goron looked around and saw a ancient war tree about ten meters high.

The ancient tree of war, known as the patron saint of the forest, is a special intelligent species formed naturally by the ten thousand years of ancient trees condensing the essence of magic. It has a powerful body comparable to giants and unparalleled super strange power. Some also know how to release some magic of life. They have always been the most powerful ally of the elves, maintaining a wonderful symbiotic relationship with the elves. However, this ancient tree of war appeared in the Blackwater Marsh. The bark fell off, the branches were black and dry, and there were no green leaves on the whole body. The facial expression at the trunk was dull and dead. It is more appropriate to say that it is a "zombie" that is an ancient tree of war than a tree of wisdom that understands walking.

Groon moved, throwing away all the plants and canes used for camouflage. The corners of his face that hadn't changed much before suddenly squeezed out a sneer, and at the next moment, Groon had stood up and the magic magic hand gun The double-headed snake appeared magically in the hand, and two "fire tongue demon bombs" made a beautiful trajectory toward the "war ancient zombie".

Any tree is afraid of fire, and the dead tree people who may have died are obviously no exception. The big open mouth seems to be roaring, but the people around can not hear anything.

The withered zombie tree figure is trying to dodge, but it is too late. How fast Goron's magic bullet is flying, like two winding red lightnings, which have hit the target as soon as they exploded. The flame rose from the body of the tree and began to spread at an alarming rate. The tall tree fell to the ground and screamed in pain. It struggled to roll in the mud and tried to extinguish it with damp mud. The flame of Goron, however, the fire of Goron ’s magic bullet is derived from the shaman ’s enhanced magic, and a little bit of Eastern divine power in Goron ’s body. Meaning, although the mud under the tree was overturned, but the flame was burning more and more prosperous. Seeing that this powerful "zombie tree man" didn't even have time to start a long story, he was about to be burnt into coke. At this moment, a turquoise blue light swept across the body of the zombie treeman. When the sudden light dimmed, even the blazing flames were instantly frozen. (To be continued.)